Rating SerialMs 2on2 

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Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 AWP Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.05.08 Cheaters.css2on2awp Detail
01.10.06 Les Street-killer sympas et fairplay :) Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.05.08 DuAl.ChoC Detail
26.04.08 teletubbies.fr Detail
26.04.08 3D.GaminG Detail
10.04.08 Gaulois-Esl-2on2 Nice skill, gg faire-play a bientot les mecs ;-) Detail
08.12.06 GoSu Detail
10.09.06 domination of the midges Detail
05.06.06 ImpliCiteT Detail
28.05.06 BrutAl' Detail
21.05.06 Love To Dead bon match, bon fairplay sauf peut etre ou je re apres error steam mais bon match thx 4war Detail
13.05.06 Legion Detail
06.05.06 OsmoZ Detail
06.05.06 oSGZ - Dorcel Production Super état d\'esprit match sérré. Team à recommander! Detail
06.05.06 DD joueur tres fair play Detail
03.05.06 Legion Detail
01.05.06 ReaLiTy Team Fair Play aucun probleme HF GL pour la suite ! Detail
19.03.06 Team PHX 2on2 Detail
18.03.06 Legion Detail
23.02.06 team6 gg team fairplay Detail
21.02.06 Otiste Bonne team super sympa et cordial au niveau de la \"pause\" Detail
21.02.06 OsmoZ Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
28.07.06 Your Life's Game Nice players Detail
13.05.06 Team Kamtschatka gg .. Detail
29.04.06 SereniTy 2on2 Detail
28.04.06 Team - ViSualHaX 2on2 gg:) nice Detail