Rating Unknown Regions' Sith 

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Star Wars: Battlefront II 5on5 Plus Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
13.08.09 Aquila Gaming gg Detail
26.07.09 Winner-Clan gg .. walkbug :( Detail
10.07.09 PhaceIt eSports gg Detail
09.07.09 relation.Allstars Detail
23.06.09 The Eternal Warriors gg nice match Detail
21.06.09 The Unknown Warriors Server Laggy Detail
16.06.09 Team7LIVES Detail
14.06.09 Aquila Gaming Detail
08.06.09 PhaceIt eSports Detail
06.06.09 R.I.P. L Alliance Detail
25.05.09 Team7LIVES GG ++ Detail
22.05.09 Forever Reborn Good game ;) Detail
17.05.09 Delta Force Team Good Game- Fair opponents! Detail
16.05.09 The French Resistance Detail
15.05.09 Team7LIVES gg Detail
14.05.09 Winner-Clan Detail
05.05.09 Elite Bloodsports Detail
03.05.09 PhaceIt eSports Detail
27.04.09 Dark Fighter Forces Detail
25.04.09 Team7LIVES Detail
29.03.09 Winner-Clan nice, but blaming us for lag ?? it\'s SWBF2 ! Detail
22.03.09 The Eternal Warriors Detail
20.03.09 Unleashed Elemental Forces Detail
14.03.09 PhaceIt eSports Detail
06.03.09 Delta Force Team GG Detail
01.03.09 In Memory Of TKF Detail
28.02.09 The Eternal Warriors GG no flaming etc. NICE Detail
21.02.09 Mandalorian Star Commando Detail
20.02.09 Forever Reborn Not nice to play with. Detail
13.02.09 Mandalorian Star Commando Detail
07.02.09 The Eternal Warriors Detail
07.09.08 PhaceIt eSports Detail
31.08.08 Legend SWBF2 Alpha-Squad GG! Detail
30.08.08 Force of Corruption Nice war, fair players Detail
28.08.08 Enten-Patrouille Nice War as usuall, one of the nicest clans so far :) Detail
22.08.08 The Eternal Warriors Nice! Detail
15.08.08 Force of Corruption Detail
10.08.08 AQUILA GAMING Detail
25.07.08 Legend SWBF2 Alpha-Squad nettes match Detail
09.02.08 Tha Bloody Angels Detail
26.01.08 Freedom Reflection Good Match and Gg Detail
19.01.08 The Unknown Warriors Detail
21.12.07 Memory of Beta-Squad Detail
27.10.07 PhaceIt eSports Detail
20.10.07 GenesisKnights Delta Squad Detail
13.10.07 Force d'elite francaise Detail
06.10.07 ChAoS-Clan-Elite Nice enemys Detail
08.09.07 The best SWBF2 Team Ever nice opponent, very fair and friendly Detail
02.09.07 The Unknown Warriors Detail
30.08.07 TheLionKing Detail
23.08.07 GenesisKnights The Best Clan we were scared at Kashyyk^^\' Detail
05.08.07 Unleashed Elemental Forces nice war , kashyyyk omg xD Detail
03.08.07 Out of Control - SWBF2 Squad Detail
19.07.07 Der Bro Code Your server had more lags then our... all the time... our server just had 3 times a lag!!! -.- Detail
13.07.07 PhaceIt eSports gg! but the lagg was to heavy at Kamino Detail
07.07.07 The Delta Force gg Detail
05.07.07 New-Earth-Alliance gg Detail
26.05.07 Clone Republican Commando Detail
20.04.07 GenesisKnights The Best Clan Was fun playing Detail
13.04.07 TheLionKing Detail
10.04.07 Ninja Elite Fighters Detail
08.04.07 Enten-Patrouille yay all was fair, sry bout the server probs :) Detail
07.04.07 The Unknown Warriors Detail
31.03.07 Tha Bloody Angels Nice war :) Detail
25.03.07 Tha Bloody Angels Detail
24.03.07 NEA-Gaming no lags, nice played --> gg (but 40 minutes delay is not my image of a perfect war^^) Detail
10.03.07 the Army of Darkness Detail
04.03.07 ChAoS-Clan-Elite Detail
24.02.07 Aquila Gaming Detail
17.02.07 The best SWBF2 Team Ever guter kontakt...gerne wieder Detail
17.02.07 Empire Fleet Detail
09.02.07 The Cellar Clan It was a nice War. Great contact! Detail
07.02.07 NEA-Gaming NICE WAR Detail
04.02.07 GERMAN-AIRWOLFS Danke für die Geduld Detail
02.02.07 Enten-Patrouille all was fair, would like to repeat :) Detail
20.01.07 Spec Force Detail
13.01.07 The Unknown Warriors Detail
12.01.07 Space Battle Rangers Nice War Detail
06.01.07 Warriors of Darkness Ein richtig geiler War, gerne wieder Detail
02.01.07 Tha Bloody Angels Detail
18.12.06 Out of Control - SWBF2 Squad Detail
16.12.06 the Army of Darkness Detail
16.12.06 Immortal Warriors SWBF2 Beta-Squad Detail
09.12.06 Winner-Clan Sie waren sehr gut! Wir waren aber schlecht drauf weil wir Server Probleme hatten! Detail
02.12.06 Aquila Gaming Detail
26.11.06 Enten-Patrouille Detail
18.11.06 Republic of Darkness Detail
28.10.06 ChAoS-Clan-Elite It was hard but a fair lay.Next time we will be better Detail
23.09.06 GermanStormTroopers Detail
16.09.06 German Crash Commando Detail
09.09.06 GERMAN-AIRWOLFS Detail
26.08.06 German Eagles - SWBF2 Squad Sehr netter kontakt, alles gut gelaufen Detail
19.08.06 187 - STEIL GEHN_____ 99in1 it gaves problems with other players Detail
12.08.06 the Army of Darkness Detail
05.08.06 German Flame Army spielen mit leuten die kein clantag haben tssssss... Detail
05.08.06 German Crash Commando nice match, no problems, hard war, greets to our international friends Detail
29.07.06 The Renegades Detail
22.07.06 Unleashed Elemental Forces Detail
15.07.06 ClankillerZ SW BF 2 Team Detail

Star Wars: Battlefront II Bundesliga Saison 2 Gruppenphase
created from rating comment match
06.01.08 the Army of Darkness nice War Detail
02.12.07 GenesisKnights The Best Clan Detail
19.11.07 Tha Bloody Angels super war :-) Detail
04.11.07 The Unknown Warriors Detail
19.10.07 Unleashed Elemental Forces really good and exciting war Detail

Star Wars: Battlefront II Bundesliga Saison 1 Gruppenphase
created from rating comment match
10.08.07 Aquila Gaming Detail
15.07.07 GERMAN-AIRWOLFS Detail
30.06.07 The best SWBF2 Team Ever Funny War Detail
08.06.07 GenesisKnights The Best Clan Detail
19.05.07 187 - STEIL GEHN_____ 99in1 Detail

Star Wars: Battlefront II 4on4 CTF Space Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.08.07 Enten-RogueWings its always a pleasure to play with URS =) Detail
22.07.07 Enten-RogueWings n1 war =) Detail
14.07.07 Illuminati HimmelFahrtsKommando Detail
08.07.07 TwinSun Detail
27.06.07 Enten-RogueWings Detail
20.05.07 Enten-RogueWings everything alright, just server was lagfull - but doesnt matter Detail
18.05.07 NEA-Arkangels Nice War, THX Detail
15.04.07 Enten-RogueWings like everytime: everything ok, nice war, really hard for us!!!! Detail
23.03.07 Star Force Soldier Detail
18.03.07 GERMAN-AIRWOLFS fair Players Detail
16.03.07 The NeXt. Evolution' gg Detail
11.03.07 German Zocker Detail
09.03.07 Empire Fleet Detail
18.02.07 Enten-RogueWings nice war, everything alright Detail
11.02.07 the Army of Darkness Detail
10.02.07 Commando Republicain Clone Detail

Star Wars: Battlefront II 4on4 CTF Space Cup
created from rating comment match
08.01.07 Daddeln-Fingersports Detail
15.12.06 New-Earth-Alliance Team Hellfire Nice war Detail
01.12.06 Star Force Soldier Detail
24.11.06 Space Battle Rangers Detail