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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #12 - 23/09
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23.09.12 Verbund deutscher Kellerkinder Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 Puchar Otwarcia
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03.09.12 e-normous Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #09 - 02/09
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02.09.12 Outlandish Detail

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Go4CSGO Cup #07 - 19/08
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19.08.12 myDestiny gg wp Detail
19.08.12 Team art!c Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 MR15 Ladder
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21.03.10 Penguins in Tuxedos Detail
15.03.10 Beer 4 Life Detail
23.02.10 SouL Stealers Detail
19.02.10 Vinito Detail
11.02.10 bangall Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups New Generation Cup
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14.01.07 DO PIECA Detail
04.01.07 Stare SPQR gg Detail
21.12.06 DO PIECA :* Detail
11.12.06 The Syndicate Detail
06.12.06 Epic5 EAS Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Amateur Series
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11.12.06 Cubesports Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 MR12 Ladder
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09.12.06 Assassin Clan GG | We Love U err :* Detail
07.12.06 n00bz BusterS Detail
03.12.06 As-Gaming Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
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30.11.06 pact7.exe gg Detail
29.11.06 demented kids Detail
27.11.06 tHc-skill.com - carnage gg Detail
26.11.06 koksundnutten International www.organner.pl Detail
26.11.06 hmm whatever gg but pls get a german server ! pls =) Detail
26.11.06 ESL is K I D D Y v0 Detail
19.11.06 la team est morte gg Detail
26.10.06 Gameface.CSS.INT gg Detail
16.10.06 CurryKingZ.5on5 Detail
12.10.06 Phoenix.css gg and thx Detail
11.10.06 PoPeY Detail
05.10.06 elite9 Multigaming Clan Detail
04.10.06 vinewood#4 Detail
04.10.06 veriC Gaming CSS gg Detail
03.10.06 anonymous INT Detail
01.10.06 in memory of Gate10 - 5on5 MR15 Int Detail
01.10.06 2033180 Detail
24.09.06 moLestia - CSS Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups Sunday Night Fever
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26.11.06 Stare SPQR gg Detail
26.11.06 3V Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Cups ESL @ Powitanie Jesieni
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15.10.06 Assassin Multigaming Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 MR15 First Division #Spring Season
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11.06.06 15 Euro Przeczucia Detail
04.06.06 Elite Warez Couriers Detail
30.05.06 Stare SPQR Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.05.06 uniQue.stylers - main Detail