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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.10.11 ednet Detail
22.02.09 RADIANCE Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club Nightcup V61
created from rating comment match
04.07.10 cyberathlete Detail
04.07.10 Pulse NightCup cs Lam Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club Nightcup V60
created from rating comment match
04.07.10 Team Birth! Detail
04.07.10 C2N Detail
03.07.10 KINDER Detail

Counter-Strike uyR 5on5 NightCup v197 BO3
created from rating comment match
06.05.10 Higher Detail
06.05.10 Ins-Gaming.eu Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club NightCup v39
created from rating comment match
27.03.10 fastE Detail
27.03.10 FeRocity.CuP Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 KotH v10
created from rating comment match
21.08.09 Hold Your Colour Detail
07.08.09 FRENEGONDE Detail

Counter-Strike uyR 5on5 NightCup v132
created from rating comment match
18.08.09 Toilet Paper Allstars Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
14.07.09 MUCHACHOS Detail
14.07.09 ownage.Fx gg Detail
12.07.09 NantesFC Detail
11.07.09 mAou gaming Detail
16.06.09 i8.GAMING Detail
16.06.09 koinkoin Detail
15.06.09 NantesFC Detail
14.06.09 MUCHACHOS Detail
14.06.09 CHOU&CARE Detail
06.06.09 MAELSTROM Detail
24.05.09 EFALL.CS Detail
21.05.09 EFALL .Multigaming CS1.6S Detail
20.05.09 burberryzzz Detail
20.05.09 Gamer.fr Detail
19.05.09 8881124 Detail
18.05.09 KORSIKKA Detail
18.05.09 NantesFC Detail
06.05.09 eMORE.cs Detail
25.03.09 BUFFALO.fx Detail
19.03.09 MADSHOCK Detail
19.03.09 Team pixelogi classic Detail
18.03.09 mAou Classic Detail
18.03.09 kitiM Detail
17.03.09 Feat gg Detail
16.03.09 dIGITAL ESPORT Detail
12.03.09 GREEN Detail
12.03.09 CHOU&CARE Detail
23.02.09 Belehe Detail
21.02.09 NoNick Detail
21.02.09 MADEINKHMER Detail
19.02.09 AS Detail
12.02.09 Divino Detail
10.02.09 lolz Detail
10.02.09 promouse Detail
10.02.09 PAMPERS Detail
05.02.09 Divino Detail
04.02.09 PAMPERS Detail
03.02.09 Knackered Knobs Detail
02.02.09 Triangle Detail
02.02.09 Natus Vereux Detail
02.02.09 Adjustgame Detail
01.02.09 Too much Brain Detail
01.02.09 MADEINKHMER Detail
01.02.09 Sans faire de bruit Detail
01.02.09 bet Detail
31.01.09 mixxxxxxx Detail
30.01.09 overall Detail

Counter-Strike Adventure NightCup v28
created from rating comment match
04.05.09 tozz Detail

Counter-Strike Adventure NightCup v25
created from rating comment match
02.05.09 tHEclub o.O Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
25.03.09 Team.pixelogi Detail
25.03.09 Pro-gs.EAS Detail
24.03.09 wind of change.CS Detail

materiel.net Counter-Strike Coupe Materiel.net
created from rating comment match
24.03.09 Have Fun Gaming Detail
23.03.09 As-One Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 KotH v3
created from rating comment match
15.12.08 tounesports Detail
07.12.08 meetic.com Detail
03.12.08 cHoCoBo Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Quickie Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.12.08 cOuRnIcHe il protest car on marche LOL Detail
20.10.08 tcors Detail
19.10.08 Bullrotz Detail
18.10.08 GENESIX Detail
17.10.08 myAss 2v2 Detail
16.10.08 JoueTaVieA2hDuMat Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 AWP Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.12.08 euph0riQ Detail
25.11.08 n-Oo-b 2on2 Detail
18.10.08 0.Skill Detail
17.10.08 n-Oo-b 2on2 Detail
17.10.08 GRAND JOUEUR INTERNATIONAL gg mes poulettes :) Detail
16.10.08 SbY - sCR Detail
16.10.08 AToME Detail
11.10.08 GLORIA Detail
09.10.08 4You Detail
07.10.08 bebe qui se MARRE Detail

Counter-Strike Speedstrike 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.09.08 WESH!DOUDOUNE Detail
28.09.08 made4u Detail
28.09.08 THE WALL TEAM player ayant la grosse tete :/ Detail
27.09.08 44illegal Detail
24.06.08 MAUL - JASTEL 11+5=16 sinon LAM SAUVAGES a éviter un conseil. Detail
19.06.08 WESH!DOUDOUNE Detail
30.03.08 RevZ - kDj noob:( Detail
29.03.08 Ca se passe comme ca chez macdonald Detail
29.03.08 hS nanceiens Detail
14.03.08 pragmatic.2v2 Detail
04.02.08 94 des low+ , antijeu Detail
03.02.08 make your Rulez Detail
19.01.08 sourhya whine... Detail
17.01.08 Hernandez - Giovani Detail
29.08.07 irl gros lvl :> Detail
14.08.07 reload- Detail
17.06.07 FAN DU CUNNI une bande de *** qui rage Detail
17.06.07 DOU et tche Detail
16.06.07 aTom.2on2.SP Detail
16.06.07 Be Online Detail
16.06.07 amOn feat Bmr Detail
15.06.07 electronic-game Detail
31.05.07 mean mach1ne; Detail
30.05.07 Gay Shoot bj Detail
29.05.07 Uno Detail
29.05.07 GaYz.44 Detail
28.05.07 ImpRessiv Detail
26.05.07 garde la peche Detail
25.05.07 Gc.2v2 Detail
25.05.07 CODE 115. KRANY Detail
25.05.07 OneByOne. 2v2 Detail
21.04.07 sourhya de vrai ptit haineux!! à éviter Detail
28.02.07 Pyjama.Be Detail
27.02.07 Recon 2on2 New School gg ! toujours aussi skillés ;) Detail
27.02.07 Jutsu Detail
27.02.07 myAss 2v2 Detail
20.02.07 da Roxor united - dRu 2on2 Beta http://www.esl.eu/fr/cs/5on5/mr15/eas/match/5498765/ et nice la camp ;) vous irez loin Detail
18.02.07 sourhya Detail
18.02.07 Tic - Toc Detail
17.02.07 fe4rs 2v2 sp Detail
17.02.07 HoTroX.SP trop d awp ... Detail
17.02.07 Deep Shot 2v2 Bon ben voila la camp respawn super GG ! surtout quand vous mettez une tole je vois pas l\'interet Detail
14.02.07 INFAME - 2o2 sp Detail
13.02.07 puristes Detail
11.02.07 L'heure du pastaga mais xqtor va te faire :) Detail
09.02.07 Les BouBourses Je gagne donc je reste spawn. Detail
08.02.07 Hernandez - Giovani Detail
06.02.07 Playformance - 2v2 Detail
04.02.07 mpx-demzu Detail
30.01.07 Jutsu produit .net Detail
28.01.07 GaYz.44 Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.06.08 MYOWNAGE.AvA Detail
20.06.08 hSmaker Detail
19.06.08 Hybreed Detail
15.03.08 Image Magick Detail
14.03.08 EVERLASTz Detail
09.03.08 cheb Detail
04.02.08 94 bon skill mauvaise mentalité on peut pas tout avoir. Detail
04.02.08 Les ZiZi ToZoR Detail
04.02.08 p0rn.Star 2on2 Detail
03.02.08 iPlay Detail
02.02.08 twoSTARZ Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.01.08 DupleX.2v2 Trop sur d\'eux Detail
22.01.08 zEwall Detail
19.01.08 last exit laming, etc bref pb de ping etc:x Detail
19.01.08 Pstar Detail
19.01.08 jokerz 2on2 Detail
18.01.08 santa maria Detail
18.01.08 oneLuck Detail
17.01.08 excello 2v2 Detail
17.01.08 Bad0u feat Cisco Detail
07.09.07 pwn Detail
07.09.07 Love Detail
05.09.07 plopy gg fair play, gg pour les pauses, vous valait pas votre place ... déconseille de jouer contre eux Detail
05.09.07 inmate Detail
04.09.07 NSM Toujours aussi marrant art à rager :))))) Detail
04.09.07 moneytime 2o2 Detail
03.09.07 INACTIFeeuh Detail
17.06.07 Banned 2on2 gg les lameurs du net :) ! Detail
17.06.07 2 ShadoW WarriorS Detail
16.06.07 aromatik.2on2 Lamer & bug defuse. Detail
16.06.07 Pshit à l\'ouest sympas sans souci Detail
31.05.07 oXygene Detail
28.05.07 corsica Detail
28.05.07 CHANGE MY LIFE wanna dude Detail
25.05.07 DSky.2on2 Detail
21.04.07 TkT62 Cheat (wh) + téléportation Detail
20.04.07 hard2own.2v2 Detail
19.04.07 maroc pas fairplay :) Detail
19.04.07 BOT Detail
01.03.07 hotBABY Detail
15.02.07 aTom 2on2 Detail
14.02.07 PijaP Detail
13.02.07 TEST PAS Detail
13.02.07 bon esprit Detail
07.02.07 Black Cats Detail
04.02.07 Leagend. Detail
30.01.07 HEYSOLU tres bon niveau sous tuscan !!! Detail
29.01.07 FonkyCats arret de plus de 15 minutes au changement d equipe sur la premiere map aucune excuses de leur part Detail
25.01.07 LeS ZinZinS Detail
25.01.07 OKU Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
14.11.07 firsTG Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR12 Mini Map Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.09.07 moneytime 2o2 Detail
03.09.07 moulz Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Rush Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.05.07 LOVE ice-T gg :) Detail

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 2on2 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.02.07 sinnloser acc Detail
17.02.07 Love You Mate Only say...mais skilled Detail
17.02.07 Lol Team Brain Detail
17.02.07 jocko et BlqnKi0 Detail
14.02.07 Tic et Tac CZ gg une corde ? :D Detail
14.02.07 pOrnograFIX Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR15 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
09.02.07 1330 points server Detail