Rating Socks & Sandals 

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Black Squad 5on5 Opening Cup Europe
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30.06.18 Xtreme Masters Detail

Paladins 5on5 Magistrate Cup #11 Europe
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31.05.18 IronSwarm Gaming Detail

Paladins 5on5 Magistrate Cup #7 Europe
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03.05.18 Equality Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #39
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15.02.18 Exalty Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #38
created from rating comment match
09.02.18 Team CryptiK Detail
08.02.18 GhostBusters! Detail
08.02.18 MadHouse Detail
08.02.18 Exotic Gaming Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #38
created from rating comment match
08.02.18 Team CryptiK Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #37
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01.02.18 CyberPunks Detail

Go4Paladins Europe January 2018 Finals
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25.01.18 Blazing Hussars Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #36
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18.01.18 Broken Roses Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #34
created from rating comment match
21.12.17 SoothSayers Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #32
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07.12.17 Blazing Hussars Detail
07.12.17 TeamPlasma Detail

Go4Paladins Europe November 2017 Finals
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30.11.17 GankStars Paladins Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #31
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23.11.17 FlashPoint Esports Detail
23.11.17 Equality Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #30
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16.11.17 775 SQUAD Detail
16.11.17 work in progress Detail
16.11.17 GhostBusters! Detail
16.11.17 Ściek Esports Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #29
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09.11.17 Grohkodile Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #28
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02.11.17 Blazing Hussars Detail
02.11.17 FiascoBros Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #27
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19.10.17 Grohkodile Detail
19.10.17 TeamPlasma Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #26
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12.10.17 Blazing Hussars Detail
12.10.17 TeamPlasma Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #25
created from rating comment match
05.10.17 GankStars Paladins Detail
05.10.17 TeamPlasma Detail

Go4Paladins Europe September 2017 Finals
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28.09.17 Team Viral Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #24
created from rating comment match
21.09.17 Grohkodile Detail
21.09.17 Qu'Ro Gaming Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #23
created from rating comment match
14.09.17 Team CryptiK Detail
14.09.17 Na'Vi.G2A Detail
14.09.17 LionStorM Detail
14.09.17 Grohkodile Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #21
created from rating comment match
24.08.17 Team CryptiK Detail
24.08.17 Virtus.Pro G2A Paladins Detail
24.08.17 Grohkodile Detail
24.08.17 Game Grover Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #20
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17.08.17 FlashPoint Esports Detail

Go4Paladins Europe July 2017 Finals
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27.07.17 Team CryptiK Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #16
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13.07.17 work in progress Detail
13.07.17 GGEZ Detail
13.07.17 CyberPunks Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #15
created from rating comment match
06.07.17 mousesports Detail
06.07.17 Noctis eSports Detail

Go4Paladins Europe June 2017 Finals
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29.06.17 FNATIC Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #14
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22.06.17 Na'Vi.G2A Detail
22.06.17 Xenoverse Detail
22.06.17 Mean killerz Detail

Paladins 5on5 Open Ladder Europe
created from rating comment match
19.06.17 Mean killerz Detail
09.04.17 TIKI eSports · Paladins Detail
04.04.17 QAZWSX Detail
27.03.17 775 SQUAD Detail
17.03.17 Synergy Squad eSports Detail
15.03.17 Razen Esport Detail
17.02.17 ThaiMing Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #13
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15.06.17 Virtus.Pro G2A Paladins Detail
15.06.17 VooDoo Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #12
created from rating comment match
08.06.17 mousesports Detail
08.06.17 CyberPunks Detail
08.06.17 Owl Gaming Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #10
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Go4Paladins Europe Cup #9
created from rating comment match
11.05.17 exmooses Detail
11.05.17 RealAmigos Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #8
created from rating comment match
04.05.17 Boneless Pizza Detail
04.05.17 CorpsMad Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #7
created from rating comment match
20.04.17 Rönesans Paladins Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #6
created from rating comment match
13.04.17 WLG Paladins Detail
13.04.17 DynasTy Dragons Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #5
created from rating comment match
06.04.17 Hydra Detail
06.04.17 ERZGamers Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #4
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23.03.17 Tnaidar Esports Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #3
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16.03.17 Razen Esport Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #2
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09.03.17 The Illusions Detail

Go4Paladins Europe Cup #1
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02.03.17 Virtus.Pro G2A Paladins Detail

Paladins Beta: Rise of the Champions #41 Europe
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23.02.17 Yupi Detail

Paladins Beta: Rise of the Champions #40 Winter Season Europe 2017
created from rating comment match
16.02.17 zaklad Karny.Paladins Detail
16.02.17 Crown GG Detail

Paladins Beta: Rise of the Champions #39 Winter Season Europe 2017
created from rating comment match
09.02.17 Vexed Gaming Detail

Paladins Beta: Rise of the Champions #38 Winter Season Europe 2017
created from rating comment match
02.02.17 Quick Game Detail

Paladins Beta: Rise of the Champions #37 Winter Season Europe 2017
created from rating comment match
26.01.17 mousesports Detail
26.01.17 Team Viper Detail

Paladins Beta: Rise of the Champions #36 Europe
created from rating comment match
20.01.17 exmooses Detail
20.01.17 The Art of Warfare EU Detail

Paladins Beta: Rise of the Champions #34 Europe
created from rating comment match
06.01.17 Vexed Gaming Detail

Paladins Beta: Rise of the Champions #33 Europe
created from rating comment match
30.12.16 Virtus.Pro G2A Paladins Detail