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Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #217
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06.04.20 Infinity Detail
06.04.20 Whine and Ruin Detail
05.04.20 Team Venator Detail
05.04.20 Kitchen Crew Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #208
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02.02.20 SILENTGAMING Detail
02.02.20 Poki Fanboys Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Challenger League Open Qualifier #4 Season 11 2020 - Europe
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28.01.20 Team SinOrg Detail
28.01.20 Horizon by NightWolve Detail
27.01.20 DontBullyTheHorse Detail
27.01.20 SILENTGAMING Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #207
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26.01.20 YUNGRUSSIA Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #206
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19.01.20 Jebe ti moc Detail
19.01.20 PFERD.- Detail
19.01.20 EMT-DELTA Detail
19.01.20 Yes Chef Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #205
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12.01.20 GoatE Gang Detail
12.01.20 Gold1players Detail
12.01.20 ex-MTC Detail

ESL R6 (PC) Challenger League Open Qualifier #1 Season 11 2020 - Europe
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07.01.20 Invicta-Gaming Detail
07.01.20 GNW Detail
06.01.20 Doge E-Sports Detail
06.01.20 Trash Bandits R6 Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #204
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05.01.20 Enviik Detail
05.01.20 WeSports R6 PC Detail
05.01.20 Deep Gaming Industries Detail
05.01.20 Affinity eSports Detail
05.01.20 Die Geilen Hörner Detail

R6:Siege (PC) Six Invitational Open Qualifier #4 2020
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28.11.19 Patokalipsa Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #198
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24.11.19 CheckThatAce Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup #430 Europe
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23.11.19 OvrPk-eSports Detail
23.11.19 Reapers Detail
23.11.19 Wolves Esports R6 Detail
23.11.19 iNvolute. Detail

R6:Siege (PC) Six Invitational Open Qualifier #3 2020
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22.11.19 Enclave Gaming Detail
22.11.19 HowToThrowPlant Detail
22.11.19 Muted Bois Detail
21.11.19 SLAVGENT Detail
21.11.19 13Down Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #197
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17.11.19 Looking For Org HUN Detail

R6:Siege (PC) Six Invitational Open Qualifier #2 2020
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15.11.19 Exalty Detail
14.11.19 QUEEN Detail
14.11.19 Insert Name Here Detail
14.11.19 Raison eSport Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #196
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10.11.19 Go4 Gatekeepers Detail
10.11.19 Cryptic Crows Detail
10.11.19 Outlaw - Gaming Detail

R6:Siege (PC) Six Invitational Open Qualifier #1 2020
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07.11.19 Reverse Friendly Fire Detail
07.11.19 Team Goplins Detail
07.11.19 Tesia Esports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #18 Russia&CIS
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14.09.19 Cursed Wolves Detail
14.09.19 A1 Detail
14.09.19 AGR Squad Detail
14.09.19 Clowns Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #17 Russia&CIS
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08.09.19 ATLANTES Academy Detail
07.09.19 A1 Detail
07.09.19 Cyber Sabbath Detail
07.09.19 the offhand Cats Detail
07.09.19 Snegirek Team Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #182
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04.08.19 46'lıklar Detail
04.08.19 BIGMAC FOR Go4? Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #13 Russia&CIS
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03.08.19 Meet Your Destiny Detail

Rainbow Six Siege (PC) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
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29.07.19 Nevermore Gaming Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #12 Russia&CIS
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27.07.19 Meet Your Destiny Detail
27.07.19 ABORIGINALS Detail