Rating Purple.hazE .- oFF duty

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Battlefield 2 Infantry 4on4 Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.08.07 German Combat Infantry jaja Detail
15.08.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors n1 match Detail
12.08.07 w4sp-BioXar-stoNed Detail
11.08.07 Eternal Soldiers.bf2 Detail
05.08.07 Team Inf.and.Go Detail
22.07.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors wieder mal nice match Detail
19.07.07 mSmworld e.V. BF2 gg ++ =) n1 Game-ER Detail
16.07.07 58th Squadron Detail
15.07.07 w4sp-BioXar-stoNed Detail
11.07.07 hehej0r3 nice skill Detail
07.07.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors nice match Detail
04.07.07 NAVY SEALS WIC Squad Detail
29.06.07 Oceans Infantry Detail
29.06.07 Lucky Shot Detail
28.06.07 mSmworld e.V. BF2 Einfach nur unnormal Detail
27.06.07 Team Hades Detail
22.06.07 Pro Evolution Sturmtrupp gg Detail
18.06.07 Hardcore-Amys 4on4 Infantry Detail
14.06.07 EKG.Gaming gg Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry 4on4 Summer Cup
created from rating comment match
13.08.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors n1 Detail
07.08.07 mSmworld e.V. BF2 Detail
02.08.07 TripoX.eSports KANN LIGA NICHT VERLASSEN Detail