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Go4RocketLeague North America Cup #67
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22.01.17 Happy Tree Friends Detail
22.01.17 Treforce Detail
22.01.17 Make !t Drizzle Detail

Rocket League (PC/PS4) Plantronics Cup #8 North America
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14.11.16 The Magicianz Detail
14.11.16 Underseas Cheese Detail
14.11.16 Kinematics Detail
14.11.16 FireHelix Gaming Detail
14.11.16 Rocket Fusion Detail

Rocket League (PC/PS4) Plantronics Cup #6 North America
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31.10.16 Cloud9 RL Detail
31.10.16 Kings of Urban Detail
31.10.16 Take 4 Detail
31.10.16 Freeplay Mains Detail
30.10.16 H8er T8er Detail

Rocket League (PC/PS4) Plantronics Cup #5 North America
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24.10.16 Kings of Urban Detail
24.10.16 Hecho En Mexico Detail
24.10.16 The Richmond Rocketeers Detail

Go4RocketLeague North America Monthly Final June 2016
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16.07.16 Take 4 Detail
16.07.16 Goomba Squad Detail

Go4RocketLeague North America Cup #44
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27.06.16 Momentum Detail
27.06.16 im6ued Detail
26.06.16 Calculated. Detail
26.06.16 Express Great group of guys! Detail

Go4RocketLeague North America Cup #43
created from rating comment match
20.06.16 Goomba Squad Detail
20.06.16 October Sky Detail
20.06.16 Ethereal.RL Detail
19.06.16 Pond Scum Detail
19.06.16 DerpSquad Detail
19.06.16 Lucky Bounce Detail
19.06.16 JUICED! Detail