Rating Infernal GamerZ.BF2142 

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Battlefield 2142 Infantry Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.08.07 Hungarian Titan Warriors Detail
25.08.07 TEAM CHAMPLOO 4 on 4 Detail
23.08.07 die.fast team Detail
19.08.07 To be Continued - Bf Series Good Game Detail
14.08.07 Veritas-Gaming 2142 GG guys Detail
02.08.07 European Elite Jolt 2142 good players, fun & fair play Detail
31.07.07 Veteran Elite Tactical Squad Well played guys sorry about the 5th not turning up Detail
27.07.07 Expert Gamers Detail
19.07.07 Outbreakerz Good Game Detail
16.07.07 Les_berets_rouges Detail
16.07.07 eSport.Syndicate.bf2142 nice game Detail
10.07.07 1Gen Detail
08.07.07 Russian Warriors Detail
07.07.07 Ph33r Detail
05.07.07 Hungarian Titan Warriors Detail
29.06.07 Imaginaerer Zusammenschluss Detail
20.06.07 French Soldier Army match joué à 4 joueurs pour la team FsA Detail

Battlefield 2142 Infantry 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.07.07 ToXiC CreW.bf2142 GG a vous Detail
26.07.07 BattleField Brothers 2142 Detail
23.07.07 PinK gg all Detail
18.07.07 Les_berets_rouges Detail
17.07.07 groupe d'intervention Detail
15.07.07 The Nemesis Team Detail
13.07.07 Regiment des Chasseurs Ardennais . Detail
12.07.07 Corporation of revolutionary players Detail
20.06.07 French Soldier Army La team FsA à joué avec 4 joueurs. Detail

Battlefield 2142 Infantry 5on5 Championat Elite Groupstage
created from rating comment match
09.06.07 french old school squad Detail
02.06.07 Nuisible et Diabolik Detail
01.06.07 aQrate.eSports Rien à dire, merki pour la soirée en votre compagnie :) et dsl pour le reboot de ma part :s Detail