Rating Ancienne Team oSGZ - gRoiK 

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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder2
created from rating comment match
11.04.07 In memory of Lord-V Dmg pour le 4vs5..sinon fair play merci Detail
03.04.07 Un4See gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 One Day Cup 5on5
created from rating comment match
01.04.07 Stylish! Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder2
created from rating comment match
12.02.07 NoSurrender gg bon mattch, bonne ambiance, a la prochaine Detail
29.01.07 Au Bon Frag EN VAC' NO DEFI Fair play légendaire :p Detail
18.01.07 Usual Suspect Detail
28.11.06 Stylish! gg Detail
22.11.06 Diaz EN PAUSE Detail
06.11.06 eL.css Bonne Team GG a vous et GL Detail
17.10.06 Missing In Action Detail
26.06.06 Stylish! Team Fair Play Detail
19.06.06 Digital Corp. Detail
12.06.06 GamePlay Detail
29.05.06 Elite d'Intervention Europeenne mode vacances good fairplay bon niveau de jeu pas de prise de tete, team conseillée! Detail
10.05.06 G.R.O.S Team que je reccommande Detail
26.04.06 LMLF.fr Detail
12.04.06 BaKa - 4ever gg, rien à redire! Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.01.07 moinsen gg, thx 4 war Detail
04.12.06 closssssseeed Detail
27.11.06 EnRo Gaming Train ACC Detail
27.11.06 FullTeamGamers2 Detail
21.11.06 The Syndicate Detail
20.11.06 n3xt level 5on5 gg, thx 4 war aand flmeless match Detail
14.11.06 in Memory of RedSoldiersGaming Detail
08.11.06 Technics Gaming Europe Detail
30.10.06 team yad.pl Detail
30.10.06 PoPeY Detail
26.10.06 veriC Gaming CSS gg- Nice game. Netter Gegner Detail
26.10.06 in memory of Gate10 - 5on5 MR15 Int Detail
09.10.06 undying Detail
04.10.06 vinewood#4 gg all :), team sympa et fair play Detail
25.09.06 armed mad dangerous Detail
29.08.06 Fiat Nox gg Detail

Spring Cup Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Nova Gameplazza Open
created from rating comment match
14.06.06 Digital Perception Detail
28.05.06 VaKarM Comme prévu fair play Detail
19.05.06 vinewood#4 Detail
09.05.06 Skull Collectors Bravo et merci, bonne continuation Detail

Wintercup Counter Strike: Source Hercules Gameplazza Open
created from rating comment match
26.01.06 Deleted Detail
19.01.06 Alliance Korps Detail