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Americas Army: Operations Objective 4on4 Autumn Cup
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24.10.08 PrimeTeam Detail
23.10.08 sIN Gaming e.V. AA Detail
21.10.08 German Military Association Detail
14.10.08 75 Pulk Piechoty Detail

Americas Army: Operations Championship I Liga Sezon VI
created from rating comment match
06.10.08 Happy Five Friends sponsored by 4game.pl Detail
18.09.08 Polski Zwiazek Americas Army Detail

Americas Army: Operations 4on4 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.06.08 CEFO Detail
27.06.08 Magnetic eSports Detail
22.06.08 team DFX Detail
20.06.08 Team Cichociemni Detail

Americas Army: Operations Championship Mistrzostwa II Liga Grupa Alfa II Sezon V
created from rating comment match
26.03.08 Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego Detail
19.03.08 TRIBE squad Detail

Americas Army: Operations Championship Mistrzostwa II Liga Grupa Alfa Sezon V
created from rating comment match
04.03.08 The Redeemed Detail
29.02.08 Europe Elites Multigaming.aa Detail
28.02.08 TRIBE squad Detail
27.02.08 The HardCore Detail
20.02.08 Knockout EsportS School Detail
20.02.08 Polish Army Squad Detail
17.02.08 Team Cichociemni Detail
12.02.08 eQualiity problem z serwerem + zachowanie na meczu Detail
11.02.08 The HardCore Detail
04.02.08 Polish Army Squad Detail
21.01.08 TRIBE squad Detail
17.01.08 G-Shield.AA Detail

Americas Army: Operations 3on3+ Ladder
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02.02.08 SQUN Detail
24.01.08 SQUN Detail
20.01.08 SQUN Detail
12.01.08 Knockout Esports Detail
08.01.08 Knockout Esports Detail
05.01.08 SQUN Detail
29.12.07 SQUN Detail
28.12.07 Knockout Esports Detail
27.12.07 Silent Hunters Squad Detail
27.12.07 Ice Cold Clan Detail
26.12.07 The Freaks 3vs3 Detail
26.12.07 Virtual Soldier Project Detail
21.12.07 zuo EAS Detail
20.12.07 Knockout Esports dz za gre Detail
20.12.07 Delikatni Detail
19.12.07 24NaDobe Detail
17.12.07 Knockout Esports Detail
16.12.07 uN4given Detail
16.12.07 Silent Hunters Squad Detail
15.12.07 Ice Cold Clan Detail
14.12.07 SQUN Detail
14.12.07 Ice Cold Clan Detail
13.12.07 24NaDobe Detail
12.12.07 Delikatni Detail
08.12.07 Knockout Esports Detail
07.12.07 SQUN Detail
05.12.07 Delikatni Detail
04.12.07 Knockout Esports Detail
04.12.07 Piwo i Spirytus Detail
02.12.07 uN4given Detail
29.11.07 Silent Hunters Squad Detail
28.11.07 24NaDobe Detail
27.11.07 Knockout Esports Detail
26.11.07 Grupa Szybkiego Ataku Detail
25.11.07 Ice Cold Clan Detail
21.11.07 Piwo i Spirytus Detail
19.11.07 Delikatni Detail
18.11.07 SQUN Detail
15.11.07 24NaDobe Detail
30.10.07 Silent Hunters Squad Przeciwnik wyszedł z serwera nie dajoc okazji zrobic kompletnego SS Detail
29.10.07 The Redeemed Detail
25.10.07 Knockout Esports Detail
23.10.07 SQUN Detail
22.10.07 Totally Ordinary People Detail
19.10.07 stareee Detail
18.10.07 5 Korpus Szybkiego Reagowania Ale nam dokopaliście. Dzięki za gre Detail
17.10.07 Virtual Soldier Project Detail
16.10.07 Piwo i Spirytus Detail
15.10.07 The Freaks 3vs3 Detail
12.10.07 The Redeemed Detail
10.10.07 Polish Elite Forces Detail
03.10.07 Ice Cold Clan Detail
02.10.07 The Freaks 3vs3 Detail
01.10.07 Ranger Warriors Clan Detail

Americas Army: Operations Cups Puchar Polski III
created from rating comment match
22.11.07 Emeryci i Rencisci Detail
15.11.07 Anxiety Team Detail

America's Army: Operations Cups 2 lata jak z bata
created from rating comment match
16.09.07 TheHardCore Detail
07.09.07 z_bot-easy. Detail
04.09.07 Hard 2 Own Detail

America's Army: Operations Cups Letni Puchar AA.PL
created from rating comment match
24.07.07 uN4given Detail
16.07.07 team DFX Detail
02.07.07 nie umiemy strzelac Detail
25.06.07 TheHardCore Detail
11.06.07 Guerrilla Fighters Detail