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Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Open Cup #63 Europe
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02.08.19 International Army Detail
02.08.19 WayToHell Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #35 Europe
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21.01.19 Maślaki Detail
21.01.19 Team Realize Detail
21.01.19 AMB1TION Detail
21.01.19 SLAYERS Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #73 Europe
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19.01.19 NETopery Detail
19.01.19 TwiceTeam Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #34 Europe
created from rating comment match
14.01.19 TwiceTeam Detail
14.01.19 Spriggan 3 Detail
14.01.19 Team Bosphorus Detail
14.01.19 KUPROS-ELLADA Detail
14.01.19 EazzyTeam2 Detail

Go4Zula Europe Cup #33
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13.01.19 EazzyTeam Detail
13.01.19 Panic! At The Disco Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #72 Europe
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12.01.19 powolidoprzodu Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #33 Europe
created from rating comment match
07.01.19 WaTaFooK-eSports Detail
07.01.19 Wild-Animals Detail
07.01.19 Kerujemy Gerki Detail
07.01.19 L3g3nd clan FOARTE BINE Detail
07.01.19 Tactical e-sport Detail

Go4Zula Europe Cup #32
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06.01.19 5P Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #71 Europe
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05.01.19 virtuE Detail

Go4Zula Europe Cup #31
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30.12.18 PRIDE Detail
30.12.18 Spastensquad Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #70 Europe
created from rating comment match
29.12.18 NETopery Detail
29.12.18 Werewolves Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #69 Europe
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22.12.18 LightWood Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #31 Europe
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17.12.18 CantSeeus Detail

Go4Zula Europe Cup #29
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16.12.18 Maślaki Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #68 Europe
created from rating comment match
15.12.18 Wild-Animals Detail
15.12.18 virtuE Detail
15.12.18 amigos Detail

Go4Zula Europe Cup #28
created from rating comment match
09.12.18 n1{FantasticFive} Detail
09.12.18 TeamDUZ Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #67 Europe
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08.12.18 NETopery Detail

Go4Zula Europe Cup #27
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02.12.18 5P Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #66 Europe
created from rating comment match
01.12.18 NETopery Detail
01.12.18 SPANISH-WARRIORS Detail
01.12.18 REDClasS'ESPORTS Detail
01.12.18 LevelUP Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #65 Europe
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24.11.18 RevenantEsports Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #27 Europe
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20.11.18 Team Realize Detail
20.11.18 Infested Detail
20.11.18 Cantseeus Detail
20.11.18 /_(ツ)_/ Detail
20.11.18 STZ Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #69 Europe
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08.11.18 Turtles All the Way Down Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #62 Europe
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03.11.18 haHAA Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #68 Europe
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01.11.18 JiTeM Detail
01.11.18 Unknowns Detail
01.11.18 the Big Three Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #61 Europe
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27.10.18 Team LanEx Detail
27.10.18 ByaKuGaN Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #67 Europe
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25.10.18 In memory of mortal!ty Detail
25.10.18 JiTeM 3v33 Detail
25.10.18 FluX eSport Detail
25.10.18 GG'Team Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #23 Europe
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22.10.18 virtuE Detail
22.10.18 BlackBears Detail
22.10.18 n1{FantasticFive} Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #66 Europe
created from rating comment match
18.10.18 Infested Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #22 Europe
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15.10.18 Secret Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #59 Europe
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13.10.18 GADS Detail
13.10.18 VİYARE eSports Detail
13.10.18 Falcon Team Detail
13.10.18 AnunnakiTeam Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #21 Europe
created from rating comment match
08.10.18 eX Team GG! Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #58 Europe
created from rating comment match
06.10.18 ForTheWinZula Detail
06.10.18 MadSlavS Detail
06.10.18 Karasuno Esports Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #64 Europe
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04.10.18 MatchBox Detail
04.10.18 AdaletNamluda Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #20 Europe
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01.10.18 n1{FantasticFive} Detail
01.10.18 ZulaSpain Detail
01.10.18 BioHazard Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #57 Europe
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29.09.18 IQ e-Sports Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #63 Europe
created from rating comment match
27.09.18 Pistache Detail
27.09.18 BALKANIKA Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #19 Europe
created from rating comment match
24.09.18 virtuE Detail
24.09.18 GoToLegend Detail
24.09.18 SAVAGES Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #56 Europe
created from rating comment match
22.09.18 AnunnakiTeam Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #18 Europe
created from rating comment match
17.09.18 ForTheWinZula Detail
17.09.18 Gaming Player Detail
17.09.18 SivatagiRohamCsigák Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #61 Europe
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13.09.18 TwiceTeam Detail
13.09.18 OH BM!! :D Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #54 Europe
created from rating comment match
08.09.18 IQ e-Sports Detail
08.09.18 Werewolves Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #60 Europe
created from rating comment match
06.09.18 weArebAck Detail
06.09.18 UltraSSquaD Detail
06.09.18 GalacticEmpire Detail

Go4Zula International Cup Series EU North East #09
created from rating comment match
02.09.18 PRIDE Detail
02.09.18 Panteri Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #53 Europe
created from rating comment match
01.09.18 - Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #59 Europe
created from rating comment match
30.08.18 PRIDE Detail
30.08.18 Belmuzi Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #15 Europe
created from rating comment match
27.08.18 PRIDE Detail
27.08.18 BAL Detail
27.08.18 UltraSSquaD Detail
27.08.18 Wave-eSport Detail
27.08.18 Taurus E'sport Academy Detail

Go4Zula International Cup Series EU North East #08
created from rating comment match
26.08.18 Magovi Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #52 Europe
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25.08.18 KLYVerino Detail
25.08.18 VİYARE eSports Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #58 Europe
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23.08.18 SpaceCats 3x3 Detail

Go4Zula International Cup Series EU North East #07
created from rating comment match
19.08.18 Ad Astra Detail
19.08.18 PRIDE Detail
19.08.18 Panteri Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #13 Europe
created from rating comment match
13.08.18 VİYARE eSports Detail

Go4Zula International Cup Series EU North East #06
created from rating comment match
12.08.18 PRIDE Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #50 Europe
created from rating comment match
11.08.18 YILDIZ TEŞKİLATI Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #56 Europe
created from rating comment match
09.08.18 Dzikie Wonsze Detail
09.08.18 SpaceCats e-Sports Detail
09.08.18 MatteoHS Detail
09.08.18 BlackDeathX Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #12 Europe
created from rating comment match
06.08.18 PRIDE Detail

Go4Zula International Cup Series EU North East #05
created from rating comment match
05.08.18 RedBullZ-eSports Detail
05.08.18 AMB1TION Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #49 Europe
created from rating comment match
04.08.18 El_Cartel Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #55 Europe
created from rating comment match
02.08.18 Anger II Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #11 Europe
created from rating comment match
30.07.18 PRIDE Detail
30.07.18 Resistance eSports Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #54 Europe
created from rating comment match
26.07.18 Infinite eSports.ZULA Detail
26.07.18 ArmageddonS Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #10 Europe
created from rating comment match
23.07.18 IQ'ünmü? Detail
23.07.18 TurkBeyleri Detail
23.07.18 Eski Beyler Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Sabotage Cup #47 Europe
created from rating comment match
21.07.18 - Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #53 Europe
created from rating comment match
19.07.18 Wextions Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #9 Europe
created from rating comment match
16.07.18 Young*Wolf Detail
16.07.18 Easy Company Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Elimination Cup #52 Europe
created from rating comment match
12.07.18 Infested Detail
12.07.18 Viyare E-SPORT Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #8 Europe
created from rating comment match
09.07.18 SpaceCats e-Sports Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Sabotage Cup #7 Europe
created from rating comment match
02.07.18 Senpai-chan Detail
02.07.18 #BLoW# Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #37 Europe
created from rating comment match
12.05.18 NETopery Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #43 Europe
created from rating comment match
10.05.18 R Team! Detail
10.05.18 AdaletNamluda#ESL Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #36 Europe
created from rating comment match
05.05.18 inFLAME eSports Detail
05.05.18 wLteam Detail
05.05.18 Turkish AllStarS Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #42 Europe
created from rating comment match
03.05.18 Sasssy Detail
03.05.18 FragMafia Gaming #2 Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #35 Europe
created from rating comment match
28.04.18 SpaceCats e-Sports Detail
28.04.18 Thunder Predators Detail
28.04.18 StealthKillers[EU] Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #41 Europe
created from rating comment match
26.04.18 Eѕcαpe Detail
26.04.18 FragMafia Gaming #2 Detail
26.04.18 InVisioN Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #34 Europe
created from rating comment match
21.04.18 inFLAME eSports Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #40 Europe
created from rating comment match
19.04.18 MYSTERY #3vs3 Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #33 Europe
created from rating comment match
14.04.18 Raven Clan Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #39 Europe
created from rating comment match
12.04.18 KLYV Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #32 Europe
created from rating comment match
07.04.18 Team LanEx Detail
07.04.18 -Simple- Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #38 Europe
created from rating comment match
05.04.18 Infinite eSports Detail
05.04.18 TopGun Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #31 Europe
created from rating comment match
31.03.18 ARBiH Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #37 Europe
created from rating comment match
29.03.18 ThinkTwice Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #30 Europe
created from rating comment match
24.03.18 69Gang Detail
24.03.18 GRaMeRS Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #36 Europe
created from rating comment match
22.03.18 G2PL Detail
22.03.18 xVVVx Detail

Zula (PC) 5on5 Community Cup #29 Europe
created from rating comment match
17.03.18 TEAMAqua Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #35 Europe
created from rating comment match
15.03.18 AG TEAM Detail
15.03.18 HATELOVE Detail
15.03.18 Fentry.Zula Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #34 Europe
created from rating comment match
08.03.18 Infinite eSports Detail
08.03.18 Young5 Detail

Zula (PC) 3on3 Community Cup #33 Europe
created from rating comment match
01.03.18 69Gang Detail
01.03.18 ULTRAS 'boys gg Detail