Rating Bulli Esports 

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Rainbow Six Siege (PS4) Open Ladder 5on5 Italy
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10.06.19 FLAWLESS Detail
10.06.19 ŽĘܧ eSports Detail
05.06.19 Team eQuality Detail
05.06.19 Ryze Esports Detail
04.06.19 Hyper. Detail
30.05.19 Ludix Detail
29.05.19 FLAWLESS Detail
27.05.19 Eagles Detail
22.05.19 noName Detail
21.05.19 Supremy Essence Detail
20.05.19 FC Gaming G.A. Detail
16.05.19 BlackShark eSports Detail
03.09.18 Di4boLiK eSports Detail
31.08.18 Doctors.DisTRupT Detail
30.08.18 Angry Bats Esports Detail
28.08.18 BlaCk eSpOrTs Detail
27.08.18 Astronomy Obscurity Detail
20.08.18 WhiteNova E-Sport Detail
16.08.18 FC Gaming G.A. Detail
16.08.18 The dragons Detail
14.08.18 Astronomy Obscurity Detail
06.08.18 Supremacy Detail
03.08.18 NovaReflex_jac Detail
01.08.18 RaVe. Detail
26.07.18 Angry Bats Esports Detail
25.07.18 RaVe. Detail
24.07.18 SkilL3rs EsPorts Detail
23.07.18 PhantoM.Software Detail
19.07.18 FeNiK.JaC Detail
18.07.18 iViiZion_Clan Detail
17.07.18 PRIMAL_ESPORTS Detail
16.07.18 AGE Detail
10.07.18 KronosGaming Es Detail
26.06.18 SkilL3rs EsPorts Detail
26.06.18 NoVa.GG Detail
25.06.18 Supremacy Detail
19.06.18 Dk_clan Detail
03.06.18 F.I.O.R.E CLAN Detail
12.04.18 Team FearLess Detail
08.04.18 Thunder-Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #122
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09.06.19 Team Revenge Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #92
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01.06.19 VitrA.eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #91
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25.05.19 HellDogs.DNG Detail
25.05.19 Humble Team Detail
25.05.19 Astro Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #90
created from rating comment match
11.05.19 Ludix Detail
11.05.19 Italian Noobs Detail
11.05.19 xBØT_eSports Detail
11.05.19 Assassin-Esports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #116
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28.04.19 M0st Wanted Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #88
created from rating comment match
27.04.19 Random team.GG Detail
27.04.19 DeliRiuM LizeRa Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #87
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20.04.19 inactive. Detail
20.04.19 AzzurRom Detail
20.04.19 Eternity.GG Detail
20.04.19 profumodisbobba Detail
20.04.19 SOULS Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #86
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13.04.19 Team Viral Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #85
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06.04.19 Gz-MerCurY Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #84
created from rating comment match
23.03.19 Outplayed Fatality Detail
23.03.19 ATmG Detail
23.03.19 OhhMyTeaM Detail
23.03.19 Regardless Glory TV Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #83
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16.03.19 FCG-Ghost Army Omega Detail
16.03.19 BloodySnakes Clan Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #70
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24.11.18 Team Hound Detail
24.11.18 OnlyNoob Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #93
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18.11.18 Top Fraggers Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #69
created from rating comment match
17.11.18 Rip Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #62
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15.09.18 Arabs gang Detail
15.09.18 NovaReflex_jac Detail
15.09.18 Fir3 EmBer Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 3on3 Secure Area Com Cup #162 Europe
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03.09.18 PRO-vX - 3vs3 - Team 1 Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #82
created from rating comment match
02.09.18 Look At Me! Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #60
created from rating comment match
01.09.18 PhantoM.Software Detail
01.09.18 PrototypeFour Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #59
created from rating comment match
25.08.18 Flawless eSports Detail
25.08.18 GT1 eSports Detail
25.08.18 SpartanLegion Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #80
created from rating comment match
19.08.18 eSportS inVeRsE Detail
19.08.18 TripleX_Sports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #57
created from rating comment match
04.08.18 5 Little FoXes Detail
04.08.18 CYRIX.eSports Detail
04.08.18 NewNexus Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #77
created from rating comment match
29.07.18 Fusion6 Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #56
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28.07.18 Uagna Élite Detail
28.07.18 VoRt3x Esports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #76
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22.07.18 Space Valley Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #55
created from rating comment match
21.07.18 RaVe. Detail
21.07.18 TiTan..eSports Detail
21.07.18 Vault Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #75
created from rating comment match
15.07.18 MNK_Esports Detail
15.07.18 Team Yellow cheats Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #54
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14.07.18 WHITE DRAGONS Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #53
created from rating comment match
07.07.18 RandomTeam Detail
07.07.18 Shadows_ League_Elite_JAC Detail
07.07.18 BlAcK_DrAgOnS Detail
07.07.18 GalaxyEsports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #72
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24.06.18 Renaissance E-Sport Detail
24.06.18 Hellfire old Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #51
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23.06.18 Black_Ice Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #50
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16.06.18 DRKE_eXtreme Ghost Detail
16.06.18 Element Exodus Detail
16.06.18 AK-47 Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #69
created from rating comment match
03.06.18 Mystic-eSports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #129 Europe
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02.06.18 Realize eSport ..ALPHA.. Detail
02.06.18 uGLy-_-Insects Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #68
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27.05.18 VeRoX eSport Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #48
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26.05.18 EnErGy Detail
26.05.18 iViiZion_Clan Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Battle of the Nations Qualifier #1 Italy
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23.05.18 Emme Evo Detail
23.05.18 WeMakeAPussy Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #47
created from rating comment match
19.05.18 DRKE_eXtreme Ghost Detail
19.05.18 StormBreakers.GG Detail
19.05.18 TiTaN-EsPortS Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #43
created from rating comment match
21.04.18 Flawless eSports Detail
21.04.18 Element Exodus Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #42
created from rating comment match
14.04.18 Emme Evo Detail
14.04.18 eXoduS.eSports Detail
14.04.18 Black_Ice Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #61
created from rating comment match
08.04.18 GXR Detail
08.04.18 GTE_ESports Detail
08.04.18 Renaissance E-Sport Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Italy Cup #41
created from rating comment match
07.04.18 DRKE eXtreme Predators Detail