Rating Die - Werkzeugkiste .Main Team

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R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #347 Europe
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11.01.20 SicarioKidz Detail
11.01.20 Team Scopez Detail
11.01.20 Bajnokhs of Brendon Detail
11.01.20 python91-esport Detail
11.01.20 Team Solid by enV Detail
11.01.20 Tygrysolololo E-sport Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #304 Europe
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18.09.19 ExOTiiC-Esports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #220 Europe
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25.04.18 Toxicy Detail
25.04.18 DEADDIVER e-Sports .Mixed Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #40
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12.11.17 Rich Gang Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) PlayStation Masters Season 2 Qualifier #1 Germany
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11.11.17 Back to the Roots Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #71 Europe
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08.11.17 ProtestGG.Go4 Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #39
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05.11.17 Mixte Go4 Detail
05.11.17 jkGang Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #69 Europe
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02.11.17 XPLiCitZ TeaM Detail
01.11.17 Eliteaffen Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Halloween Cup 2017 Europe
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31.10.17 Complete Beastly KillerZz GG Detail
31.10.17 HungaryGo4R6Tactical Detail
31.10.17 TcG Tactical Commando Group Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #67 Europe
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25.10.17 Orbital Gaming Detail
25.10.17 Wilders Detail
25.10.17 AuraGamingEU Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 PSL Herbst Cup Playoffs Germany
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24.10.17 Variety eSport Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #36
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15.10.17 Badbeat Detail
15.10.17 GermanFunSquad Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 PSL Herbst Cup Qualifier #3 Germany
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10.10.17 DDoS e-Sports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #35
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08.10.17 Escuadrón GARIAT Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #61 Europe
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04.10.17 Veni Vidi Vici Detail
04.10.17 Sixthsense Utopy Detail
04.10.17 #1 is Unganda Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 PSL Herbst Cup Qualifier #2 Germany
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03.10.17 Team HiFive Detail
03.10.17 Here4BeerSquad Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #34
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01.10.17 LEGENDZ eSports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 PSL Herbst Cup Qualifier #1 Germany
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26.09.17 Angry Kids Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #33
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24.09.17 GO4 Mix FR Detail
24.09.17 U.K.Tactical eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #32
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17.09.17 Wanted eLogic Detail
17.09.17 Krawallbrüder8 Detail
17.09.17 SLAVGENT Detail
17.09.17 Fistality Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #55 Europe
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13.09.17 VCIO Detail
13.09.17 DRKE_eXtreme Ghost Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 PSL Community Cup #7 Germany
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12.09.17 Variety eSport Detail
12.09.17 Remastered.gg Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #31
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10.09.17 1UPeSport.GAIMX Detail
10.09.17 NewEraGaming.TPM Detail
10.09.17 PAAR GAMING Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #53 Europe
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07.09.17 Old Farts Detail
07.09.17 Clutch3d Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #30
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03.09.17 Spyce Gaming Detail
03.09.17 GriM Sports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #29
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27.08.17 ODA.OG Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 All Stars Tournament Night Tactical Realism (N.T.R.) #4 2017 Europe
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23.08.17 KaoS eSports Detail
23.08.17 HunDragonS Detail
23.08.17 FOXTROT eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #28
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20.08.17 Team.EXCEL Detail
20.08.17 Amk.eSportS Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 PSL Community Cup #5 Germany
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17.08.17 CytroniX Detail

ESL R6 (PS4) ML - Y2S2 Europe - Open Qualifier #2
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13.08.17 GermanChaosRevolution Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #25
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30.07.17 Claw.eSports (EU) Detail
30.07.17 nexus impr Detail
30.07.17 Excite Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #48 Europe
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26.07.17 New Society Detail
26.07.17 CH_38 Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #24
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23.07.17 WhiteTigerZ Detail
23.07.17 DeusX Gaming Detail
23.07.17 Purple QualitY Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #47
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22.07.17 WhiteTigerZ Detail
22.07.17 Copper4Life Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 PSL Community Cup #3 Germany
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20.07.17 DeusX Gaming Detail
20.07.17 Don't CRY.MarotiGaming B Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #46
created from rating comment match
20.07.17 CytroniX Detail
19.07.17 TeamA eSports had to back out problem came out they get automatic win Detail
19.07.17 Silex eSports FUN Detail
19.07.17 Team CAPA Detail
19.07.17 Leeway eSports ps4 Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #23
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16.07.17 Power Puff Pinguins Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #44
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12.07.17 LEGENDZ eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #22
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09.07.17 APS Zu gute Gegner Detail
09.07.17 Manguste Esports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) PlayStation Masters Season 1 Qualifier #2
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06.07.17 Krawallbrüder8 Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #21
created from rating comment match
02.07.17 Old Farts Detail
02.07.17 Phoenix_Spain Detail
02.07.17 Team RAiD Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) PlayStation Masters Season 1 Qualifier #1
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29.06.17 The Chosen Few Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2017 Europe #40
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28.06.17 Judgement Detail