Rating ExA Phoenix 

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ESL Vodafone Championship Winter 2018 R6 (PC) Serie A
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23.10.18 EnD Gaming R6 EVC Detail
16.10.18 Outplayed Detail

Rainbow Six Siege (PC) EIC Summer Season 2018 Serie B Italy
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29.07.18 ExAequo Requiem Detail
09.07.18 GameZone Exodus Detail
28.06.18 ArmataSquad Detail
25.06.18 HSL Esports Detail
15.06.18 Rylex Detail
05.06.18 ExAequo INFINITY Detail
29.05.18 TSI - N4m3L3ss Detail
28.05.18 EMME GAMING Detail
20.05.18 IGP - Titan Detail
14.05.18 EMME GAMING A.S.D. Detail
10.05.18 BULLS Sport Detail
08.05.18 IGP - Titan Detail
06.05.18 Infamous E-sports Detail
23.04.18 TSI-Quantum Detail
18.04.18 TGS Wyverns Detail
17.04.18 Hounds of Hell R6 Detail
15.04.18 Easy Five Detail
15.04.18 EMME GAMING A.S.D. Detail
15.04.18 IGP - Titan Detail
13.04.18 Hard Karma Revenge Detail
12.04.18 Hounds of Hell R6 Detail
12.04.18 Ryle alpha Detail
11.04.18 ExAequo WhiteTigers Detail
10.04.18 ExAequo Requiem Detail
09.04.18 IGP - ColossuS Academy Detail

Rainbow Six Siege (PC) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
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03.07.18 Arctic Gaming Detail
18.03.18 Vuptrox.R6S - Academy Detail
18.03.18 Galatics Esports Club.R6 Detail
12.03.18 NINE eSports R6 Detail
04.03.18 Genesys Sports Detail
04.03.18 SRT Detail
01.03.18 Ox LumberJack .Ladder Detail
28.02.18 HAMMER Detail
28.02.18 REKR Detail
25.02.18 overDose Detail
25.02.18 BAT E-SPORTS R6S Main Detail
25.02.18 3 Sided eSports Detail
24.02.18 GoSkilla Detail
22.02.18 Orks Esports R6S Detail
21.02.18 Leviathan Detail
04.02.18 IGP - Titan Detail
21.01.18 Hard Karma Revenge Detail
18.01.18 Spartan Noctua Detail
17.01.18 ViraL CaLypSo Detail
11.01.18 Trinity eSports Detail
10.01.18 AddicT eSport - R6S Detail
04.01.18 Improve your derank.-.-. GG Detail
04.12.17 B30 Detail
03.12.17 FEV - Globus Detail
28.11.17 IGP - Titan Detail
26.11.17 Watchin' You Detail
13.11.17 End of Evil Detail
16.10.17 Chill Gaming Detail
11.10.17 SiC-Clan Detail
11.10.17 PhantomStarGG.R6 Detail
10.10.17 Improve your derank.-.-. Detail
08.10.17 iDomina eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #31
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19.05.18 CybergroundGaming.Go4 Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #30
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12.05.18 Ryle Alpha Detail
12.05.18 Viral Absolute Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Finale Marzo 2018
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06.04.18 Cyberground Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #24
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31.03.18 IGP - Behemoth . EIC Detail
31.03.18 Atoms Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #23
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26.03.18 Easy Five Detail
24.03.18 iDomina eSports Detail
24.03.18 IGP - Titan Detail
24.03.18 Phantom Eagles Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #22
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20.03.18 ExAequo Quantix Detail
17.03.18 Buonanotte Detail
17.03.18 Reservoir.Dogs Detail
17.03.18 Genesys Sports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #208 Europe
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14.03.18 TickTrickTrack Detail
14.03.18 R6 Friends Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #109
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11.03.18 Genesys Sports Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #21
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10.03.18 IGP - Titan Detail
10.03.18 SpeCtre Detail
10.03.18 GameZone Exodus Detail

EIC R6 Summer Season 2018 Qualifier #2
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03.03.18 Cyberground Gaming Detail
03.03.18 Globus Silent Wolves Detail
03.03.18 Viral Absolute Detail
03.03.18 Manguste E-Sports A.S.D Detail

EIC R6 Summer Season 2018 Qualifier #1
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02.03.18 iDomina eSports Detail
02.03.18 FireFighters Detail
02.03.18 HipFire Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #20
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17.02.18 Easy Five Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #18
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06.02.18 ExAequo Quantix Detail
03.02.18 Nerd Division Detail
03.02.18 In Memory of GameZone Majestic Detail
03.02.18 Copper4444ever Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #103
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28.01.18 eMpathy esports R6S Detail
28.01.18 CoMTyps.Alpha Detail
28.01.18 AX GAMERS Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #184 Europe
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13.12.17 Evox Detail
13.12.17 Wild Sky ESports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #182 Europe
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06.12.17 Prometheus Esports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #180 Europe
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29.11.17 Viking Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #174 Europe
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08.11.17 ECORP R6 Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #167 Europe
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14.10.17 orKs eSports Detail
14.10.17 DE-Sports Detail
14.10.17 Gladiators E-sports Detail