Rating da Roxor united ..cs

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ESL Pro Series Season IV Counter-Strike 5on5
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01.02.08 method Detail
16.01.08 Webone CS Detail
12.12.07 Team GiL Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Old Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
10.12.07 Webone CS gg Detail
29.11.07 Hellway - Instant death Detail
25.11.07 oveRage Detail
25.11.07 legionnaiRe.cs Detail
21.11.07 method Detail
19.11.07 immi Detail
18.11.07 Webone CS gg! Detail
12.07.07 FACE2FACE! Detail
04.07.07 fristars Detail
04.07.07 fuck.GODGAMERS GG Detail
28.05.07 Hellway - Instant death Detail
28.05.07 BADABOOM.cs gg Detail
22.05.07 Evolution Detail
15.05.07 method Detail
07.05.07 noobz underground Detail
30.04.07 1337 Starz gg Detail
17.04.07 BADABOOM.cs Detail
11.04.07 FACE2FACE! gg tar tu pu Detail
09.04.07 no.idea Detail
29.03.07 noobz underground Detail
28.03.07 Hellway - Instant death Detail
26.03.07 GAMESHOCK Detail
15.03.07 method Detail
19.02.07 method Detail
19.02.07 noobz underground 16-12 pr ns =) Detail
19.02.07 Seventy Six Detail
18.02.07 zerotp.orig1nal Detail
31.01.07 method gg nice match Detail
28.01.07 pragmatic Detail
23.01.07 spirit of Game SYMPA , gg bonne continuation Detail
18.01.07 no.idea Gaming Detail
15.01.07 offensive Detail
15.01.07 aTom-clan Detail
14.01.07 method Detail
09.01.07 NoEscape Detail
08.01.07 Seventy Six team qui pown et sympa :) Detail
04.01.07 method Detail
21.12.06 inhumans nice game Detail
03.12.06 PaiNFuLL Detail
19.11.06 maGma Detail

Intel Extreme Masters Season II Counter-Strike Last Chance Qualifier
created from rating comment match
04.11.07 Competo.ZYKON systems Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.11.07 n1 asS Detail
07.10.07 aG.g GG, intenable... -_-\' Detail
05.09.07 overDIE Detail
03.09.07 Kit FeaT Lilinz Detail
16.07.07 eXe uNited Detail
16.07.07 GAMESHOCK Detail
08.07.07 123 SOLEIL Bonne team & faire play Detail
08.07.07 Nwtech Detail
06.07.07 Hellway - Instant death Detail
03.07.07 sixavenue Detail
03.07.07 desperados.cs Detail

Counter-Strike uyR Saitek Nightcup
created from rating comment match
18.05.07 precisioN Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.04.07 hihihi! Detail
16.04.07 aG.g Detail
11.04.07 inGame Detail
10.04.07 BADABOOM.cs Detail
05.04.07 hihood.net Detail
03.04.07 ubiteam GG nice team, on remet ca ! Detail
22.03.07 anyone Detail
19.03.07 AirWeak gg Detail
16.03.07 FRENCH Bonne équipe. Detail
13.03.07 Hellway - Instant death mouahahha :p Detail
12.03.07 Requiem Detail
06.03.07 Team Vilain Detail
28.02.07 infqktd Detail
27.02.07 Once upon a Time ca a lammer comme des gros porc sur train sinon rien a dire =) Detail
21.02.07 High-Pcw .CS courtes a 3, mauvaise attitude, mais bonne team dans l\'ensemble :\\ Detail
12.02.07 electronic Sports hope Detail
06.02.07 xiphoeN Detail
01.02.07 Team Vilain Detail
29.01.07 uyR.Legendary Detail
25.01.07 Evolve très très bonne team, comme d\'hab rien à rajouter lol Detail
24.01.07 Hellway - Instant death un peu de retard mais toujours aussi sympatoche :) Detail
19.01.07 eXe uNited Detail
11.01.07 y0Lestops Detail
11.01.07 AirWeak Detail
04.01.07 quakers Detail
10.12.06 inhumans lvl up Detail
07.12.06 MOVEYOURSKILL gg^^ Detail
06.12.06 SexMoney Detail
05.12.06 sixavenue Detail
04.12.06 SexMoney Detail
29.11.06 Seventy Six bj la revanche une prochaine fois :) Detail
28.11.06 y0Lestops mecs cool et bon level Detail
26.11.06 Heavenly arrogants Detail
12.11.06 Hellway - Instant death Detail
08.11.06 Requiem Detail
24.10.06 Soundfx.frs bj Detail
22.10.06 Advanced Level rage Detail
19.10.06 byNight Bj Detail
16.10.06 noobz underground Detail
11.10.06 L-oO-K gg bon match Detail
09.10.06 Electronic Skill Detail
08.10.06 SaphiRe Detail
05.10.06 pay ton mcdo Detail
03.10.06 Hellway - Instant death rien a dire :p dur la reprise sur train depuis 3 jours o// Detail
26.09.06 artist.crew Detail
21.09.06 a-MUTANT Detail
20.09.06 ex dRu.cs Detail
19.09.06 ASTRAL Clan Detail
18.09.06 mindtrick Detail
09.09.06 xiphoeN trop d\'erreurs, pas assez de motivation pour gagner meme contre des faibles comme eux Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 The First 2007 Cup
created from rating comment match
27.02.07 SymbiOz Detail
11.02.07 lsd Detail
07.02.07 eXe uNited Detail
14.01.07 BuZ Detail