Rating Black Lords - blocked 

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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Speed Cup #1
created from rating comment match
20.08.07 DOG Soldiers.css gg Detail
13.08.07 Return of Holy Shit Detail
06.08.07 iDiomati'C Team.css Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.07.07 eSkill Czech Multigaming Clan Detail
28.04.07 Submissus Mortalitas Detail
24.04.07 Banned team Dobra hra kluci... kuku lagoval, ale jinak ok... fakt napinavej match, musite hrat do posledni chvil Detail
17.04.07 reFlection Detail
12.04.07 Extatus Detail
10.04.07 Banned team Nepřítel se choval dobře. Až na pár lagerů je to v pohodě klan... Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.04.07 Kings of Metal .CSS gg Detail
23.04.07 kP. v.3 Lagger Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.04.07 reFlection Detail
14.04.07 Narcotic Bang Detail
10.04.07 SPiELE LoOOoS Detail
05.04.07 Allstars.css pwrd by Verygames very laggy Detail
02.04.07 CHameleoN TeaM Detail
23.03.07 SPiELE LoOOoS Detail
20.03.07 oCambTy Detail