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FIFA 10 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.12.09 Penetratorzy Detail
20.12.09 Wolves Detail
20.12.09 Digital-eXtreme. Gaming Graty powodzonka!!!!! Detail
19.12.09 eFIFA.pl Team 3on3 Detail
15.12.09 Club EG 2007 Detail
13.12.09 Wolves Detail
10.12.09 USP Four Fanatic.FIFA Detail
06.12.09 Universal Soldiers FIFA Detail
06.12.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
06.12.09 Penetratorzy Detail
02.12.09 Penetratorzy Detail
01.12.09 eSport-Force Detail
24.11.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
22.11.09 Club EG 2007 Detail
08.11.09 Semper-Invicta Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.07.09 SKZI Gaming Fair team! Detail
01.07.09 Penetratorzy Detail
18.05.09 Black-Zone.Reactor Detail
18.05.09 uPro Legends FIFA Main good team)) Detail
13.05.09 r66 GG Detail
11.05.09 need2Lead.FIFA Main low flamers dont play with him !!! zi0m is lowbob Detail
06.05.09 K1ck eSports Club FIFA Detail
04.05.09 H2k Thermaltake Detail
03.05.09 eXtensive-FIFA Detail
20.04.09 WE LOVE JELIC Detail
19.04.09 LowLandLions.fifa Detail
19.04.09 Nou Nejmy gg Detail
16.04.09 EYES ON U Detail
15.04.09 Team-Unleashed gg++ Detail
23.03.09 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
23.03.09 aNgeL's WingS gg nice team gl in the futur Detail
17.03.09 TurQuality-eSports Detail
16.03.09 iGn eSports.Fifa Detail
10.03.09 K1ck eSports Club FIFA Detail
04.02.09 iGn eSports.Fifa Detail
03.02.09 Soccer4ever.fifa Detail
28.01.09 nSydia & eXtensive Detail
28.01.09 ES-GAMING Detail
17.01.09 diamondZ e.V. Detail
15.01.09 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus dobre łącze Tupiego, gg Detail
06.01.09 LowLandLions.fifa Detail
04.01.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
04.01.09 Nou Nejmy Detail
03.01.09 TBH.ASUS Detail
30.12.08 iGn eSports.Fifa Detail
27.12.08 diamondZ e.V. Detail
20.12.08 Play For Victory Detail
24.11.08 uPro Detail
24.11.08 Penetratorzy Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.07.09 Penetratorzy Detail
02.06.09 Nou Nejmy fart Detail
17.05.09 Nou Nejmy Detail
14.05.09 Wolves Detail
10.05.09 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
09.05.09 Penetratorzy Detail
04.05.09 Nou Nejmy Detail
03.05.09 Wolves Detail
20.04.09 Digital-eXtreme. Gaming Powodzonka panowie Detail
15.03.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
19.02.09 Wolves Detail
25.01.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
22.01.09 Penetratorzy Detail
20.01.09 Brave Brothers Detail
18.01.09 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
10.01.09 Penetratorzy tym razem gg++. Kulturka i dobre cw. dzięki Detail
07.01.09 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
22.12.08 Mistrzowie Swiata Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar KOS IV
created from rating comment match
03.06.09 ukrainetop1and 13 Detail
01.06.09 WithoutName.FIFA Detail

FIFA 09 5on5 EMS IV - polskie kwalifikacje
created from rating comment match
01.04.09 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail

FIFA 09 5on5 EMS - polskie kwalifikacje drużynowe
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19.03.09 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
18.03.09 eFIFA School Team gg Detail

FIFA 09 5on5 Bałwanobranie - Faza Playoff
created from rating comment match
07.03.09 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
04.03.09 Penetratorzy standardowo nie znali pojęcia kultura i fair play. Detail
27.02.09 Nou Nejmy Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Winter Playoffs
created from rating comment match
04.03.09 K1ck eSports Club FIFA low manners. Detail
01.03.09 pek.intel e-sports Detail

FIFA 09 5on5 Bałwanobranie - Faza Grupowa
created from rating comment match
15.02.09 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 za całoksztaut Detail
10.02.09 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
05.02.09 Mistrzowie Swiata Detail
29.01.09 Hazardous Hallucinations Detail
26.01.09 Club EG 2007 Detail
21.01.09 eFIFA School Team Detail

FIFA 09 Clanwar Winter League Groupstage
created from rating comment match
01.02.09 diamondZ e.V. Detail
18.01.09 Wizards of the Ball gg Detail

ESL Major Series Season III FIFA 08 Playoffs
created from rating comment match
13.11.08 myRevenge e.V. Detail

ESL Major Series Season III FIFA 08 Relegation
created from rating comment match
29.10.08 PinCho Detail

ESL Major Series Season III FIFA 08 Groupstage
created from rating comment match
26.10.08 mTw Detail
24.10.08 myRevenge e.V. Detail
15.10.08 My Wave gg Detail

ESL Major Series Season III FIFA 08 Qualifying Round 2
created from rating comment match
08.10.08 High-Pcw.FIFA Detail

FIFA 08 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.10.08 H2k fair team // good conn! Detail
02.10.08 Laptop - League Detail
23.09.08 Cosmos TV Detail
22.09.08 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
20.09.08 European Football Stars Detail
16.09.08 Laptop - League Detail
16.09.08 exizarm FIFA old profile Detail
14.09.08 HardStyle FIFA Detail
14.09.08 SKZI Gaming Detail
13.09.08 Never.Back.DOWN gg Detail
12.09.08 neXtPlease Gaming Detail
12.03.08 Nou Nejmy Detail
25.02.08 RAGE.eSports.FIFA Detail
19.02.08 neXtPlease Gaming Detail
18.02.08 Galacticos Devils Detail
18.02.08 Resk feat. otisRinho flamers Detail
11.02.08 Elite Fifa Spain gg Detail
06.02.08 Phonetic FIFA Detail
06.02.08 RAGE.eSports.FIFA Detail
29.01.08 Antwerp Aces Detail
22.01.08 High-Pcw.FIFA gg ! fair play ! Detail
19.01.08 hyc Detail
17.01.08 n1ce.it Fifa Detail
16.01.08 PinCho Detail
15.01.08 LowLandLions.fifa Detail
14.01.08 RAGE.eSports.FIFA Detail
13.01.08 HardStyle KOS Bad Fair Play...Bad Connection...BAD!!! Detail
10.01.08 neXtPlease Gaming Detail
02.01.08 Team Dignitas gg Detail
02.01.08 Elite Fifa Spain Detail
19.12.07 Earthquake.Gaming Detail
18.12.07 Undisputed Clan Poland.PS3 Detail
17.12.07 LeiSuRe Detail
13.12.07 Violence Is Bad gg faire play (k) Detail
09.12.07 Wolves Detail
04.12.07 Soccer4ever.Copa Detail
03.12.07 RAGE.eSports.FIFA gg Detail
28.11.07 Impulsive.FIFA gg, skilled Clan Gl Saviola,Maszok.dante,wsN.marcino.athos ect.. (krasi) Detail
27.11.07 Koenig Legion FIFA squad LAGS ! AND LOW PLAYER! Detail
10.11.07 Never.Back.DOWN best laggers and low kids who quit and unfair Detail
07.11.07 1410 - Fifa gg Detail

ESL Major Series Season III FIFA 08 Qualifying Round 1
created from rating comment match
21.09.08 GrouP oF PlayerS Detail

FIFA 08 Clanwar Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
11.09.08 Mistrzowie Polski 2009 Detail
04.09.08 Black Zone eSPORTS.fifa Detail
07.08.08 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
30.07.08 easyCless Detail
28.07.08 Galacticos Devils Detail
25.07.08 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
25.07.08 Galacticos Devils gg Detail
21.07.08 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
20.07.08 easyCless gg Detail
18.07.08 Galacticos Devils gg Detail
17.07.08 Mistrzowie Swiata Detail

FIFA 08 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.05.08 off Detail
20.05.08 Lucky Gamers Team GG++ Detail
18.05.08 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
13.05.08 Mistrzowie Swiata gg Detail
20.04.08 Nou Nejmy Detail
02.04.08 off Detail
17.03.08 eFIFA.pl TEAM Detail
09.03.08 Undisputed Clan Poland.PS3 gg Detail
24.02.08 Wolves Detail
21.02.08 rT69.Fifa Trening Detail
17.02.08 Club EG 2007 Detail
12.02.08 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
09.02.08 Skajlet Detail
04.02.08 JustPlay.Fifa Detail

FIFA 08 Clanwar Kwalifikacje ESL Major Series II - Playoff
created from rating comment match
26.01.08 BEZROBOTNY11 Detail

FIFA 08 Clanwar Kwalifikacje ESL Major Series II
created from rating comment match
20.01.08 BEZROBOTNY11 Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar Knock-out Series III
created from rating comment match
02.09.07 pod virtual gaming gg Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar IPS Qualification 3 Playoff
created from rating comment match
14.06.07 EASYTEAM gg Detail
04.06.07 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar IPS Qualification 3
created from rating comment match
28.05.07 JustPlay.Fifa Detail
23.05.07 EASYTEAM Detail
20.05.07 BEZROBOTNY11 Detail
17.05.07 tralalahgfhf Detail
14.05.07 Undisputed Clan Poland.PS3 Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.03.07 PinCho noobs :D Detail
05.03.07 Earthquake.Gaming Detail

FIFA 07 Premiership JustPlay.Cup by frag.pl Finals
created from rating comment match
12.03.07 Wolves Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar Knock-Out Series II
created from rating comment match
06.03.07 TMGC gg boys Detail

FIFA 07 Premiership Just Play by frag.pl
created from rating comment match
26.02.07 EASYTEAM Detail
26.02.07 Galacticos Devils Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar Premiership Playoffs
created from rating comment match
25.01.07 BEZROBOTNY11 gg Detail
16.01.07 Pentagram G-Shock Good Game, Good Conn Detail
15.01.07 1410 - Fifa Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar Premiership
created from rating comment match
07.01.07 Pentagram G-Shock GG było klawo i tak stanowo ; P Detail
04.01.07 FearFactory.X-Fi Detail

FIFA 06 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.09.06 Stare konto Detail
27.08.06 BEZROBOTNY11 Detail
24.08.06 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus gg Detail
17.08.06 Continual Clan Players Detail
06.08.06 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus gg Detail
02.08.06 EASYTEAM Detail
25.05.06 Stare konto Bondar oszukuje !! a ogólnie to niezle gg Detail
22.05.06 Reebok gg ;] Detail
18.05.06 VeniVidiVici.FIFA Detail
08.05.06 Undisputed Clan Poland.PS3 Detail
01.05.06 InFection.Fifa Detail
14.04.06 VeniVidiVici.FIFA Detail
10.04.06 Born Killers Inactive Detail
09.04.06 MultiGaming wyzwiska po meczu, zmieniają ustawienie podczas gry i psują krycie :/ fart Detail
06.04.06 Mistrzowie Swiata gg Detail
04.04.06 Polish eXtreme Gamblers Detail
03.04.06 Galacticos Devils Detail
21.03.06 MultiGaming gg Detail
19.03.06 VeniVidiVici.FIFA gg Detail
18.03.06 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
13.03.06 shake Your blood Detail
12.03.06 VeniVidiVici.FIFA gg :) rewa wygramy Detail

FIFA 06 Clanwar Second League
created from rating comment match
24.06.06 Pentagram G-Shock gg Detail
18.06.06 VeniVidiVici.FIFA gg thx Detail
15.06.06 Stare konto Detail

FIFA 06 Clanwar Premiership Elimination
created from rating comment match
28.04.06 Galacticos Devils gg, fair play. nice :) Detail
13.04.06 Born Killers Inactive gg Detail