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ESL Vodafone Championship Winter 2018 R6 (PC) Serie A
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30.11.18 Mkers Detail
27.11.18 IGP - Leviathan .EVC Detail
20.11.18 ExA Phoenix Detail
16.11.18 Outplayed Detail
13.11.18 Cyberground Gaming Detail
23.10.18 IGP - Hydra EVC Detail
17.10.18 EnD Gaming R6 EVC Detail
16.10.18 iDomina eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Finale Settembre 2018
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12.10.18 HSL Esports Detail
12.10.18 Tvolliamo Sempre Ciao And avemo start at the 20 and fucking 40 but the regole tanto nun se rispettano mai Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #48
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29.09.18 DRKE Gaming A.S.D. Detail
29.09.18 Nuovo Team Detail
29.09.18 Globus Gaming Detail
29.09.18 NoT Detail
29.09.18 Dynamic DC Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #273 Europe
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19.09.18 Victor Mike Detail
19.09.18 Clutrix Esport Detail

Rainbow Six:Siege (PC) EIC Promotion Summer Season 2018
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16.09.18 ExA Phoenix Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #46
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Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #45
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08.09.18 Dynamic DC Detail
08.09.18 QuandoStavoNelTeamSpagnolo Detail
08.09.18 SETH Detail
08.09.18 Asura eSport Detail
08.09.18 V3V0 Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #265 Europe
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30.08.18 Golden Horde Detail
30.08.18 Digital Dynasty Detail
30.08.18 BanCoinZ Detail
29.08.18 Lycans eSports Detail
29.08.18 DeKor4 Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #43
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25.08.18 Globus Gaming Detail
25.08.18 iSelfieDiKryptus Detail
25.08.18 Team VeZ R6 Detail
25.08.18 Owls Freedom Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #42
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11.08.18 V3V0 Detail
11.08.18 iSelfieDiKryptus Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #130
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05.08.18 SunRise Detail
05.08.18 CANDY eSports Detail

Rainbow Six Siege (PC) EIC Summer Season 2018 Serie B Italy
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28.07.18 IGP - Behemoth . EIC Detail
22.07.18 IGP - Behemoth . EIC Detail
22.07.18 Globus Gaming Detail
20.07.18 IGP - Hydra EVC Detail
17.07.18 Globus Gaming Detail
12.07.18 IGP - Titan Detail
12.07.18 IGP - Behemoth . EIC Detail
10.07.18 IGP - Hydra EVC Detail
08.07.18 Flood Gaming Detail
05.07.18 HSL Esports Detail
25.06.18 Utopia Rektos Detail
22.06.18 EMME GAMING A.S.D. Detail
18.06.18 IGP - Behemoth . EIC Detail
15.06.18 IGP - Titan Detail
13.06.18 Utopia Rektos Detail
11.06.18 IGP - Hydra EVC Detail
11.06.18 Lucky Devils Detail
09.06.18 Lucky Devils Detail
06.06.18 ExA Phoenix Detail
05.06.18 PokeSports - Horizon Detail
04.06.18 IGP - Hydra EVC Detail
03.06.18 Void Detail
03.06.18 Prodigy_eSports Detail
02.06.18 POTATO POWER Detail
01.06.18 EMME GAMING A.S.D. Detail
30.05.18 EMME GAMING A.S.D. Detail
29.05.18 Manguste e-Sports.EIC Detail
28.05.18 ExA Phoenix Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #126
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08.07.18 Team Work2 Detail
08.07.18 White Fire E-Sports Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Challenger League Season 8 Europe - Open Qualifier 2
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08.07.18 DEUS eSportsCL Detail
07.07.18 xxxDDDDDDD Detail
07.07.18 WORTEX.R6S Detail
07.07.18 LunatiC Detail
07.07.18 Wild Gaming Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #239 Europe
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16.06.18 SaskiaWasser Detail
16.06.18 Fleischer's Community Clan Detail
16.06.18 3NIGMA ESports Detail
16.06.18 High Velocity Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #34
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10.06.18 ASCENCE GAMING Detail
09.06.18 Nerd Division Detail
09.06.18 HATED. Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #121
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03.06.18 Rolling Stoners Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #33
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02.06.18 Just another random team u.u dovrò subbare a sloppy :( Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Italy Cup #32
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26.05.18 IGP - Behemoth Detail
26.05.18 Tvolliamo Sempre Ciao Detail
26.05.18 Team C1 Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Vanilla Cup #3 Europe
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21.05.18 Matriarch and the slaves Detail
21.05.18 2 Gay 2 play 2 day Detail
21.05.18 Calculated e-Sports Detail