Rating Sila i Respekt .AA 2.8

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Americas Army: Operations 4on4 Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.02.10 uSp-Four Fanatic Detail
04.02.10 Patrz komu ufasz! Detail
24.01.10 Clan for Fun Detail
12.01.10 uSp-Four Fanatic Detail
06.01.10 G.S.P.M.W. FORMOZA Detail
16.12.09 Wychylka Detail
03.12.09 Raw Anger Unleashed Detail
17.11.09 eSport-Force.aao Detail
12.11.09 Co-operative gg Detail
08.11.09 Rzucamy Shurikenami Detail
29.06.09 Raw Anger Unleashed Detail
25.06.09 Volcom Team1 Detail
25.06.09 Make Some Noise! Detail
22.06.09 Bloody Angels Detail
21.06.09 Skromni i Zajefajni Detail
21.06.09 ex. UHPS AAo Detail
18.06.09 Make Some Noise! Detail
11.06.09 spina Detail
03.06.09 Professional Patriots Detail
29.05.09 Clan for Fun Detail
27.05.09 uSp-Four Fanatic Detail
25.05.09 Sila i Respekt 2nd Detail
21.05.09 uSp-Four Fanatic Detail
17.05.09 4th Reconnaissance Platoon Detail
06.05.09 Clan for Fun Detail
19.04.09 omg we r blocked Detail
14.04.09 Polish Navy Seals Szkoda ze graliscie tylko we dwóch Detail
09.04.09 uSp-Four Fanatic Detail
01.04.09 Raw Anger Unleashed Detail
29.03.09 Where Are You Going Detail
29.03.09 OutPlayed Gaming a.k.a. Shabby Detail
26.03.09 Sila i Respekt 2nd Detail
25.03.09 omg we r blocked Detail
23.03.09 Volcom Team1 Detail
19.03.09 Make Some Noise & Friends Detail
18.03.09 ForFun Detail
16.03.09 G.S.P.M.W. FORMOZA Detail
12.03.09 Klan Sami Swoi Detail
11.03.09 4th Reconnaissance Platoon Detail
11.03.09 HuSaRiA Detail
08.03.09 vivere militare est.. Detail
05.03.09 eQualiity Detail
04.03.09 SQUN Detail
03.03.09 Polish Special Forces Detail
02.03.09 Cless AAO Detail
02.03.09 Ice Cold Clan Detail
01.03.09 eQualiity Detail
26.02.09 75 Pulk Piechoty - oddzial terenowy Detail
25.02.09 JAMJAM - looking for mgc Detail
22.02.09 Make Some Noise & Friends Detail
19.02.09 Mixowo bezoporowo aka squn 2 Detail
19.02.09 4th Reconnaissance Platoon Detail
18.02.09 Ice Cold Clan Detail
17.02.09 JAMJAM - looking for mgc Detail
15.02.09 First Polish Battalion Detail
12.02.09 Where Are You Going Detail
11.02.09 OutPlayed Gaming a.k.a. Shabby Detail
11.02.09 Cless AAO Detail
11.02.09 Destino Squad Detail
10.02.09 Make Some Noise & Friends Detail
09.02.09 G.S.P.M.W. FORMOZA Detail
05.02.09 HuSaRiA Detail
05.02.09 Destino Squad Detail
03.02.09 75 Pulk Piechoty - oddzial terenowy Detail
02.02.09 75 Pulk Piechoty - oddzial terenowy Detail
02.02.09 HuSaRiA Detail
01.02.09 MEMORANDUM Detail
01.02.09 Klan Sami Swoi Detail
26.01.09 OutPlayed Gaming a.k.a. Shabby Detail
25.01.09 uSp-Four Fanatic Detail
24.01.09 Militis Sanguinis Detail
19.01.09 Clan Poland.poker Detail
18.01.09 Federacja Nagich Azjatek Detail
15.01.09 omg we r blocked Detail
14.01.09 ex. UHPS AAo Detail
28.12.08 Make Some Noise & Friends Detail
23.12.08 HuSaRiA Detail
22.12.08 1stCav Multigaming TFE Detail
18.12.08 75 Pulk Piechoty - oddzial terenowy Detail
17.12.08 HuSaRiA Detail
15.12.08 JAMJAM.EAS - looking for mgc Detail
14.12.08 Raw Anger Unleashed Detail
11.12.08 Make Some Noise & Friends Detail
08.12.08 4th Reconnaissance Platoon Detail
07.12.08 Train Station Crew Detail
04.12.08 Guerrilla Fighters.nsns Detail
01.12.08 Train Station Crew Detail
30.11.08 Make Some Noise & Friends Detail
27.11.08 Heartz Detail
25.11.08 Raw Anger Unleashed Detail
23.11.08 Force Recon Clan Detail
23.11.08 Make Some Noise & Friends Detail
01.09.08 Force Recon Clan Detail
26.08.08 OutPlayed Gaming a.k.a. Shabby Detail
29.07.08 1stCav Multigaming TFE Detail
29.07.08 Going For Ownage.AA Detail
28.07.08 The HardCore Detail
28.07.08 sQun. missing logo gg Detail
17.07.08 Ice Cold Clan Detail

Americas Army: Operations Championship I Liga Sezon VII
created from rating comment match
25.05.09 HuSaRiA Detail
20.05.09 ELITA Powodzenia Detail
30.04.09 CEFO Detail
27.04.09 75 Pulk Piechoty Detail
20.04.09 PolishLions Detail
13.04.09 24NaDobe Detail
06.04.09 Make Some Noise & Friends Detail
24.03.09 Ice Cold Clan Detail
12.03.09 1stCav Multigaming TFE Detail
04.03.09 Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego Detail

Americas Army: Operations Objective 4on4 OneNightCup - CSAR
created from rating comment match
29.04.09 Volcom Team1 Detail

Americas Army: Operations 4on4 Bałwanobranie - Faza Grupowa
created from rating comment match
28.01.09 CEFO Detail
26.01.09 Going For Ownage.AA Detail
22.01.09 GSDO Detail

Americas Army: Operations Objective 4on4 ESL Map Series - Urban Cup
created from rating comment match
21.01.09 Crane Keepers Detail

Americas Army: Operations Championship II Liga Sezon VI
created from rating comment match
26.11.08 ELITA Detail
13.11.08 24NaDobe Detail
11.11.08 1stCav Multigaming TFE Detail
15.10.08 1 SZWADRON 7 PULKU ULANOW Detail
07.10.08 Silent Hunters Squad Detail
30.09.08 The HardCore Detail
23.09.08 CEFO Detail
16.09.08 Ice Cold Clan Detail

Americas Army: Operations Championship Mistrzostwa II Liga Grupa Beta Sezon V
created from rating comment match
04.03.08 Ice Cold Clan Detail
03.03.08 Campers Turbo 2007 Detail
02.03.08 Silent Hunters Squad Detail
27.02.08 First Line Soldiers Detail
25.02.08 No show Detail
23.02.08 Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego Detail
18.02.08 Campers Turbo 2007 Detail
15.02.08 Wychylka Detail
14.02.08 JAMJAM.EAS - looking for mgc Detail
11.02.08 Silent Hunters Squad Detail
09.02.08 Knockout Esports Detail
01.02.08 Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego Detail
28.01.08 Silent Hunters Squad Detail
24.01.08 No show Detail
23.01.08 JAMJAM.EAS - looking for mgc Detail
22.01.08 Quiet Asy Detail
21.01.08 Knockout Esports Detail
16.01.08 Silent Hunters Squad Detail
14.01.08 Quiet Asy Detail
13.01.08 Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego Detail

America's Army: Operations Cups Letni Puchar AA.PL
created from rating comment match
23.07.07 Parszywa 13 dzieki za zmiane serwerka Detail
09.07.07 SQUN Detail
02.07.07 TRIBE squad Detail
25.06.07 75 Pulk Piechoty GG! Bardzo dobry meczyk! Detail
18.06.07 discodance.AA Detail
12.06.07 Polski Zwiazek Americas Army Detail

America's Army: Operations Championship II Liga Grupa Beta II Season IV
created from rating comment match
24.05.07 Wojskowe Sluzby Informacyjne Detail
22.05.07 Parszywa 13 Detail
21.05.07 Troskliwe Misie Detail
14.05.07 white Eagles. Detail
10.05.07 VodkaDrinkers Detail
30.04.07 sUpPrEsSoRs Detail
28.04.07 uN4given Detail
24.04.07 Commando DELTA Poland fojne chlopaki Detail
23.04.07 Wojskowe Sluzby Informacyjne Detail

America's Army: Operations Championship II Liga Grupa Beta Season IV
created from rating comment match
12.04.07 Corsairs Detail
10.04.07 ELITA Kto to się zalogował podczas meczu ?? Detail
27.03.07 Parszywa 13 Detail
20.03.07 LandWarriors Detail
14.03.07 Bractwo Wu-Tang Detail
08.03.07 No show Detail
03.03.07 Totally Ordinary People Za dużo przekleństw...;/ Detail
26.02.07 uN4given tnx Detail
25.02.07 Silent Hunters Squad Detail
23.02.07 SQUN Detail
21.02.07 ELITA Detail
19.02.07 0.75 Litra Team Detail
18.02.07 Team Without Detail
15.02.07 0.75 Litra Team Detail
12.02.07 Polish Division 304 Detail

America's Army: Operations Cups Puchar Polski II
created from rating comment match
11.03.07 The Redeemed Detail