Rating Patrouille Tactique Terrestre 

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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Squad Rush 4on4 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.05.10 Death Unit Crew Detail
11.05.10 Esk Detail
21.04.10 GiFr eSport Detail
13.04.10 SYN3RGi Detail
12.04.10 OxyGeN Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.03.09 Blc Detail
04.03.09 N'SP la team ptt n est pas present pour la war gg Detail
01.03.09 Fraternity Gamer'z Detail
16.02.09 Hv - 5v5 Detail
05.02.09 F2h T2 Detail
02.02.09 PunchLine! Detail
22.01.09 Joe bar team 81 Detail
14.01.09 F2h Detail
06.01.09 Amnesia.Gaming Detail
29.12.08 Assault French Swat Detail
06.11.08 Kaamelott Gaming Detail
04.11.08 Les Frageurs Reunis Detail
30.10.08 SBSL.cod4.Souvenir Detail
27.10.08 Le Delire Assure CoD5 Bravo Detail
20.10.08 European Elite Jolt CoD 4 :) fair play Detail
19.10.08 Fais Moi Peur Cod4 Groupe 1 Detail
13.10.08 Soldat Dans L'Ame Bravo Trés beau fair-play Detail
06.10.08 Hv - 5v5 Detail
01.10.08 BackStabs.Clan Une equipe bien simpatique malgré le retard ^^ gg Detail
19.09.08 Powa.Mult!Gam!ng Detail
17.09.08 PArAnO Bon match rien à dire merci PTT Detail
11.09.08 iS.up gg, sympa en+ Detail
10.09.08 K-LibR.COD4 GG^^ Detail
04.09.08 Clan-BEL Detail
03.09.08 sAng9.COD4 Detail
28.08.08 oldACCOUNT 3-0-1 Detail
27.08.08 Mephisto Gaming Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
14.08.08 e-KeePwn Detail
17.07.08 Giga_France Detail
01.07.08 Clan-BEL Detail
29.06.08 in Memory of eLogic CoD4 Detail
25.06.08 Le Delire Assure BF3 Gg Detail
13.06.08 Noname.Gaming Detail
02.06.08 Dogs Of War team Detail
26.05.08 SharKAttacK Detail
19.05.08 Division Anti-Terrosriste Detail
15.05.08 License 2 kill Detail
07.05.08 4nTik.Gaming Detail
28.04.08 AsF Detail
16.04.08 GiGn-Team Detail
09.04.08 Le Delire Assure Alpha Detail
03.04.08 Le Delire Assure CoD5 Bravo Detail
02.04.08 License to Kill eSport.CoD4 Detail
26.03.08 French Resistance Detail
19.03.08 Head Killer Shoot np Detail
16.03.08 KaS.cod4 Detail
05.03.08 Le Delire Assure Alpha Detail
26.02.08 The Nemesis Team Detail
20.02.08 X-Ray. Team Detail
13.02.08 Bon d'achats FairPlay GG :) Detail
01.02.08 Nx' Detail
28.01.08 intkv Bcp d\'attente en début et entre les maps ! Detail
23.01.08 seekname Detail
18.01.08 Freres De Sang Detail
16.01.08 Mix.odc Detail
03.01.08 K-LibR.COD4 gg, team sympa Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Championnat Materiel.net
created from rating comment match
30.06.08 SharKAttacK GG Detail
26.06.08 We never die bonne game Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 EMS Qualifier
created from rating comment match
27.02.08 Unknow -Team gg les mecs Detail

ET: Quake Wars 6on6 Demo Cup
created from rating comment match
17.09.07 Greek Operation Forces ETQW Friendly clan Detail