Rating ClanLess .AVA 

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Alliance of Valiant Arms Demolition 4on4 Plus 5on5 Team Cup
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24.03.11 CrackHeads Detail
20.03.11 Curse.EU gg boys Detail
17.03.11 CrackHeads Detail
13.03.11 Ro Sprayers Detail
10.03.11 Prot0type AVA Detail

Alliance of Valiant Arms Demolition 4on4 Plus Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.12.09 Curse.EU Detail
11.12.09 1stCav eSport Club AVA Detail
10.12.09 P0LAND Detail

Alliance of Valiant Arms Escort 4on4 Plus Opening Cup
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21.12.09 XyLence Detail

Alliance of Valiant Arms Demolition 3on3+ Launch Cup
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22.11.09 Curse.EU Detail
15.11.09 DC squad AvA Detail

Combat Arms Search & Destroy 5on5 Opening Cup
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23.02.09 In memory of faculty.CA gg Detail
10.02.09 Vexy Team Detail
03.02.09 TANKTOPWUNDER will anti cheat programm Detail

Combat Arms Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
10.02.09 Italian Force - Combat Arms Detail
02.02.09 Tactical Assault Elite Fighter Detail
31.01.09 Team Prodigy Detail
27.01.09 DeathShadows Detail
25.01.09 ex VAE VICTIS Detail
24.01.09 Russian Pro Gaming Detail
18.01.09 Amatorzy Taniego Wina Detail
18.01.09 ExclamatioN They didn\'t say gl hf !! Detail
15.01.09 The Matez Detail
12.01.09 Team-Biohazard Detail
11.01.09 L gg Detail
06.01.09 Bacon Pancakes! Detail
05.01.09 RUSSENDRUCK fail gg Detail
04.01.09 Team-Biohazard gg guys. Lets do a rematch when we played some matches in this game ;D Detail
02.01.09 Remember myGamax.Combat Arms flame ;/ Detail
02.01.09 WHiTE BERETS Detail
31.12.08 Terror Corps Detail
30.12.08 team xxxxxxxx Detail
30.12.08 Black Berets Detail

War Rock Open Ladder 3on3+ CQC Europe
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01.07.08 k0k5NuTt3n Detail
25.06.08 In Memory of K-Othic eSport Detail
23.06.08 In Memory Of Elite Soldiers Detail
18.06.08 RevolutioN Detail
28.01.08 Wait 4 Michi gg Detail
24.01.08 ULTIMATE-GAMERS Detail
09.01.08 Team-Putes Detail
27.12.07 OX-GAMING lag ftw. Detail
18.12.07 L33T Gaming Detail
08.12.07 Polish Hussars Detail
04.12.07 Alone In The Darkness Gg really good team Detail
01.12.07 in Memory of aineX aka. FlowerPower lagger ftw Detail
22.11.07 In Memory of Italian Mistakes n1 flame Detail
06.11.07 ReLoad.EU let us wait too long, but during game ok Detail
04.11.07 DeathMaker dalla A alla Z Detail
27.10.07 Old FiCtiOn Detail
23.09.07 Ptaszki lagerrzy Detail
22.09.07 Dutch Elite Detail
18.09.07 In Memory of Italian Mistakes laggers and unfairs Detail
15.09.07 re-match organization much lag. Detail
01.09.07 KingZ of KonZ sehr fair Detail
31.08.07 Honorary and Old Players Detail
30.08.07 In memory of Knechte Fucking Lagger!!! Detail
29.08.07 In Memory of Universal Soldiers Detail
25.08.07 aesir.eSports Detail
21.08.07 AG The End gg guyz Detail
06.08.07 theta Nu xi Team Detail
24.07.07 Honorary and Old Players Detail
22.07.07 Just Smile Detail
15.07.07 Die with style Good opponents.Vers patient :) ty Detail
10.07.07 TpH.R e L o a d e d Detail
08.07.07 Shit I Missed Detail
06.07.07 Polish Hussars Detail
26.06.07 old acc 6 gg Detail
25.06.07 DeLinKan Jeu d\'equipe. Detail
12.06.07 Cr4zy Revolution Detail
09.06.07 In Memory of K-Othic eSport Detail
08.06.07 Escuadron de Soldados Profesionales gg Detail
07.06.07 Army in Motion Detail
26.05.07 iNspired-GaminG e.aSport gg Detail
23.05.07 Bad Men seconda divisione Detail
22.05.07 1337 Detail
21.05.07 In memory of diamondZ.WR Detail
17.05.07 Scimmie Urlatrici Hvt camper -_- Detail
08.05.07 Polish Hussars Detail
04.05.07 The Darkness Elite Fusion Detail
02.05.07 nightLy WaRriorS Detail
30.04.07 Imp4ct.Gaming Detail
30.04.07 Ex Redeye GG!!fair Team! always again! Detail
24.04.07 The cmBq such a band of laggers i nerver seen! Detail
21.04.07 GunClan lagi ; / Detail
21.04.07 Honorary and Old Players Detail

War Rock Close Quarters Combat 4on4 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.02.08 Polish Praetorians Detail
13.01.08 aesir.eSports Za to co po meczu : ) Detail
30.12.07 INACTIVE reinO Gaming.com WR Detail
22.12.07 In Memory Of Elite Soldiers Detail
10.12.07 Polish Hussars Alfa Detail
07.12.07 First Polish Batalion Detail
04.12.07 INACTIVE reinO Gaming.com WR Detail
03.12.07 Team Prodigy Detail
17.11.07 In Memory Of Elite Soldiers Detail
13.11.07 aesir.eSports Detail
03.11.07 Universal Soldiers.WR Detail
29.10.07 Lost Mission Detail
28.10.07 GameShield Team krejzi grzeczniej nastepnym razem Detail
22.10.07 Team Prodigy Detail
08.10.07 Pro Gamers Team Detail
20.09.07 Universal Soldiers.WR Detail
04.09.07 FlavouR GuN Detail
25.07.07 OneForAll Detail
10.06.07 Honorary and Old Players Detail
08.06.07 In Memory Of Elite Soldiers Detail
06.06.07 Polish Fighters Detail
03.06.07 eGaming Clan .wr Detail
26.05.07 Lost Patrol Detail
14.05.07 Warrock nee Detail
05.05.07 Polish Fighters Detail
01.05.07 Viribius Units Detail
29.04.07 In Memory Of Elite Soldiers gg :) Detail
29.04.07 In Memory of Universal Soldiers Żałosne używanie F5 Detail
25.04.07 Polish Fighters Detail
19.04.07 Lost Mission Detail
10.04.07 Europe-Elites Detail
09.04.07 GhostClan Ekipa super/ mecz na poziomie Detail
07.04.07 Immortal Warriors Detail
10.03.07 Head Hunters Detail
07.03.07 Immortal Warriors gg Detail
06.03.07 Polish Masters dobrze bylo szkoda ze laggi byly Detail
04.03.07 Polish Fighters lagi!!! Detail
04.03.07 Polish Squad Killers Clan Detail
03.03.07 GunClan Detail
27.02.07 Polish Masters Detail

War Rock League Season I Division 1
created from rating comment match
15.10.07 k1ck eSports Club Warrock Division Detail
14.10.07 Remember Team LeiSuRe gg Detail
30.09.07 iNspired-GaminG e.aSport Detail
23.09.07 In memory of Knechte Detail
09.09.07 In memory of diamondZ.WR see matchcomments :) Detail
03.09.07 Polish Hussars Detail

War Rock Close Quarters Combat 4on4 Mistrzostwa Polski - Final
created from rating comment match
19.05.07 Polish Fighters Detail
18.05.07 In Memory of Universal Soldiers lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag Detail

War Rock Close Quarters Combat 4on4 Mistrzostwa Polski
created from rating comment match
11.05.07 Warrock nee Detail
09.05.07 In Memory Of Elite Soldiers :) Detail
07.05.07 X-Fighters Detail

War Rock Close Quarters Combat 3on3+ Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
13.03.07 noname2222 mh...etwas laggy aber es geht Detail
11.03.07 Euro Force Clan Żal Detail