Rating GP.2v2 

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Counter-Strike 2on2 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.02.06 rezolutioN 2vs2 Detail
27.01.06 RevZ - kDj gg Detail
22.01.06 oversize 2on2 gg :D Detail
18.01.06 espagne.gaming Detail
15.01.06 sv_skill 0 Detail
14.01.06 1 ou 2 Detail
06.01.06 diAmOnd - 2x2 Detail
01.01.06 team6 Detail
25.12.05 NoSkill.38.2v2 Detail
18.12.05 FarmeRs-clan 2v2 Detail
17.12.05 Advanced Level Detail
17.12.05 impuLse Gaming 2v2 Detail
07.12.05 TrEz-2 fair play on Detail
03.12.05 Moulz 2on2 Detail
30.11.05 Team BouLeTTe Detail
23.11.05 NeTworK Detail
20.11.05 World Industries GG Detail
18.11.05 Clowned Detail
16.11.05 Lipstic gg Detail
15.11.05 Chez Pas Koi Detail
12.11.05 Madjack - Tikiks Detail
10.10.05 Ouep Detail
11.09.05 cfg Detail
20.08.05 F4ke Lev3L tres tres louche ms bon gg kan mm Detail
27.07.05 ile aux geeks sympas pas de probleme Detail
12.07.05 Pokemon 2vs2 Detail
30.06.05 SpAdS Detail
30.05.05 Drop The Pressure Detail
23.05.05 w33d Ne jouez sur leur serveur: SERVEUR DE MERDE !!!!!!!! Si on a jouer sur le votre c\'est par respect..... Detail
23.05.05 sensitive-gaming 2on2 Detail
13.05.05 S4rL 2on2 Detail
06.05.05 Love Dmg le bind gravity Detail
05.05.05 NeTsoVieL Detail
04.05.05 NemesiS - B Match dans les règles, parfait rien a dire. Detail
14.04.05 PORC plantages Detail
25.03.05 vss Detail
11.03.05 Ghjuventu.cfnet Detail
26.02.05 only Net player 2v2 bon match équilibré Detail
25.02.05 GiGn 2v2 Detail
22.02.05 GG nous Equipe tres simpa et bonne chance à eux!! Detail
22.02.05 nug 2v2 Detail
21.02.05 Volvic.2vs2 Detail
20.02.05 lostownage - pink and xe Detail
16.02.05 team electronic arts 2v2 Detail
15.02.05 crousTibat 2on2 Detail
14.02.05 NeFasT lol g juste entendu un pti tg mais bon rien de grav gg :) + Detail
13.02.05 aS.Gaming Detail
13.02.05 Pbz Dual Squad Detail
13.02.05 GrqvitY Detail
12.02.05 Mistikal Killer Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR12 Spring Cup 2005
created from rating comment match
17.03.05 cu Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
10.02.05 r0y4L_fL4sh gg !!! nice war !!! Detail