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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.11.08 blablahbalblahah gg++ auch wenn draw nicht wirklich verdient war^^ Detail
26.10.08 Trainacc Detail
20.10.08 p0t3nZk4n0n3n GeheN sTeIL Detail
19.10.08 manomanm Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.10.07 EnRo-Gaming CSS INT 5on5 Ladder gg Detail
19.09.07 waiting nr04 Detail
19.09.07 CMG - CSS gg Detail
12.09.07 dotpixels.naitex Detail
12.09.07 clesss Detail
10.09.07 just Friends 3n3 Detail
29.08.07 ImRo Detail
27.08.07 Trail of dead gg Detail
01.08.07 LOGE X GG nice match...yammy Detail
25.06.07 caLipo unso Detail
25.06.07 Hoffnungslos gg Detail
04.06.07 rotfl-gaming eu Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.06.07 3on3 LANTEAM Detail
24.06.07 Ruthless CSS Willkommen in CS:S Detail
24.06.07 Vorsicht Fehler Detail
23.06.07 Team eVision -Guess who's back- gg Detail
23.06.07 peniZors 3on3 Detail
23.06.07 Art of Gaming Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.05.07 Trickster Mr 12 gg Detail
18.04.07 z-Gaming.gamed.de low, unsportlich und assozial 4tw Detail
16.04.07 outrageous Detail
15.04.07 SAVE1 Detail
26.03.07 Kiez Clan Hamburg CSS gg Detail
14.03.07 Avalon -Serenity- wallhack bei maxpower :( Detail
12.03.07 RUSSENDISCO gg Detail
07.03.07 be in memory of Detail
28.02.07 xplosionZ CSS mr12 in memory of spring 07 gg Detail
21.02.07 in Memory of jF MR12 gg Detail
24.01.07 NoVision.CSS-Team Detail
19.01.07 in memory of NEED-GAMING Detail
17.01.07 ASD Clan bisel flame Detail
10.01.07 Source Community.Mr.12 gg hf&gl Detail
05.01.07 KOnFuS.org Detail
05.01.07 Sacred Warriors Of Steel EoS Detail
03.01.07 1000 mal ladder Detail
02.01.07 Trainaccount gg Detail
01.01.07 The Quiet Place - CSS MR12 Detail
24.11.06 FlyIngDragonZ halbwegs net; extrem eingebildet und 50 choke server Detail
19.11.06 ready To win Detail
12.11.06 PRO.Solution Detail
04.09.06 veriC Gaming Team reUnion gg Detail
23.07.06 eiStee gAng 5on5 Detail