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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
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18.07.08 Perfection eSports Team Detail
08.02.07 smalltalk Detail
31.01.07 SNACKMACHINE gg Detail
06.12.06 leaven_raute_1 gg Detail
03.12.06 oWnly CSS de Detail
28.11.06 cleZZ MR 15 flame Detail
27.11.06 Ancienne Team oSGZ - gRoiK GG et super fair play team à conseiller ! A bientot sur le ladder FR !! Detail
19.10.06 CurryKingZ.5on5 Detail
18.10.06 PoPeY Detail
04.10.06 Nightmare Army Detail
14.09.06 nightForce Detail
10.09.06 A.S. oN3 Detail
04.09.06 team infeCted Detail
23.08.06 coming soon - MR15 gg n1 Detail
22.08.06 Fiat Nox gg Detail
22.08.06 iNeffecT.Css Fair play & Skill GG Detail
11.07.06 Mountain Special Company Detail
17.05.06 15 Euro Przeczucia force cl_interpolate 1 and cmdrate, they cannot accept defeat with honor Detail
04.05.06 DOG Soldiers of Kadan - CSS Detail
03.05.06 SkillsOnly gg Detail
03.05.06 TG.ambiTionz goes INT. ZZZZZZZ Detail
20.04.06 simpleXity gg Detail
17.04.06 click it Detail
17.04.06 siusiumajty Detail
28.03.06 StimuLan.Css Detail
15.03.06 15 Euro Przeczucia Detail
28.02.06 The 7th Team GG Detail
07.02.06 Tresor e-Sports Detail
31.01.06 HdZ - Die Elite Detail
15.01.06 beidl-sLapers Detail
07.01.06 BlitzFront Detail
04.01.06 Stylish! gg comme dhab Detail
30.12.05 Incredible Crew css Detail
22.12.05 International Military Intelligence very nice Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder2
created from rating comment match
14.03.07 vinewood#4 gg Detail
11.03.07 QUALITY-SERVEUR.COM gg Detail
06.03.07 oSGZ Origins gg Tendu ^^ Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.03.07 TSFY Detail
05.03.07 Shibori team Detail
21.07.06 Authentic-Gamers Detail
19.07.06 knife-gaming Detail
27.06.06 Authentic-Gamers Detail
01.05.06 Aim-lesS GG,sympa,skilled,tres fair-play Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
21.01.07 aNgeL's WingS Detail
19.09.06 pavO Detail
06.09.06 vinewood#4 gg les mecs, bon match Detail
05.09.06 pavO Team toujours fair play, une petite leçon. Merci. Detail
30.07.06 Stylish! GG à bientôt Detail
01.05.06 easy Company team skilled et fair play Detail
27.04.06 Stylish! GG good team fair play comme d\'hab Detail
23.04.06 Start of Authority GG fair-play Detail
04.04.06 spirit of Game bonne ambiance RAS ^^ bonne continuation Detail
03.04.06 oSGZ Origins Très fair, bon skill bon tp. les ftg quoi ;) Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder2
created from rating comment match
12.12.06 SeeK and DestRoY -- Restructuration Detail
07.12.06 d4rKloYd Detail
05.12.06 La BoucHeRit Detail
18.07.06 eXeLenZ gamers Detail
02.07.06 OLD - LDM Detail
29.06.06 Kox Inactif en Vacance Detail
30.05.06 LuBriCity -En pause- super fairplay rien a dire , on refera tres prochainement gg ftg² Detail
17.03.06 Armee des anges Detail
26.02.06 BaKa - 4ever une team sympa malgrès nos déconnections,merci encore! Detail
28.01.06 Gather in Dream Comme d\'hab chez FtG², le Fair Play est au rendez-vous. Detail
09.01.06 R Team Detail
16.12.05 Eternel très professionnels Detail
10.12.05 danTOnQ Team bien sympa (surtout quand le match est fini parce que pendant ils mettent bcp de HS :-) Detail
07.12.05 MouluS Detail
06.12.05 ulTmate Gaming merci pour le fair play les me GG Detail
30.11.05 Stylish! bien organisé comme dhabitude Detail
28.11.05 Skull Collectors GG, gors level les gars Detail
22.11.05 Dreams2 GG très fairplay et bien sympathique. Detail
15.11.05 Lyon Terror Crew Detail
10.11.05 goblin's Detail
08.11.05 la 59 eme Compagnie Detail
03.11.05 Lyon Terror Crew bonne team GG à vous Detail
21.10.05 Function of Detail
17.10.05 Les Barraudeurs team sympa mais etonamment forte Detail
14.10.05 rookies Detail
11.10.05 Stylish! Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
04.10.06 in loving memory of SoaF gg Detail
02.10.06 spray! Detail
25.09.06 Team EDiT benQ Detail
24.09.06 PropheTs.ch gg Detail
18.09.06 CSS inside Detail
13.09.06 diliGENCE.CSS gg Detail
12.09.06 LanFan gg Detail
07.09.06 Ubahn gg Detail
06.09.06 r0fl die katz please be on time Detail
04.09.06 hoorai.XQ.FortKnox gg je t\'aime :D Detail
03.09.06 Team Finalfive Detail

Spring Cup Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Nova Gameplazza Amateur
created from rating comment match
22.06.06 Stylish! GG bonne ambiance a bientot Detail
16.06.06 myaRista for ever Detail
21.05.06 OsmoZ Detail
10.05.06 spirit of Game Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 + NightCup1
created from rating comment match
03.04.06 prO.braiN gg=p Detail

Wintercup Counter Strike: Source Hercules Gameplazza Amateur Finales
created from rating comment match
01.03.06 Team emuLate GG ! Detail

Wintercup Counter-Strike: Source Hercules Gameplazza Amateur
created from rating comment match
08.02.06 BrainTeam Detail
07.02.06 oSGZ Origins Comme dab ^^ Sinon, entre les déco et les pop up de Tek :( Detail
05.02.06 Stylish! gg good team comme dhab bon serveur Detail
29.01.06 Eternal PlayerZ Detail
23.01.06 Otaku war Team Detail
19.01.06 Team emuLate Detail

Autumn Cup Counter Strike: Source Genius Gameplazza Finales
created from rating comment match
18.12.05 Instinct.Gaming Detail
06.12.05 preScient 4vs5 en terro bravo pour le fairplay. Detail
26.11.05 Stylish! GG Detail

Autumn Cup Counter Strike: Source Genius Gameplazza Open Premiership
created from rating comment match
02.11.05 Les Barraudeurs toujours aussi GG Detail
30.10.05 A supprimer bon match.pas de commentaire particulier. Detail
21.10.05 oSGZ Origins Malgré des soucis avec Saské, bon état d\'esprit. Detail