Main Members (1) Replay Archive (0) Awards (4) Rating History Rating LeiSuRe-eSports e.V. .- JKA back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] JK:JA Open Ladder 3on3+ Team Deathmatch Europe created from rating comment match 15.01.06 Hells Army Clan n1 leute Detail 15.12.05 Serenata.2on2 Detail 10.12.05 Number 2 is Dead Well played Detail 03.12.05 Number 2 is Dead great sportsmanship Detail 24.11.05 Alliance Of Knights IS INACTIVE Detail 13.11.05 Number 2 is Dead Detail 10.11.05 with Full Force Detail 08.11.05 Team isocron - JA Squad hat Spaß gemacht Detail 17.10.05 Ozone - The legends Detail 11.10.05 no Limits. TDM Detail 06.10.05 invisible-Fraggers War ein nice match ;) Detail 23.09.05 eClipse - BEst Detail 20.09.05 sfun squad Detail 15.09.05 Ironic.e-Sports JKA thx 4 match =D Detail 18.07.05 Eternity-Gamerz VGG :> neis gerne wieder :P Detail 14.07.05 roYality - Gaming JKA danke geiles match :) Detail 12.07.05 no Limits. TDM :x Detail 11.07.05 tribute to the DFA gf, echt gute Fighter Detail 07.07.05 starAiming.JKA Detail 27.06.05 Slaves of Force ayo ey yo warum nur ;_; WARUUUUUUUM Detail 26.06.05 Knights of Shadow - squad Detail 25.06.05 Team-aXiom JK Squad Detail 24.06.05 Alliance of Knights Detail 15.06.05 SiXty-N1NE Detail 14.06.05 3litism 3legance 3xcellence Detail 07.06.05 Team-aXiom JK Squad Detail 01.06.05 e-Sport-Energy JKA - TDM gg ^^ Detail 03.05.05 Team-aXiom JK Squad Detail 10.04.05 cless-Gaming halt -.- Detail 07.04.05 3litism 3legance 3xcellence Detail 28.03.05 with Full Force Detail 23.03.05 e-Sport-Energy JKA - TDM nett :) Detail 21.03.05 omO.Gen wp Detail 16.03.05 United-Forces.jk3 nice mice Detail 11.03.05 the HIGH council Detail 10.02.05 Academy of the Jedi Detail 09.02.05 Massive Knights Detail 07.02.05 Slaves of Force };> choud der depp XD Detail 06.02.05 with Full Force thx for... war echt nice Detail 02.02.05 Dark Lords' Order Detail 31.01.05 e-Sport-Energy JKA - TDM sehr netter war, sehr nette Gegner, imer wieder gern :) Detail 28.01.05 GermanRedEyedDragons Detail 19.01.05 A Tribute To Saber Legends Detail 15.01.05 OxYg3n Detail 02.01.05 United-Forces.jk3 gg ;b Detail 28.12.04 Lethal Sabers Organization Klasse Gegner, SEHR nett Detail 21.12.04 A Tribute To Saber Legends Detail 18.12.04 Slaves of Force jo jo offiziell wars n nice war :/ Detail