Rating neXtPlease Gaming .FIFA TEAM

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FIFA 10 Clanwar 3on3 Ladder
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28.05.10 Shaolin Soccer Detail
23.02.10 LowLandLions.fifa gg Detail
22.02.10 maniaX Gaming FIFA Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.10.09 uPro Legends FIFA Main Detail
04.10.09 iGn eSports.Fifa Detail
24.08.09 denkor & Marik Detail
17.08.09 Hall of fame FIFA (Trigun) Detail
17.08.09 denkor & Marik Detail
14.08.09 ES-GAMING Detail
14.08.09 denkor & Marik Detail
10.08.09 denkor & Marik Detail
10.08.09 aKKadem@ Detail
13.07.09 oXmoze.fifa for FUN Detail
12.07.09 denkor & Marik Detail
10.06.09 CyberLegends Detail
04.06.09 Hall of fame FIFA (Trigun) Detail
04.06.09 diamondZ e.V. gg Detail
02.06.09 iGn eSports.Fifa Detail
02.06.09 CyberLegends Detail
01.06.09 Mistrzowie Swiata Detail
01.06.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
30.05.09 eXtensive-FIFA Detail
29.05.09 Core-Revolution FIFA Detail
25.05.09 eXtensive-FIFA Detail
25.05.09 Hall of fame FIFA (Trigun) Detail
17.05.09 Puzzle Fifa Team Detail
12.05.09 diamondZ e.V. Detail
11.05.09 H2k Thermaltake Detail
11.05.09 r66 gg Detail
07.05.09 eXtensive-FIFA GG Detail
04.05.09 extenSia.FIFA gg gl hf in esl Detail
04.05.09 Antwerp Aces Detail
27.04.09 Hall of fame FIFA (Trigun) Detail
27.04.09 Earthquake.Gaming Detail
25.04.09 iGn eSports.Fifa Detail
22.04.09 K1ck eSports Club FIFA Detail
21.04.09 TurQuality-eSports Detail
21.04.09 ES-GAMING Detail
15.04.09 eXtensive.FIFA Detail
09.04.09 Nou Nejmy Detail
03.04.09 WE LOVE JELIC Detail
31.03.09 TurQuality-eSports Detail
30.03.09 Penetratorzy Detail
30.03.09 Clanlos.FIFA Detail
19.03.09 FIFATEAMTEAMTEAM gg Detail
19.03.09 Team-Unleashed mda. Detail
13.03.09 Return of the Legends Detail
10.03.09 S.A eSport- FiFa gg Detail
08.03.09 myKelmouz.FIFA Detail
03.03.09 aNgeL's WingS Detail
10.02.09 K1ck eSports Club FIFA Detail
10.02.09 nFC Detail
10.02.09 Return of the Legends Detail
28.01.09 Penetratorzy Detail
13.01.09 European Football Stars Detail
08.01.09 delete0990 ++ Detail
05.01.09 TBH.ASUS Detail
11.12.08 ES-GAMING thx for game Detail
08.12.08 success.FIFA09 Detail
04.12.08 European Football Stars Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Winter Playoffs
created from rating comment match
01.03.09 iGn eSports.Fifa Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Winter League Groupstage
created from rating comment match
08.02.09 GrouP oF PlayerS Detail
25.01.09 Geh aB Clan gg Detail

FIFA 08 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.10.08 European Football Stars Detail
28.09.08 iGn eSports.Fifa Detail
15.09.08 SKZI Gaming Detail
13.09.08 European Football Stars Detail
12.09.08 OCB?! gg Detail
12.09.08 iGn eSports.Fifa Detail
10.09.08 Earthquake.Cups Detail
10.09.08 Never.Back.DOWN They are Fackers they are play from LAN and they switch sides and play with who they wants... Detail
07.09.08 Team Dignitas gg Detail
22.07.08 S.A eSport- FiFa Detail
21.07.08 iGn eSports.Fifa gg ++ all Detail
21.07.08 High-Pcw.fifa Detail
15.07.08 Nizhegorodsky FIFA Club Detail
14.07.08 Never.Back.DOWN very idiotic team.. very low con have some players Detail
11.07.08 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
20.06.08 European Football Stars Detail
11.06.08 off Detail
11.06.08 PinCho Detail
06.06.08 Wolves Detail
05.06.08 Mistrzowie Swiata Detail
04.06.08 engages - FIFA gg Detail
04.06.08 Earthquake.Cups Detail
04.06.08 Romania Detail
29.05.08 Nizhegorodsky FIFA Club Detail
28.05.08 Team SPEED-LINK FIFA 08 gg Detail
28.05.08 LowLandLions.fifa Good Game, Good Con Detail
27.05.08 Soccer4ever.Copa Detail
24.05.08 K1ck eSports Club Detail
22.05.08 PSC.Gaming Detail
21.05.08 PinCho Detail
15.05.08 Galacticos Devils great team Detail
15.05.08 Antwerp Aces Detail
14.05.08 United players of Slovenia Detail
14.05.08 Romania Detail
13.05.08 International BAD Con , but GG Detail
13.05.08 European Football Stars Detail
12.05.08 Elite Fifa Spain Detail
08.05.08 Mistrzowie Swiata Detail
06.05.08 Hall of fame FIFA (Trigun) gg Detail
22.04.08 HighLeveL.eSports FIFA Detail
13.04.08 Hall of fame FIFA (Trigun) gg Detail
07.04.08 diamondZ e.V. Detail
06.04.08 ShadoWs FIFA Detail
03.04.08 eSonX tEam Detail
03.04.08 ALT-Ladder Detail
03.04.08 hyc Detail
29.03.08 LowLandLions.fifa Detail
28.03.08 RAGE.eSports.FIFA Detail
27.03.08 PinCho Detail
27.03.08 Mistrzowie Swiata Detail
25.03.08 Team Dignitas Detail
25.03.08 NOEXISTIMOS Detail
20.03.08 RedLine.Fifa gg Detail
18.03.08 diamondZ e.V. Detail
15.03.08 Competo-Sports Detail
12.03.08 nWo.Fifa gg Detail
11.03.08 PinCho GOOD CLAN WAR GUYS, GOOD CON THX GL ON EMS!!! -.- Detail
11.03.08 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
10.03.08 Elite Fifa Spain Detail
06.03.08 High-Pcw.FIFA gg ! fair play ! Detail
06.03.08 European Football Stars Detail
05.03.08 Croissports by SHARK-ENERGY - Ladder gg Detail
05.03.08 Nizhegorodsky FIFA Club Detail
04.03.08 kyrs Detail
03.03.08 off Detail
28.02.08 RAGE.eSports.FIFA Detail
27.02.08 prior.eSports FIFA Detail
25.02.08 Lyra Gaming Detail
21.02.08 Soccer4ever.Copa Detail
21.02.08 eXtrude gg Detail
20.02.08 Romania gg Detail
19.02.08 PinCho gg Detail
19.02.08 OCB?! gg Detail
19.02.08 K1ck eSports Club Detail
18.02.08 Galacticos Devils Detail
16.02.08 LowLandLions.fifa gg Detail
13.02.08 High-Pcw.FIFA gg Detail
11.02.08 HardStyle KOS Detail
11.02.08 Antwerp Aces Detail
25.01.08 BEZROBOTNY11 Detail
25.01.08 HardStyle KOS Detail
24.01.08 Romania Detail
23.01.08 LowLandLions.fifa Good Game, Good Con Detail
23.01.08 Pressdown.fifa Detail
22.01.08 Lyra Gaming Detail
22.01.08 customs union Detail
20.01.08 High-Pcw.FIFA gg ! fair play ! Detail
17.01.08 PinCho Detail
17.01.08 ENTERING GAMING forZe gg Detail
16.01.08 RAGE.eSports.FIFA Detail
14.01.08 Antwerp Aces Detail
13.01.08 LowLandLions.fifa Detail
13.01.08 SKZI Gaming Detail
13.01.08 Fifalicious Detail
11.01.08 We are back nice @ tmg|generalu, delete pps from freak to let him play ! you will see the concequences ;) Detail
10.01.08 OCB?! Detail
10.01.08 Mistrzowie Swiata Detail
09.01.08 Never.Back.DOWN Detail
09.01.08 sQuadra Azzura gg Detail
05.01.08 Lyra Gaming Detail
05.01.08 Team Dignitas gg Detail
05.01.08 Nizhegorodsky FIFA Club Detail

FIFA 08 Clanwar Summer Cup
created from rating comment match
20.07.08 RedDevil's bad con :D Detail
14.07.08 GrouP oF PlayerS Detail
12.07.08 GrouP oF PlayerS gg Detail

ESL Major Series Season I FIFA 07 Groupstage
created from rating comment match
02.09.07 Hall of fame FIFA (Trigun) gg Detail
31.08.07 myRevenge e.V. Detail
15.08.07 High-Pcw.FIFA good team, gl for ips Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.07.07 EASYTEAM Detail
15.04.07 Antwerp Aces gg Detail
13.04.07 Team GameStation Detail
26.03.07 ENTERING GAMING forZe gg Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar Premiership
created from rating comment match
07.05.07 Rhenium-Gaming.FIFA IPS Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar Knock-Out Series II
created from rating comment match
16.03.07 hyc Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar IPS Qualifier
created from rating comment match
09.01.07 Rhenium-Gaming.FIFA IPS gg Detail
04.01.07 2easy For gg Detail
27.12.06 LOS OTROS Detail
21.12.06 Never.Back.DOWN Detail
19.12.06 innactive gg Detail

FIFA 06 Clanwar CL Quali Romania
created from rating comment match
04.07.06 Earthquake.Cups Detail

FIFA 06 Clanwar CL Quali Romania_old
created from rating comment match
15.06.06 Romania gg Detail
08.06.06 2easy For Detail

FIFA 06 Clanwar CL Quali Romania
created from rating comment match
19.12.05 Earthquake.Gaming gg Detail
16.12.05 YQ - IPS Quali Detail
12.12.05 LOS OTROS Detail
09.12.05 Heroes Tv Detail