Rating Shooter-Spain 

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Call of Duty: World at War Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
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13.08.09 Alsdorfer Sterbehilfe 5on5 WaW gg Detail
07.08.09 Italian X Team Detail
04.08.09 SintoX eSports Detail
03.08.09 Team GROM Detail
28.07.09 Irrecusable Rocking Army Detail
28.07.09 Um8 Detail
16.07.09 Concept Digital Damage.CoD gg Detail
10.07.09 Xtenz-Gaming esport Detail
08.07.09 questi0n Detail
02.07.09 nO Aim PERMISSION Very Good Game Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.07.09 Katunor Detail
18.06.09 Clan FeNiX Detail
17.06.09 Lem.Cod Mw2 Detail
28.05.09 Obskure klan Detail
27.05.09 Lem.Cod Mw2 Detail
21.05.09 Unidad de Intervencion Tactica Detail
11.05.09 Beyond-Gaming eSports Detail
22.04.09 Clan Renegados Detail
17.04.09 Lem.Cod Mw2 Detail
16.04.09 Katunor Detail
03.04.09 ICECLAN Detail
27.03.09 Clan Renegados Detail
13.03.09 Lem.Cod Mw2 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder Old
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01.07.09 QuiCk e-Sports Club Detail
06.05.09 4Gotten Team Detail
27.04.09 CLAN ASSURE Buena war cracks Detail
25.04.09 epiK Gaming Revolution ' Detail
23.04.09 Sacrifice Squad 3nDleSS Detail
01.04.09 OverDreams COD4 Detail
25.03.09 Clan F.S.P Detail
18.03.09 Time To Kill Resurrection Detail
11.03.09 Clan Elite Shooters Siempre un placer jugar con amigos. Detail
06.03.09 Restart! Buena war putios :) la proxima no os sera tan facil :) xD sin tag damos mas la cara xD Detail
04.03.09 ApoCorpS Detail
27.02.09 Dragon Ball Z Detail
25.02.09 WARCLAN e-Sports Club Detail
19.02.09 The SenSation the limit! Detail
17.02.09 2KO M.Squad Detail
10.02.09 FTE Detail
03.02.09 Vendettas Cod4 Team Detail
21.11.08 OverDreams COD4 Detail
14.11.08 Noobs in Arms GG Detail
05.11.08 pewneD Detail
31.10.08 CoD3c'S F gg Detail
24.10.08 Clan Renegados Detail
17.10.08 SPQR Legion IX Hispana Detail
10.10.08 Dia-D Detail
08.08.08 Fraktals Detail
01.08.08 clan.s4DroN Buena partida xicos es una pena no haber sido 5 . Detail
25.07.08 SS inactive Detail
22.07.08 eRuS Detail
18.07.08 FTE Detail
09.07.08 Team r2k' e-SporT CoD4 2 squAD Detail
04.07.08 MidNight Detail
21.06.08 Cowboys From Hell Detail
18.06.08 CoeS Detail
13.06.08 Clan dEsPi Detail
29.05.08 Fraktals Detail
22.05.08 Team Always' GG gente Detail
20.05.08 Clan KO! Detail
08.05.08 The Birra Project Detail
30.04.08 overGame e-Sports Detail
24.04.08 SS inactive entretenida la war Detail
18.04.08 Clan Viciats Units Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Summer League
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29.06.09 CaraVieja gg Detail
19.06.09 emoTive e-Sports CoD4 Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Search & Destroy 5on5 MapPack Cup
created from rating comment match
30.04.09 Lem.Cod Mw2 Detail
28.04.09 Katunor gg Detail
26.04.09 Clan Renegados Detail

Call of Duty 4 Sabotage 5on5 League Season IV
created from rating comment match
13.04.09 SS inactive Detail
06.04.09 Rebound Detail
23.03.09 Spanish Edonkeys Detail
16.03.09 BlaCkSheet .CoD2 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Best Crossfire Cup
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09.03.09 team disuelto cod4 Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Capture The Flag 5on5 Red Dawn Cup
created from rating comment match
01.02.09 Lem.Cod Mw2 Detail
27.01.09 Clan MomO Detail
25.01.09 Katunor Bien jugado Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Search & Destroy 5on5 Opening Cup
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13.01.09 Nless OldSchool Detail
04.01.09 Beyond-Gaming eSports Detail

Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 League Season II
created from rating comment match
25.11.08 z3 sMOkerS sQuaD 1 Detail
18.11.08 Tropa Mangutas Avengers Detail
11.11.08 Territorio Hostil Detail
04.11.08 Hermanos de Guerra Detail
28.10.08 Black Fenix Apache Detail
21.10.08 SS inactive Detail
14.10.08 ICECLAN Detail

Call of Duty 4 Sabotage 5on5 League Season III
created from rating comment match
24.11.08 MidNight cacho perros,mira que os quiero ,pero como os odio jejejejejejeje Detail
03.11.08 Clan Gaditanos GG bien jugado! Detail
27.10.08 Spanish Edonkeys Beta Detail
13.10.08 AFK sports Detail
06.10.08 4FragSBrutals ok Detail
30.09.08 Clan UEFA Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 1.6 Map-pack Cup
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18.06.08 inactiv clan Detail

Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 League
created from rating comment match
17.06.08 Black Fenix Big Red One Wena war gente, un placer y suerte!! Detail
10.06.08 Clan Marakas buena war $$ Detail
03.06.08 Los Mejores Soldados Detail
27.05.08 Territorio Hostil Detail
20.05.08 Tropa Mangutas Avengers Un placer señores Detail
10.05.08 Forbidden Gods gg Detail
06.05.08 EXCESIVE bien jugado por parte de los ss.un saludo Detail

Call of Duty 4 Sabotage 5on5 League Season II
created from rating comment match
09.06.08 Spanish Edonkeys no jugué pero supongo que dpm como no puede ser de otra manera :D Detail
02.06.08 Clan Renegados Detail
26.05.08 Lem.Cod4 Detail
19.05.08 OveR Cod4 Team Detail
11.05.08 ForStars eSports Detail
05.05.08 Suicidal Tendencies Soldiers Detail
28.04.08 BlaCkSheet .CoD2 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Sabotage 5on5 League Season I
created from rating comment match
01.04.08 Rebound Detail
24.03.08 Clan Balloneta En el primer mapa por un error del pam se puso el resultado 5-2 para boa, pero el resultado es 5-1. Detail
17.03.08 Federacion de Clanes Detail
10.03.08 Spanish Edonkeys buena war señores! no jugué pero bueno, la proxima procuraré estar para que me mateis un rato ;) Detail
25.02.08 Clan Renegados Wena war gente ;) Detail
20.02.08 Lem.Cod4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 St Valentin's Cup
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04.03.08 Rebound Detail
28.02.08 Black Fenix Detail
26.02.08 Nless OldSchool Detail
20.02.08 Clan Marakas Comportamento correcto, puntuales y sin problemas. Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 EMS Qualifier
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17.02.08 wEx.Gaming Detail
14.02.08 WARCLAN e-Sports Club Detail
27.01.08 Squad 3V Un clan muy agradable. Detail

Call of Duty 4 Sabotage 5on5 Clasificatorio Liga
created from rating comment match
28.01.08 Wartime.A Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.11.07 4FragSBrutals Detail
20.07.07 Clan CaTalunya Un placer! Detail
13.07.07 Lem Detail
06.07.07 Restart! Detail
22.06.07 Lem Detail
05.06.07 inactiv clan Detail
01.06.07 ZooClan Detail
16.05.07 Escuadron Fuego Cruzado Buen comportamiento y buen servidor sin ningun lag Detail

Call of Duty 2 Capture The Flag 5on5 AutumnCup
created from rating comment match
22.10.07 Perros de Guerra Detail
16.10.07 Survive e-Sports Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 3 Weeks Cup
created from rating comment match
24.06.07 attack Detail
17.06.07 goAhead no pudieron presentarse Detail
13.06.07 Vanilla Team Detail

Call of Duty 2 Capture The Flag 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.06.07 inSane.Gamers Detail
28.02.07 ZooClan Detail
13.01.07 ZooClan Muy buena war Detail
29.12.06 Perros de Guerra Detail
22.12.06 FKF Detail
15.12.06 ZooClan Detail
29.11.06 Escuadron Fuego Cruzado Detail
24.11.06 ICECLAN Detail
16.11.06 Lem Detail