Rating Delicious.CoD4 2on2 TDM.EU .[closed]

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Call of Duty 4 Promod Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.03.12 Niet Te Breken Detail
06.03.12 cLOVER nice Detail
05.03.12 DoppelPack GG++ gerne wieder :) Detail
21.02.12 flow Detail
18.07.08 puuu feat. fectiii Detail
13.07.08 extrem GEiL Detail
07.07.08 incredibl3 Detail
12.06.08 69 DEGREES - ownA.5x5 gg Detail
08.05.08 LAPENCA.BANDA *inaktiv* flamen; campten unsere map am spawn ab. Detail
07.05.08 LIQuID.gaminG Detail
06.05.08 Zwei geile Atzen Detail
06.05.08 Hungrige Wölfe die mythbusters Detail
03.05.08 FUCK IT like Muslime Campen bis zum abwinken Bewegungsradius von ner Ameise und SD 16:4 High bitte joint nochmal EAS ;) Detail
01.05.08 Die Rasselbande n/c Detail
27.04.08 Smmy meets frgztr Detail
25.04.08 eLektrOniX Detail
23.04.08 snicker prOs Detail
04.04.08 Sachsen TDM gg nice match, hammer skill :) und hammer ping xD srry 4 camp&lame&nades only aber ihr wart zu gut^^ Detail
01.04.08 Sozialmilieu Detail
25.03.08 Do You Know ;D Detail

Call of Duty 4 Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.11.08 Team bINoMINIS gg :) nette spieler Detail
23.05.08 eSport Team Concilium Detail
18.05.08 MyPwny.CoD4 2on2 gg well played Detail
03.05.08 Zwei geile Atzen Detail
03.05.08 2 Naturburschen erobern die Welt Detail
27.04.08 Battle-Force-Clan Detail
25.04.08 Untalentiert gg Detail
29.03.08 nakomo and friendZ Detail

Call of Duty 2 Team Deathmatch 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.12.07 heroes cod2 3on3 Detail
14.10.07 Alien .vs. Predator CAMPER! ! ! gg Detail
28.09.07 kRoNoS.team. Detail
28.06.07 jaja NATURLICH Detail
02.06.07 No.Fear.Cod2 Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.11.07 Rage Quitters Detail
24.10.07 Duri e Incazzati Detail
18.10.07 Povera.Italia Detail
13.10.07 Soldatini di Piombo Detail
09.10.07 diVini Detail
06.10.07 nOFear CoD2 Detail
05.10.07 team.passive - tes Bella apparte Fatal che si credeva troppo pro ^^ Cmq molto simpatico pavelj e disponibile Detail
05.10.07 Snip-Team Detail
04.10.07 Duri e Incazzati gg :) Detail
02.10.07 noVa eSports Detail
30.09.07 ZzennaFrag.Clan Detail
30.09.07 Team.FsI 3on3 Detail
28.09.07 TeamLastTerminator Detail
26.09.07 nOFear CoD2 Detail
25.09.07 In memory of Lords Of Destruction Detail
14.09.07 noVa eSports Detail
04.09.07 In memory of Lords Of Destruction Detail
04.09.07 Foxhound Detail
04.09.07 Apathy eSports Detail
18.08.07 ZeroZero7 3on3 Detail
31.07.07 farclan Detail
29.07.07 Rib3lli Detail
27.06.07 Angels of Apocalypse gg, tranne per il server... Detail
25.06.07 Team.FsI Detail
23.06.07 Foxhound Detail
18.06.07 I Romani Detail
16.06.07 BCSF''' 3on3team Detail
15.06.07 Foxhound Quale disonestà... Detail
15.06.07 1234567890 Detail
04.06.07 majestic.inside Detail
01.06.07 Team Perfect Detail
20.05.07 Inflame Team Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.06.07 Hero Detail