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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.10.09 strikersClub Detail

ESL Pro Series Season IV Counter-Strike 5on5
created from rating comment match
22.01.08 SymbiOz Detail
17.01.08 Mojawi Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Old Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
22.11.07 ethnics.mix Detail
21.11.07 SymbiOz Detail
21.11.07 da Roxor united Detail
19.11.07 oveRage Detail
18.11.07 Back To Reality Detail
11.06.07 eXtensive! Detail
30.05.07 GAMESHOCK Detail
29.05.07 FACE2FACE! Detail
20.05.07 Designed gg :) Detail
18.05.07 Xplosive Reality Detail
16.05.07 da Roxor united gg Detail
15.03.07 da Roxor united gg, bonne continuation à vous Detail
12.03.07 noobz underground Detail
09.03.07 GAMESHOCK Detail
07.03.07 no.idea Detail
06.03.07 spirit of Game Detail
19.02.07 da Roxor united gg Detail
31.01.07 da Roxor united Detail
29.01.07 zerotp.orig1nal Detail
24.01.07 spirit of Game bj Detail
21.01.07 no.idea Gaming Detail
14.01.07 da Roxor united gg Detail
08.01.07 spirit of Game Detail
04.01.07 da Roxor united gg Detail
02.01.07 geNius.Touch Detail
19.12.06 PaiNFuLL Detail
19.12.06 spirit of Game sympa , bonne continuation Detail
12.12.06 esperance gg Detail
11.12.06 NoLeveL Detail

Counter-Strike uyR nightcup v202
created from rating comment match
27.08.07 FRENCH Detail
27.08.07 Cafe-Pause Detail