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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Seasonal Leagues Liga Invierno 2k12 5on5
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20.02.12 ProeliuM old school Detail
16.02.12 inSomnia e-Sports GG Señores, sorry por los problemas que tuvimos con las conexiones de steam! Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
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13.07.09 Lem.Cod Mw2 Detail
10.07.09 Clan FeNiX Detail
22.06.09 Beyond-Gaming eSports Detail
10.06.09 Obskure klan Wena war gente!!! Detail
22.04.09 Shooter-Spain Detail
15.04.09 ICECLAN Detail
27.03.09 Shooter-Spain Detail
22.03.09 Clan brO Buena war Detail
18.03.09 Istari Cod5 Detail
15.03.09 ICECLAN Detail
12.03.09 Katunor gg :) Detail
08.03.09 Clan UEFA Detail
02.02.09 Beyond-Gaming eSports Detail
20.01.09 Lem.Cod Mw2 Gg Chavales! Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Search & Destroy 5on5 MapPack Cup
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26.04.09 Shooter-Spain Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Capture The Flag 5on5 Red Dawn Cup
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04.02.09 Lem.Cod Mw2 Detail
25.01.09 Lem.Cod Mw2 Detail

Call of Duty: World at War Search & Destroy 5on5 Opening Cup
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30.12.08 Beyond-Gaming eSports Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder Old
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10.12.08 digital Gaming fin de la war algo infantil, el resto bien jugado Detail
04.12.08 Shocks Impacts Detail
03.12.08 Soldados Rasos Detail
25.11.08 WARCLAN e-Sports Club Detail
20.11.08 WARCLAN e-Sports Club Detail
15.11.08 EnRage Detail
14.11.08 Equipo Borrado Buena war compañeros Detail
12.11.08 iNsErSo Detail
12.11.08 ApoCorpS Detail
11.11.08 Yoo-Hoo Five Detail
10.11.08 eScuadron Suicida Detail
03.11.08 Only For Friends Detail
28.10.08 Time 2 kill Detail
24.10.08 Shooter-Spain bien entrenao el mapa Detail
22.10.08 FTE Detail
19.10.08 Noobs in Arms GG Detail
17.10.08 Clan Elite Shooters Detail
14.10.08 Dia-D Detail
04.10.08 Clan SDHC Detail
01.10.08 electronic Gods.CoD4 Muy buena war Detail
28.09.08 New SchooL Detail
16.09.08 New School Detail
11.09.08 Clan Gaditanos GG bien jugado! Detail

Call of Duty 4 Sabotage 5on5 League Season III
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24.11.08 Federacion de Clanes Detail
17.11.08 BlaCkSheet .CoD2 Detail
06.11.08 Rebound Detail
27.10.08 Suicidal Tendencies Soldiers Wena war. Detail
13.10.08 ICECLAN Detail
05.10.08 SS inactive Detail
29.09.08 Spanish Edonkeys Alpha creo que es 3-2 para nosotros xD nose mañana miro, wena war :D Detail

Call of Duty 4 League Autumn 2008 PAM Groupstage
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19.10.08 Verrat ich nicht Detail
09.10.08 in memory of bomberman Detail
29.09.08 Game - Foundation CoD4 gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 1.6 Map-pack Cup
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23.06.08 Fraktals Detail
18.06.08 Forbidden Gods .CoD4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Sabotage 5on5 League Season II
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02.06.08 Shooter-Spain wena revancha Detail
26.05.08 Spanish Edonkeys un placer jugar con vosotros,como siempre (k) destro Detail
18.05.08 ForStars eSports Detail
11.05.08 OveR Cod4 Team Detail
05.05.08 BlaCkSheet .CoD2 Detail
28.04.08 Suicidal Tendencies Soldiers Detail

Call of Duty 4 Sabotage 5on5 League Season I
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31.03.08 Spanish Edonkeys Muy buena gente! Detail
10.03.08 Rebound Buena war! :) Detail
03.03.08 Federacion de Clanes Detail
25.02.08 Shooter-Spain Muxa tension e iwaldad Detail
20.02.08 Clan Balloneta Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
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31.07.07 compania espanola Detail
13.06.07 Escuadron Fuego Cruzado Detail
31.05.07 Friendly Fire Hibernando Buena war Detail

Call of Duty 2 Capture The Flag 5on5 Ladder
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29.06.07 Shooter-Spain Simplemente, gente con la ke se puede jugar bien!! Detail