H1Z1 Professional   id:  9937963
Name H1Z1 Professional
Shorthandle H1Z1
Registered since 06/03/16
Headquarters  Germany
In H1Z1 tappen wir mehr als in CSGO! =)
marcello  and  RuffNec
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Latest matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 AIM Europe
wins   Diedreistenzwei  + 21 Friday, 14/04/17 12:16
wins   varel  + 23 Friday, 14/04/17 11:50
wins   frech!  + 33 Thursday, 13/04/17 13:51
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 Europe
wins   GeForce 1070  + 15 Thursday, 13/04/17 13:05
wins   lanstube  + 14 Friday, 07/04/17 18:53
loss   Why is this happens to me  -30 Saturday, 29/10/16 19:34
wins   FRESH  + 30 Friday, 23/09/16 18:30 1
wins   GOLYMIN.cs 2/2  + 15 Thursday, 22/09/16 18:18 1
loss   ATakieCiepluchy  -37 Friday, 25/03/16 17:24
wins   Mastry  + 11 Friday, 25/03/16 16:47