Rating Professional Electronic Sports.bf2 

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Battlefield 2 Infantry 4on4 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.07.08 TerraNex e.V. - BF2 nice war Detail
01.07.08 madHerosquad Detail
24.06.08 RAPTOR-GAMING gg Detail
26.05.08 V3- REG.HunTers Detail
20.05.08 OLD myAtera - BF2 Ladder Detail
15.05.08 diamondZ e.V. gg thx 4 war Detail
14.05.08 Power Gaming BF2 gg Detail
13.05.08 R.I.P BF2 gg Detail
06.05.08 V3 - Bash-Unit.inc gg war geiles match Detail
30.04.08 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors fair & nett Detail
03.01.08 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123 gg Detail
19.12.07 Eternal Soldiers.bf2 thx...enge kiste Detail
06.12.07 V3- REG.HunTers einfach 4 fähige member Detail
29.11.07 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123 komischer war aber gg Detail
26.11.07 Godsfist - Rockers gg Detail
26.11.07 Revolution Detail
21.11.07 Gentleman Klan.BF2 gg Detail
19.11.07 Godsfist - Rockers :) Detail
19.11.07 dimicatio - bf2 Detail
18.11.07 Elite xForces Detail
18.11.07 Team Skill Deluxx Inf Squad Detail
18.11.07 Special Force Europe Detail
08.11.07 Technicx -Revolution- Detail
04.11.07 Clone International. gg, thx 4 match Detail
01.11.07 A c e b e a t z gg Detail
28.10.07 WRC-Reloaded gg sry das ihr warten musstet Detail
24.10.07 Godsfist - Rockers gg Detail
24.10.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors Detail
11.10.07 prediction Gaming e.V. guter gegner Detail
10.10.07 HKC Aimless reunion??...NEVER gg Detail
07.10.07 OLD myAtera - BF2 Ladder gg, nice one Detail
04.10.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors Detail
27.09.07 panix eSports GG, nice war, in zwei wochen...rematch^^ Detail
27.09.07 prediction Gaming e.V. schönes Match / hat Fun gemacht. Detail
26.09.07 WarChildAlliance Detail
26.09.07 Lucky Shot nice match guys ;-) rematch kommt Detail
25.09.07 In Memory of Lunatic-Warriors Detail
23.09.07 Gentleman Klan.BF2 gg nette jungs Detail
16.09.07 In Memory of eXtOO.bf2 Detail
10.09.07 In Memory of Godskillers.BF2 Inf 4on4 Detail
10.09.07 Technicx -Revolution- gutes game....sehr fair ^^ Detail
06.09.07 Pro Evolution Sturmtrupp Detail
03.09.07 Clone International. Detail
15.08.07 Kampftrupp Detail
12.08.07 Gentleman Klan.BF2 gg Detail
08.08.07 HcAc TrainNoobs nice Detail
02.08.07 sEs Squad BF2 gg nette Gegner Detail
01.08.07 GodlikeHuntingCrew nett & freundlich Detail
29.07.07 Speedkillaz gg Detail
25.07.07 German Nightmare Fighters Zuverlässig, i.o. Detail
19.07.07 Spirit of EXcess well played Detail
18.07.07 BFN-Community Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry 5on5 Winter Cup 07
created from rating comment match
17.12.07 CorteX.bf2 gg Detail
03.12.07 PSF-clan Detail
02.12.07 Nex.Gen gg Detail

Battlefield 2 Infantry 4on4 Summer Cup
created from rating comment match
13.08.07 sEs Squad BF2 gg Detail
09.08.07 panix eSports GG, but no fairplay Detail
06.08.07 Vollrichtig Detail
02.08.07 Team Inf.and.Go gg, nettes Team, nice War Detail