Star Wars: Battlefront II 5on5 Plus Ladder Old |
13.08.09 |
Aquila Gaming |
gg |
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26.07.09 |
Winner-Clan |
gg .. walkbug :( |
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10.07.09 |
PhaceIt eSports |
gg |
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09.07.09 |
relation.Allstars |
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23.06.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
gg nice match |
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21.06.09 |
The Unknown Warriors |
Server Laggy |
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16.06.09 |
Team7LIVES |
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14.06.09 |
Aquila Gaming |
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08.06.09 |
PhaceIt eSports |
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06.06.09 |
R.I.P. L Alliance |
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25.05.09 |
Team7LIVES |
GG ++ |
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22.05.09 |
Forever Reborn |
Good game ;) |
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17.05.09 |
Delta Force Team |
Good Game- Fair opponents! |
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16.05.09 |
The French Resistance |
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15.05.09 |
Team7LIVES |
gg |
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14.05.09 |
Winner-Clan |
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05.05.09 |
Elite Bloodsports |
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03.05.09 |
PhaceIt eSports |
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27.04.09 |
Dark Fighter Forces |
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25.04.09 |
Team7LIVES |
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29.03.09 |
Winner-Clan |
nice, but blaming us for lag ?? it\'s SWBF2 ! |
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22.03.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
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20.03.09 |
Unleashed Elemental Forces |
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14.03.09 |
PhaceIt eSports |
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06.03.09 |
Delta Force Team |
GG |
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01.03.09 |
In Memory Of TKF |
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28.02.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
GG no flaming etc. NICE |
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21.02.09 |
Mandalorian Star Commando |
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20.02.09 |
Forever Reborn |
Not nice to play with. |
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13.02.09 |
Mandalorian Star Commando |
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07.02.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
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07.09.08 |
PhaceIt eSports |
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31.08.08 |
Legend SWBF2 Alpha-Squad |
GG! |
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30.08.08 |
Force of Corruption |
Nice war, fair players |
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28.08.08 |
Enten-Patrouille |
Nice War as usuall, one of the nicest clans so far :) |
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22.08.08 |
The Eternal Warriors |
Nice! |
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15.08.08 |
Force of Corruption |
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10.08.08 |
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25.07.08 |
Legend SWBF2 Alpha-Squad |
nettes match |
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09.02.08 |
Tha Bloody Angels |
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26.01.08 |
Freedom Reflection |
Good Match and Gg |
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19.01.08 |
The Unknown Warriors |
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21.12.07 |
Memory of Beta-Squad |
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27.10.07 |
PhaceIt eSports |
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20.10.07 |
GenesisKnights Delta Squad |
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13.10.07 |
Force d'elite francaise |
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06.10.07 |
ChAoS-Clan-Elite |
Nice enemys |
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08.09.07 |
The best SWBF2 Team Ever |
nice opponent, very fair and friendly |
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02.09.07 |
The Unknown Warriors |
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30.08.07 |
TheLionKing |
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23.08.07 |
GenesisKnights The Best Clan |
we were scared at Kashyyk^^\' |
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05.08.07 |
Unleashed Elemental Forces |
nice war , kashyyyk omg xD |
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03.08.07 |
Out of Control - SWBF2 Squad |
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19.07.07 |
Der Bro Code |
Your server had more lags then our... all the time... our server just had 3 times a lag!!! -.- |
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13.07.07 |
PhaceIt eSports |
gg! but the lagg was to heavy at Kamino |
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07.07.07 |
The Delta Force |
gg |
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05.07.07 |
New-Earth-Alliance |
gg |
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26.05.07 |
Clone Republican Commando |
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20.04.07 |
GenesisKnights The Best Clan |
Was fun playing |
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13.04.07 |
TheLionKing |
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10.04.07 |
Ninja Elite Fighters |
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08.04.07 |
Enten-Patrouille |
yay all was fair, sry bout the server probs :) |
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07.04.07 |
The Unknown Warriors |
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31.03.07 |
Tha Bloody Angels |
Nice war :) |
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25.03.07 |
Tha Bloody Angels |
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24.03.07 |
NEA-Gaming |
no lags, nice played --> gg (but 40 minutes delay is not my image of a perfect war^^) |
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10.03.07 |
the Army of Darkness |
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04.03.07 |
ChAoS-Clan-Elite |
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24.02.07 |
Aquila Gaming |
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17.02.07 |
The best SWBF2 Team Ever |
guter kontakt...gerne wieder |
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17.02.07 |
Empire Fleet |
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09.02.07 |
The Cellar Clan |
It was a nice War. Great contact! |
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07.02.07 |
NEA-Gaming |
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04.02.07 |
Danke für die Geduld |
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02.02.07 |
Enten-Patrouille |
all was fair, would like to repeat :) |
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20.01.07 |
Spec Force |
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13.01.07 |
The Unknown Warriors |
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12.01.07 |
Space Battle Rangers |
Nice War |
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06.01.07 |
Warriors of Darkness |
Ein richtig geiler War, gerne wieder |
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02.01.07 |
Tha Bloody Angels |
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18.12.06 |
Out of Control - SWBF2 Squad |
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16.12.06 |
the Army of Darkness |
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16.12.06 |
Immortal Warriors SWBF2 Beta-Squad |
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09.12.06 |
Winner-Clan |
Sie waren sehr gut! Wir waren aber schlecht drauf weil wir Server Probleme hatten! |
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02.12.06 |
Aquila Gaming |
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26.11.06 |
Enten-Patrouille |
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18.11.06 |
Republic of Darkness |
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28.10.06 |
ChAoS-Clan-Elite |
It was hard but a fair lay.Next time we will be better |
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23.09.06 |
GermanStormTroopers |
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16.09.06 |
German Crash Commando |
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09.09.06 |
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26.08.06 |
German Eagles - SWBF2 Squad |
Sehr netter kontakt, alles gut gelaufen |
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19.08.06 |
187 - STEIL GEHN_____ 99in1 |
it gaves problems with other players |
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12.08.06 |
the Army of Darkness |
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05.08.06 |
German Flame Army |
spielen mit leuten die kein clantag haben tssssss... |
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05.08.06 |
German Crash Commando |
nice match, no problems, hard war, greets to our international friends |
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29.07.06 |
The Renegades |
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22.07.06 |
Unleashed Elemental Forces |
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15.07.06 |
ClankillerZ SW BF 2 Team |
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