Rating Elite Assault Shooters .MoH:AA

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MOH: Allied Assault Objective 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.09.06 No Comment Detail
10.09.06 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
02.09.06 Gladius Detail
26.08.06 Bangkok Pandas děkujeme ;) Detail
15.08.06 Taktical Detail
04.08.06 No Comment Detail
04.08.06 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
22.07.06 NEVIM NIC Detail
22.07.06 Kokosy a Banany Detail
14.07.06 Deadly Lightning Detail
11.07.06 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
27.06.06 Cavaliers gg Detail
27.06.06 Magic Balloons.MoH Detail
19.06.06 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
11.06.06 The Gladiators Detail
05.06.06 Kokosy a Banany gg Detail
04.06.06 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
05.05.06 fighters for right Thing Detail
01.05.06 TTC Detail
26.04.06 Cavaliers gg thx Detail
19.04.06 NecroRaisers.moh gg thx Detail
17.04.06 Magic Balloons.MoH nebejt conera tak gg Detail
13.04.06 Cavaliers no spam pls Detail
03.04.06 Black Skunks gg Detail
01.04.06 Fatal Fighters Detail
29.03.06 REpresent's Detail
25.03.06 The Gladiators Detail
23.03.06 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
20.03.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
16.03.06 Deadly Lightning Detail
16.03.06 The Gladiators Nadavky.... Detail
15.03.06 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
12.03.06 REpresent's GG Detail
11.03.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
08.03.06 Magic Balloons.MoH gg Detail
07.03.06 Nemesis Detail
06.03.06 Cavaliers Detail
20.02.06 The Gladiators NO COMETEN Detail
19.02.06 26.brigade Detail
18.02.06 Warrior Brothers holubove nc =X Detail
16.02.06 TTC Detail
14.02.06 Bangkok Pandas gg Detail
13.02.06 inteRaction ' Sennheiser Detail
12.02.06 REpresent's gg Detail
11.02.06 The Gladiators ......... Detail
10.02.06 Deadly Lightning gg Detail
09.02.06 TTC Detail
09.02.06 Pixel Warriors MoH Detail
08.02.06 Cavaliers gg thx Detail
31.01.06 Cavaliers gg a jeste jednou se omlouvam za tu zed Detail
31.01.06 GOOSEFLESH Detail
29.01.06 Nemesis Detail
28.01.06 IdenticalS teaM Detail
28.01.06 TTC Detail
26.01.06 fighters for right Thing Detail
23.01.06 Cavaliers Detail
20.01.06 Black Skunks gg, díky ;) Detail
16.01.06 26.brigade Detail
10.01.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
09.01.06 3vs3 TDM Detail
03.01.06 82nd Devils Brigade Detail
02.01.06 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
01.01.06 Cavaliers Detail
31.12.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
30.12.05 Black Skunks gg Detail
23.12.05 REpresent's Detail
22.12.05 Bangkok Pandas Detail
21.12.05 Black Skunks gg Detail
19.12.05 Nemesis Detail
18.12.05 82nd Devils Brigade Detail
17.12.05 NecroRaisers.moh pohodova hra bez kecu Detail
13.12.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
13.12.05 Cavaliers Detail
12.12.05 Magic Balloons.MoH gg Detail
11.12.05 Fragged by bug and no skill:oD Detail
08.12.05 Cyber Realm gg az na to cekani furt Detail
05.12.05 REpresent's GG Detail
04.12.05 Bangkok Pandas Detail
10.11.05 Deadly Lightning Detail
08.11.05 Cavaliers np Detail
06.11.05 assiduous runner Detail
02.11.05 NecroRaisers.moh Detail
26.10.05 The Gladiators Detail
23.10.05 Pixel Warriors MoH gg Detail
20.10.05 Bangkok Pandas gg jako vždy Detail
19.10.05 Nemesis Detail
18.10.05 26.brigade Detail
17.10.05 The BARRACUDS Detail
07.10.05 hmmFerYn Detail
06.10.05 Pixel Warriors MoH Detail
05.10.05 Bangkok Pandas diky, s vámi vždy super Detail
03.10.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
02.10.05 assiduous runner Detail
28.09.05 Black Skunks gg Detail
28.09.05 The BARRACUDS Detail
23.09.05 Pixel Warriors MoH gg-dik za hru Detail
22.09.05 3vs3 TDM Kennz by si mel vypnout chat... jinak gg Detail
21.09.05 Phyrexian Detail
18.09.05 Nemesis Detail
14.09.05 SkyRiders GG Detail
11.09.05 3vs3 TDM moc sem to nepochopil Detail
10.09.05 Area Assault Soldiers.MoH Detail
09.09.05 26.brigade Detail
07.09.05 Cavaliers gut chovani, hnus bug a gaynade =) Detail
01.09.05 Black Skunks gg Detail
30.08.05 The BARRACUDS Detail
25.08.05 Nemesis Zacnu se ucit po dvou letech bugovat:-) Detail
21.08.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
17.08.05 Death Shadow's.MoH Detail
02.08.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
02.08.05 Bangkok Pandas GG Detail
01.08.05 82nd Devils Brigade Detail
25.07.05 SkyRiders gg Detail
24.07.05 Nemesis Detail
22.07.05 Deadly Lightning GG..... Detail
20.07.05 Drachen von Klosterle Detail
18.07.05 Black Skunks gg pěkný to bylo Detail
17.07.05 Magic Balloons.MoH gg, a to bylo nejdu ;oD Detail
11.07.05 Cavaliers gg no problem .) Detail
11.07.05 Pixel Warriors MoH GG - dik za hru Detail
10.07.05 82nd Devils Brigade Detail
07.07.05 Deadly Lightning GG...ESL rullez:)) Detail
07.07.05 Bangkok Pandas gg.np Detail
27.06.05 NEVIM NIC Detail
22.06.05 Bullet proof Devils 5on5-A Detail
30.05.05 Bangkok Pandas thx 4 w8 a hru ve 4 Detail
26.05.05 Dance with Death Detail

MOH: Allied Assault 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.09.06 Phyrexian.moh gg vic liinu pls a min nadu :) Detail
13.08.06 South Park Reloaded only bug , only kemp , only sluchatka za 20000,- Detail
28.07.06 Kokosy a Banany Detail
26.07.06 Bangkok Pandas Detail
12.07.06 Taktical 3on3 THX Detail
30.06.06 No Comment Detail
29.06.06 T_RyBy_T THX za gamesu:-X Detail
29.06.06 Bangkok Pandas Detail
14.06.06 Pixel Warriors MoH Detail
11.06.06 Phyrexian.moh v poho hra Detail
22.05.06 Phyrexian.moh gg thx, skoda tech nadavek Detail
26.04.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
26.04.06 inVerse.moh gg Detail
15.04.06 SPINY gg chalani Detail
09.03.06 The Gladiators Co roh to bug Detail
02.03.06 inVerse.moh Detail
26.02.06 sweet Armed girls Detail
05.02.06 Pixel Warriors MoH Detail
03.02.06 Phyrexian.moh Detail
02.02.06 inVerse.moh moc ozirate ty rohy Detail
30.01.06 Magic Balloons.MoH gg škoda keců conera Detail
26.01.06 The Gladiators Nic moc Detail
21.01.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
18.01.06 Black Skunks 3on3 gg Detail
18.01.06 inVerse.moh gg Detail
15.01.06 Pixel Warriors MoH Detail
31.12.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
25.12.05 Cyber Realm gg thx Detail
20.12.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
04.12.05 Born to Survive.MoH Detail
02.12.05 REpresent's GG chlapy Detail
30.11.05 3vs3 TDM funny game Detail
23.11.05 eMphAtiC Detail
17.11.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
04.11.05 The Gladiators Detail
03.11.05 3vs3 TDM gg:) Detail
02.11.05 Killds Scarabeus Detail
30.10.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
14.10.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
09.10.05 3vs3 TDM gg:) Detail
04.10.05 NEVIM NIC Detail
29.09.05 eMphAtiC gg..........thx Detail
29.09.05 The Gladiators dik za hru Detail
28.09.05 CyberStorm gg Detail
25.09.05 Born to Survive.MoH Detail
17.09.05 VizZioN.MoH Detail
16.09.05 Area Assault Soldiers.MoH Detail
15.09.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
15.09.05 26.brigade Detail
13.09.05 Nemesis Detail
13.09.05 Pixel Warriors MoH Detail
10.09.05 NEVIM NIC Detail
10.09.05 3vs3 TDM gg thx Detail
08.09.05 Warrior Brothers Detail
08.09.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
04.09.05 Pixel Warriors MoH gg-dik za hru Detail
26.08.05 Necro Diky za supr gamesu .) Detail
25.08.05 Magic Balloons.MoH Detail
24.08.05 SkyRiders Detail
24.08.05 3vs3 TDM ... Detail
17.08.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
16.08.05 3vs3 TDM Detail
16.08.05 Pixel Warriors MoH gg-dik za hru Detail
14.08.05 Deadly Lightning Detail
14.08.05 Death Shadow's.MoH Detail
09.08.05 Bangkok Pandas díky Detail
01.08.05 assiduous runner Detail
22.07.05 Bangkok Pandas nice CW, thx all Detail
18.07.05 Phyrexian.aim_pls Detail
18.07.05 Born to Survive.MoH dobrej servr .-) Detail
15.07.05 assiduous runner Detail
14.07.05 EsCape.Moh Detail
14.07.05 Pixel Warriors MoH GG - dik za hru Detail
06.07.05 No Name Company 3vs3 GG Detail
06.07.05 Bangkok Pandas gg ) Detail
30.06.05 3vs3 TDM Detail
26.06.05 Pixel Warriors MoH GG - dik za hru Detail
22.06.05 Legion Of Damned 3 vs 3 Team GG skoda tech mych lagu Detail
16.06.05 Bangkok Pandas gg Detail
13.06.05 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
01.06.05 X-Factor TeaM Detail
29.05.05 Born to Survive.MoH Detail
24.05.05 Dance with Death Detail

MOH: Allied Assault Objective 5on5 Premiership #2
created from rating comment match
15.05.06 Era1sers a KaViaRoVeTouStY GG DIKY Detail
08.05.06 Born to Survive.MoH gg Detail
02.05.06 Deadly Lightning gg Detail
23.04.06 Nemesis Detail
18.04.06 legends of clan enigma Detail
10.04.06 Fatal Fighters nice game , tak dobrou hru uz sme dlouho nemeli Detail
02.04.06 GOOSEFLESH Detail
26.03.06 26.brigade Detail
19.03.06 Psycho Strikes.MoH GG thx :-)) Detail