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Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #163
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09.09.18 GlooGloo Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #162
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02.09.18 WA1 eSports [MFT] Detail
02.09.18 Ball Chasers Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #161
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26.08.18 BOOSTED Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #160
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19.08.18 Lowkey Detail
19.08.18 Team Phyton Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #158
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05.08.18 mCon esports Detail
05.08.18 A Good Community 2.0 Detail
05.08.18 Causing Panic Detail
05.08.18 Esl Today Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #156
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22.07.18 Indinatyre Detail
22.07.18 Scavenge eSports Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #153
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01.07.18 mCon esports Detail
01.07.18 Skruvat eSports Detail
01.07.18 PowerRangers Detail
01.07.18 Final-Gaming Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #150
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10.06.18 Team Celestial Detail
10.06.18 NOS eSports 2 Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #149
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03.06.18 [Energy] Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #147
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20.05.18 x6tence Detail
20.05.18 YEETERS Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #146
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13.05.18 Quiet Story Detail
13.05.18 Aurales Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #145
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06.05.18 Nexics Detail
06.05.18 Airborne Serenity Detail
06.05.18 Krokieterzy Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #140
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01.04.18 asPire eSports Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #136
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04.03.18 Team Paradise Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #135
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25.02.18 Piff the magic Dragon Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #134
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18.02.18 Close one! Detail
18.02.18 HYPE Esports Detail
18.02.18 Vitire eSport Detail
18.02.18 Team Solis United 2 Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #133
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11.02.18 Blitzers Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #132
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04.02.18 Electronik Generation Pro Detail
04.02.18 Just For Fun Detail
04.02.18 Random Plebs Detail
04.02.18 Rush Detail
04.02.18 MaaTooRee Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #129
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14.01.18 VSM Detail
14.01.18 DriKö Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #128
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07.01.18 Team Vertex PC Detail
07.01.18 upside down Detail

Rocket League (PC/PS4) Plantronics EU Cup Series 3on3 Cup Finals Europe
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20.12.17 SMOOTH Detail
20.12.17 Tiki Taka Detail

Rocket League (PC/PS4) Plantronics EU Cup Series 3on3 Cup #4 Europe
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13.12.17 Als ob Detail
13.12.17 Looking4Team Detail
13.12.17 Kaos Inc. Detail
13.12.17 Rocket Raiders Detail
13.12.17 The lost Pepes Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #123
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03.12.17 SüperNova Detail
03.12.17 Mystic Esports Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #121
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19.11.17 Red Reserve Detail
19.11.17 1UPeSport.Blue Detail
19.11.17 The Bricks Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #120
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12.11.17 SooKah Detail
12.11.17 Mighty P!xels RL Auswahl Detail
12.11.17 Looking for One Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #119
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05.11.17 Red Reserve Detail
05.11.17 Destiny Randoms Detail
05.11.17 Pure Luck Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #118
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29.10.17 SYTHE eSports Detail
29.10.17 NO MERCY Detail
29.10.17 Solar Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #117
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22.10.17 Defusekids Detail
22.10.17 Handicap Detail
22.10.17 hehexd Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #116
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15.10.17 Manteca_FC Detail
15.10.17 DreamEaters Detail
15.10.17 Turnz Detail
15.10.17 LanZz Gaming Academy Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #115
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08.10.17 L4K eSports Rocket League Detail
08.10.17 Pegasus Detail
08.10.17 Lucky Dreams Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #114
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01.10.17 6ix Tadpoles in a Supraa Detail
01.10.17 Just For Fun Detail
01.10.17 Whaleforce Detail
01.10.17 Destiny - dO yOu KnOw ThE wAy Detail
01.10.17 Xanders Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #113
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24.09.17 Loading title... Detail
24.09.17 Randomize Detail
24.09.17 Tiny Meat Gang Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #112
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17.09.17 Route 66 Detail
17.09.17 Gimme a break T3 Detail
17.09.17 Hornet's Turtles Detail
17.09.17 Niggi eSports Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #111
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10.09.17 Pirates Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #110
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03.09.17 The league of bananas Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #109
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27.08.17 Popcorn Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #108
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20.08.17 Siiiick! Detail
20.08.17 bigtown boys Detail
20.08.17 Mark's Pancakes Detail
20.08.17 FireWall Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #107
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13.08.17 Full yolo and pray Detail
13.08.17 Teammello Detail
13.08.17 The Cupcake Women Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #106
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06.08.17 Get-Gaming Detail
06.08.17 Teammello Detail
06.08.17 Manteca_FC Detail
06.08.17 Probably Bad internet Detail
06.08.17 Fahrende Behinderung United Detail