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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.07.06 MOVEYOURSKILL GG :) Detail
19.07.06 furious.g Detail
13.07.06 CriqK un peut de rage au debut et a la fin , mais sa va bonne team , match equilibrer ! Detail
30.06.06 aG.generqtion GG bonne continuation Detail
29.06.06 JoR Detail
26.06.06 xL Gaming Detail
25.06.06 CoWbOy Bonne team, tres faireplay meme avec notre retard gg :) Detail
24.06.06 desbois gg Detail
17.06.06 Over-Soul un ptit peu de retard mais sinon bonne ambiance ! GG Detail
17.06.06 Exploited Detail
16.06.06 TeLephone.oldgen Match sérré ! GG à tous Detail
05.06.06 JeuN'z Detail
02.06.06 Azian Spirit Detail
25.05.06 menace2gaming Detail
25.05.06 BlackWolf Detail
14.05.06 moutonned Detail
07.05.06 BlackWolf Detail
07.05.06 Saint gg Detail
07.04.06 Night Gamerz Detail
06.04.06 Fabulous.Boy Detail
23.03.06 NoSurrender Bonne team, fairplay et sympa. A recommender :-) Detail
09.03.06 Made in SeRiaV Retard , joue pas serieux quand il perde ... Detail
10.02.06 cTL 1.6 Good team , fair play ^^ Detail
30.01.06 Ouned By Noob Detail
24.01.06 FATP2 Detail
23.01.06 HsF.Gaming Detail
22.01.06 Calimero plus fort, jolis rushs terro Detail
17.01.06 cSc gg team sympa gl hf pour la suite :D Detail
11.01.06 GP-GaminG Bj fairplay sympa :) Detail
16.12.05 Rugged And Raw gg Detail
11.12.05 ELI Dsl pour toute c deco... Detail
05.12.05 wonderboyz Detail
05.12.05 Night Gamerz Detail
02.12.05 CooL ClaN tres sympa =-D Detail
01.12.05 3bola team agreable :) Detail
25.11.05 hope within gg et fair play Detail
18.11.05 NiceOne Detail
15.11.05 I HAVE A DREAM Detail
20.10.05 TEAM XTO Bon match Detail

Spring Cup Counter-Strike 5on5 Nova Gameplazza Open
created from rating comment match
21.05.06 aOf.be Merci d\'avoir accepté le joueur suspendu :) Detail

Wintercup Counter-Strike Hercules Gameplazza Open
created from rating comment match
20.01.06 FACE2FACE! Detail

Autumn Cup Counter-Strike Open Genius Gameplazza
created from rating comment match
24.10.05 Rugged And Raw Bj all, bonne continuation Detail