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PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 June 2021 Monthly Final Europe
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28.06.21 SmellsLikeTeamSpirit Detail

PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 June Open Tournament #4 Europe East
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21.06.21 KOP1 Detail
21.06.21 PitasPitas Detail
21.06.21 iNeX‘ Detail
21.06.21 FragNation Detail

PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 June Open Tournament #3 Europe West
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15.06.21 ENGLAND ! Detail
15.06.21 HeliKopters Detail
15.06.21 JL_GAMING Detail

PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 June Open Tournament #3 Europe East
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14.06.21 DUO TURKS Detail
14.06.21 energYz '- Clan Detail
14.06.21 FragNation Detail

PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 June Open Tournament #2 Europe West
created from rating comment match
08.06.21 ----- Detail
08.06.21 VOX Detail
08.06.21 AL CARRER Detail
08.06.21 Crex Detail
08.06.21 S_oG Detail

PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 June Open Tournament #1 Europe West
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01.06.21 RoadToGlory Detail

PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 May Open Tournament #4 Europe East
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24.05.21 TheHoneybadgers Detail
24.05.21 The banger Detail

PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 May Open Tournament #2 Europe West
created from rating comment match
11.05.21 GETS Detail
11.05.21 FragNation Detail
11.05.21 ACID Gaming Detail
11.05.21 Kloppenheimer Detail

PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 May Open Tournament #1 Europe East
created from rating comment match
03.05.21 Poggers Detail
03.05.21 Dolne City Detail
03.05.21 Cyrex Detail
03.05.21 Pogromcy Żuków Detail