Rating it's luck .- wir schocken

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HaxBall 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.06.11 Miccocchi Detail
26.05.11 nothingg Detail
26.05.11 Problem HaxBall Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.04.07 MiXeD Detail
02.04.07 Happy Tree Friends nice ^^ Detail
16.03.07 ReAction.E-Sports Wirklich nice :-) Detail
11.03.07 FUCK THE REST - cod2 gg Detail
10.03.07 uGame Detail
10.03.07 3 0n 3 CIENIASY.pl gg Detail
06.03.07 summmmm Detail
27.10.06 The Ugly Smiley Crew gg juuuuuuuungs Detail
24.10.06 bez klanu Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder (old)
created from rating comment match
10.03.07 luck.cod 2 Detail
04.03.07 www.clankillerz.de Detail
03.03.07 Spezial Einheit Austria Detail
28.02.07 The-Bulldogz Cod4 Detail
26.02.07 Area of Soldiers Detail
25.02.07 SFC Cupteam Gegner war nett und freundlich, aber etwas schade dass sie als Med/High-player Low-Teams fordern Detail
25.02.07 Die Kettenhunde 3on3 Detail
25.02.07 omen obscurus gg Detail
24.02.07 Chaos Camper Detail
24.02.07 eXceptional Gaming.cod2 Detail
18.02.07 uNskIlLed bUt LusTicH nette gegner, aber lügen im namen. is net nur luck, wir lügen net, UNSKILLED :D Detail
09.02.07 RL CREW presents gg Detail
29.01.07 Die Framejaeger Detail
20.01.07 TerraNex e.V. - CoD2 Detail
20.01.07 Bouncer4You Gaming.CoD2 closed Detail
20.01.07 conVex.eSports Detail
22.08.06 uhrwerk.CoD2-3on3-closed Detail
20.08.06 4630 Bochum 7 Detail
19.08.06 Online COD2 GG Detail
17.08.06 its time to got...#OWNED! avoid pls! Detail
17.08.06 Team Speed-Link gg Detail
15.08.06 RapidKill gg Detail
13.08.06 p3-Gaming e.V. CoD2 Detail
11.08.06 REALLIFE 4 EVER Detail
10.08.06 e SELECCTA oO Detail
05.08.06 closssseeed gg stark gespielt Detail
04.08.06 FlotterDreier Detail
31.07.06 The Ugly Smiley Crew Detail
30.07.06 C L O S E n/c Detail
30.07.06 lost their home Detail
29.07.06 eSports X trem.CoD2 3on3 Detail
28.07.06 rAK-EliTe Guter war leider verloren aer is ja nur nen spiel machne sehen es halt anders^^ Detail
28.07.06 Online COD2 Detail
25.07.06 Orange 2on2 Detail
08.04.06 The Ugly Smiley Crew nette jungz Detail
06.04.06 Young-Obsession COD2 Detail
04.04.06 die drei lowiiiieeesssss THX 4 WAR Detail
02.04.06 Nigmenti Detail
02.04.06 Swiss Millennium Soldiers Rebels Detail
31.03.06 NEGATIVE.cod2 - xTr3m3 Detail
31.03.06 German-Tiger.de CoD 2 - 3on3 Detail
19.03.06 Just-4-Fun eSports - CoD2.SD.3on3 Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Winter Cup
created from rating comment match
27.12.06 powa squad Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder (old)
created from rating comment match
08.12.06 deathLIKE.CoD2 netter gegner Detail
01.11.06 Victory eSports Detail
29.10.06 Operation Wuesten Sturm Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Fall Premiership Division 1
created from rating comment match
23.11.06 endeffect.be-quiet.CoD alles paletti :) Detail
20.11.06 Fear Factory.X-Fi Detail

Call of Duty 2 Headquarters 5on5 Wintercup
created from rating comment match
18.11.06 Assassins on Blood CoD 2 Detail
17.11.06 guinneX.Cod2 Detail

Call of Duty 2 Team Deathmatch 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.10.06 Fight Club 3on3 Detail
29.10.06 powerPlay.wood gg Detail
23.10.06 The Death Pole Cup gg.nc.tdm wa Detail
22.10.06 Jingles Call of Duty 2 gg Detail
22.10.06 eVampires Detail
15.10.06 schöne Zeit.cod4 war trotzdem ganz lustig Detail
06.09.06 Area of Loosers Detail
15.08.06 Tactical-Network cod-3on3 TDM Alles I.O. Detail
12.08.06 nGize - Call of Duty 2 Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Summer Cup
created from rating comment match
13.08.06 Closedweileinerhatimmeranderewiedusein gg Detail
13.08.06 Erfurdia - Munich - Connection Detail