Rating SW4T.vC .vC squad

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Vietcong TeamplayLadder
created from rating comment match
22.09.13 Riders on the Strom Detail
20.09.13 4ngels Dog Detail
19.09.13 NorthStars SQuad Detail
18.09.13 Spirit of Amiga Detail
18.09.13 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
15.09.13 next.Gaming.Generation gg Detail
09.09.13 NorthStars SQuad Detail
24.09.12 Happy Gay Team Detail
24.09.12 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
24.09.12 Alter Ego Chapter 2 page 009 Detail
23.09.12 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
17.09.12 Riders on the Strom Detail
16.09.12 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
12.09.12 NorthStars SQuad Detail
21.09.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
20.09.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
19.09.11 CITRONS Detail
12.09.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
11.09.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
08.09.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
05.09.11 CITRONS Detail
24.08.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
23.08.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
14.04.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
13.04.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
04.04.11 Snake and Squad - frajeri Detail
30.03.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
30.03.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
20.03.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
16.03.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
13.03.11 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
07.03.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
06.03.11 NorthStars SQuad Detail
06.02.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
31.01.11 Hell Raiders Detail
31.01.11 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
30.01.11 Happy Gay Team Detail
29.01.11 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
27.01.11 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
26.01.11 Free Secret Old Team Detail
25.01.11 TEAM VON CAVUMHAZE Detail
24.01.11 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
27.09.10 Obludy from forest Detail
20.09.10 PiTBULLS.vC Detail
14.09.10 Hell Raiders Detail
13.09.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
12.09.10 Banda blbych kretenu Detail
09.09.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
08.09.10 ReSpeCt#TeAm.vC 2010 Detail
07.09.10 Obludy from forest Detail
05.09.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
03.09.10 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
02.09.10 ReSpeCt#TeAm.vC 2010 Detail
01.09.10 Vandenberg Detail
31.08.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
31.08.10 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
08.06.10 Soldiers For Peace Detail
03.06.10 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
31.05.10 NorthStars SQuad Detail
24.05.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
12.05.10 Your eNemy.eu Detail
09.05.10 Soldiers For Peace Detail
08.05.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
04.05.10 Soldiers For Peace Detail
26.04.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
22.04.10 Free Secret Old Team Detail
21.04.10 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
17.04.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
17.04.10 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
12.04.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
08.04.10 Soldiers For Peace Detail
05.04.10 HOCHIMIN Detail
04.04.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
01.04.10 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
01.04.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
29.03.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
29.03.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
24.03.10 ReSpeCt#TeAm ChaOs 4 oN 4 Detail
21.03.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
18.03.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
14.03.10 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
13.03.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
09.03.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
07.03.10 Free Secret Old Team Detail
05.03.10 Spiders_Alfa Detail
02.03.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
01.03.10 Free Secret Old Team Detail
28.02.10 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
27.02.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
18.02.10 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
15.02.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
14.02.10 iRonix. gaming Detail
11.02.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
09.02.10 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
08.02.10 The Monkeys from Zoo.vc Detail
02.02.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
01.02.10 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
31.01.10 iRonix. gaming Detail
30.01.10 Altschule Detail
28.01.10 NorthStars SQuad Detail
27.01.10 Spiders_Alfa Detail
25.01.10 Free Secret Old Team Detail
24.01.10 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
23.01.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
20.01.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
19.01.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
17.01.10 Vandenberg Detail
13.01.10 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
12.01.10 Happy Gay Team wilište my prdel Detail
10.01.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
08.01.10 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
07.01.10 GIRL'S SQUAD Detail
06.01.10 The Monkeys from Zoo.vc Detail
03.01.10 Happy Gay Team Detail
02.01.10 Free Secret Old Team Detail
01.01.10 Chlazeny pivo Detail
29.12.09 Spiders_Alfa Detail
27.12.09 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
22.12.09 Standby Team No.#1 EU Detail
20.12.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
19.12.09 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
16.12.09 NorthStars SQuad Detail
15.12.09 The Monkeys from Zoo.vc Detail
14.12.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
07.12.09 Vandenberg Detail
06.12.09 Libria Detail
02.12.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
24.11.09 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
23.11.09 Standby Team No.#1 EU gg++ Detail
19.11.09 Free Secret Old Team Detail
17.11.09 Vandenberg Detail
14.11.09 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
10.11.09 Liquidators Vc Squds Detail
08.11.09 Vandenberg Detail
06.11.09 NorthStars SQuad Detail
05.11.09 Free Secret Old Team Detail
02.11.09 Team Solopysk Detail
01.11.09 Vandenberg Detail
31.10.09 Bloody Shooters GG Detail
31.10.09 Chaos is High Detail
28.10.09 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
29.09.09 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
23.09.09 UpRising Team Detail
22.09.09 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
17.09.09 Irritable Impotent Team Detail
16.09.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
15.09.09 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
13.09.09 inweawe Detail
10.09.09 Irritable Impotent Team Detail
09.09.09 Vietcong Veteran Warriors Detail
08.09.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
06.09.09 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
03.09.09 KRYGL Detail
03.09.09 Vandenberg Detail
01.09.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
31.08.09 UpRising Team Detail
30.08.09 The Monkeys from Zoo.vc Detail
02.07.09 Unlimited Rushers Detail
02.07.09 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
01.07.09 Spiders_Alfa Detail
29.06.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
22.06.09 .DMK. Demolition klan Detail
21.06.09 Happy Gay Team f poho gay m Detail
18.06.09 Extract.vc Detail
16.06.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
15.06.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
11.06.09 Free Secret Old Team Detail
10.06.09 .DMK. Demolition klan Detail
09.06.09 High Fidelity Detail
09.06.09 Immortal Gaming Team Detail
08.04.09 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
26.03.09 DOG Soldiers Detail
11.03.09 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
09.03.09 DOG Soldiers neverim spinnerovi Detail
08.03.09 Vandenberg Detail
06.03.09 NorthStars SQuad Detail
03.02.09 9.BRF - Battalioni gg, dik Detail
02.02.09 Ganja-Goblins Detail
30.01.09 PlayTeam Detail
18.12.08 Unlimited Rushers Detail
17.12.08 DurEEEx xD Horší domluva Detail
15.12.08 uNikorn Detail
14.12.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
24.11.08 czech vietcong clan gladiator Detail
20.11.08 Soldiers For Peace Detail
18.11.08 HazarD TeaM PlayersZz dobře nás rozšlehali Detail
16.11.08 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
14.11.08 Black Arm Organization odpojovali se Detail
11.11.08 Soldiers For Peace Detail
03.11.08 Big World Dangerous Detail
02.11.08 CyberLine Detail
31.10.08 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
26.10.08 illusion e-Sports Detail
22.10.08 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
22.10.08 expensive cybernetic zone Jn šlo to Detail
19.10.08 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
14.10.08 Bloody Shooterss stars good game Detail
13.10.08 Spiders_Alfa Detail
13.10.08 nEcroz team Detail
09.10.08 GIRL'S SQUAD Detail
07.10.08 Clan Solopysk gg Detail
05.10.08 CyberLine.cz Díky za hru. Detail
02.10.08 Chlazeny pivo Detail
01.10.08 Time to Leave Detail
30.09.08 FOX CLAN Výborní!!! Detail
29.09.08 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
28.09.08 DurEEEx xD Detail
05.09.08 CyberLine GG, dik za hru krapet lagy, ale co.. Detail
31.08.08 CyberLine GG až na ty lagy Detail
28.08.08 DurEEEx xD Detail
26.08.08 Death Commando Detail
26.08.08 Bloody Shooterss stars gg indiana good map:) Detail
26.08.08 Jezuite Detail
09.04.06 Lords Of Night Detail
08.04.06 Killers from Tower Detail
08.04.06 NecroRaisers Vietcong gg thx 4 game Detail
07.04.06 Happy Gay Team mega kemp a spatny přistup k zápasu Detail
02.04.06 NyCro.vC Detail
01.04.06 LasT SoldieR.vC Detail
01.04.06 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
31.03.06 Soldiers For Peace gg... Detail
29.03.06 MarBles - owned by RemarQue Detail
27.03.06 NorthStar Squad Detail
25.03.06 nin-jah Detail
25.03.06 Killers from Tower Detail
24.03.06 Spiders_Alfa fakt dobra hra Detail
24.03.06 xXx clan Detail
22.03.06 Soldiers For Peace Detail
21.03.06 Infern0.Vc Detail
20.03.06 Hope For Sunrise Detail
18.03.06 CyberStorm gg :) Detail
18.03.06 NecroRaisers Vietcong gg Detail
18.03.06 Magic Balloons.inactive Detail
18.03.06 uNikorn gL :)) Detail
17.03.06 The Legendary SkyRiders Detail
16.03.06 Alpha Detail
14.03.06 inTenS Vietcong Team Detail
11.03.06 Enormity Detail
07.03.06 Spiders_Alfa Detail
05.03.06 NorthStar Squad - Killers from Tower Detail
03.03.06 uNikorn gL Detail
03.03.06 inTenS Vietcong Team Detail
26.02.06 Killers from Tower Detail
25.02.06 CyberStorm gg :) Detail
24.02.06 Neutral Rage Gaming Vietcong ty nadávky ste si mohli nechat... Detail
08.01.06 Happy Gay Team gg bahnar uz byl utahanej :)) Detail
23.12.05 Enemy Killers Detail
23.12.05 Nitro Reloaded.Vc Detail
21.12.05 NightWatch.vc Detail
17.12.05 Rychla Rota Detail
04.12.05 Delta Force.Vc Detail
03.12.05 bratrstvo neohrozenych Detail
03.12.05 Killers from Tower jako s váma vždy super domluva Detail
02.12.05 sEnsitive Vietcong gg Detail
26.11.05 4fun Detail
23.11.05 Too Unlimited.VC Detail
22.11.05 CyberStorm.Vc - Honorary Team Detail
20.11.05 Happy Gay Team Detail
19.11.05 3xtreme Dangerous Desperados VC Rushers Detail
19.11.05 Killers from Tower Detail
18.11.05 F4natics.VC Detail
14.11.05 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
10.11.05 Soldiers For Peace GG Detail
08.11.05 Department of Dirty Trics Detail
06.11.05 Klub Starych Tatiku Detail
06.11.05 SG-3 GG Detail
05.11.05 Alpha Detail
04.11.05 Spiders multiclan Detail
03.11.05 unknown Players skurveny servry namuzem se pak soustredit kdyz se hraje na nekvalitnich server na kterych jsem mel laggy Detail
01.11.05 MarBles - owned by RemarQue Detail
28.10.05 X-MaRiNeS.Vc-Honorary Team Detail
21.10.05 Killers from Tower Detail
16.10.05 Soldiers For Peace Detail
28.09.05 nin-jah Detail

Vietcong Teamplay Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.04.09 Revolution-esp gg Detail
09.04.09 Demolition klan 4on4 - FEW Detail
05.04.09 Demolition klan 4on4 eu Detail