Rating V2 eSports Ladder 

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Rainbow Six Siege (PS4) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
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23.04.20 Horax Team One_Shot Detail
21.02.20 RAYVEN eSport Detail
12.02.20 RaVeN Detail
26.11.19 HyDrA.OP Detail
22.11.19 TEAM ELEMENT Detail
05.11.19 MnK_HaCkzZ Detail
07.10.19 Aspekt eSports Detail
27.09.19 Exo gaming Detail
14.09.19 Team ARCTIC Detail
09.09.19 CleanKill.R6 Team A Detail
01.09.19 Senegal Gaming Detail
25.07.19 Team ARCTIC Detail
22.07.19 BlackList-esport Detail
01.07.19 Team Levitation Detail
02.06.19 Crown Gaming Detail
02.06.19 CCS.GG Detail
31.05.19 BlackList-esport Detail
08.05.19 Revise Gaming Detail
29.04.19 VIP Esports Detail
22.04.19 cmonBruh Detail
22.04.19 BORISS Oregon win Boriss Detail
20.04.19 Novum (under construction) Detail
12.04.19 PIKA_TEAM Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #159
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23.02.20 Initium Novum by verios Gaming Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Winter Cup 2019 #2 Europe
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23.02.20 Team Controls Alpha Detail
22.02.20 No Detail
22.02.20 The Amazing Chicks Detail
22.02.20 Team Synatix Detail
22.02.20 NoMercy Detail
22.02.20 Team-Grvty Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #155
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26.01.20 Team86 Detail
26.01.20 BlackList-esport Detail
26.01.20 Gli scappati di casa Detail
26.01.20 Team Vertical by Empire Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #145
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17.11.19 MyLittlePony Detail
17.11.19 Psych0-Esports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Autumn Cup 2019 #3 Europe
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06.11.19 TopSecretTeam Detail
06.11.19 Team Nxgro by Royal Beast Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #143
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03.11.19 Wotkin’s eSports Detail
03.11.19 TK eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #142
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27.10.19 GT GAMING Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #139
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06.10.19 MixGo4 Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #304 Europe
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18.09.19 Team ARCTIC Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #136
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15.09.19 X9 ESPORT Detail
15.09.19 Team sTriKe by sTriKe-eSports Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #134
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01.09.19 Gàng Băng Bôys Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #295 Europe
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28.08.19 Eye2Eye Detail
28.08.19 Energy.eSports Detail
28.08.19 Toxicc.esports Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge August 2019 Open Cup #3 Germany
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20.08.19 Cyborgsoldaten Detail
20.08.19 BlackWire by vR Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #130
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04.08.19 Salz Nation Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #283 Europe
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02.08.19 Jews Detail
01.08.19 TEAM.INFRONT. Detail
01.08.19 The Nuggets 2.0 Detail
31.07.19 NoSnitch. Detail
31.07.19 Royal E-Sports (RES) Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #280 Europe
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24.07.19 ViiperZ eSport Detail
24.07.19 Team Wolfhunter Detail
24.07.19 AlfaTR Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge July 2019 Open Cup #4 Germany
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23.07.19 Gàng Băng Bôys Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #127
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14.07.19 n whit Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #126
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07.07.19 Sofa-Sportler Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #125
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30.06.19 YuNgBrAtZ E-Sports Detail
30.06.19 ECO-Logical. Detail
30.06.19 eqυeѕтrιαɴ wαrrιorѕ Detail
30.06.19 ZeD Easports Team Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge June 2019 Open Cup #4 Germany
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25.06.19 mipipipi Detail
25.06.19 R6SMates eSport Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #123
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16.06.19 Circus Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Monthly Challenge June 2019 Open Cup #1 Germany
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04.06.19 HAHN 2.0 Detail
04.06.19 McMaceZ Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #121
created from rating comment match
02.06.19 NEVER GIVE UP Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Open Cup #253 Europe
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22.05.19 PENTAGRAM-ES Detail
22.05.19 TMA-eSport Team Mercenary Army Detail
22.05.19 ThinkOver Detail
22.05.19 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #118
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12.05.19 Dennxtts Troops Detail
12.05.19 Team.Evooe Detail
12.05.19 Evollutionz Detail
12.05.19 NR.GG Detail

Go4R6 (PS4) Europe Cup #116
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28.04.19 DolphinZ Detail

R6: Siege (PS4) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #236 Europe
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10.04.19 God Squad E-Sports Detail