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Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Herbst Cup
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16.12.09 The Royal Family Detail
16.11.09 ciZc4Z Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.11.09 retardi Detail
22.11.09 Venom.CoD2 Detail
26.06.09 sAdCrew.de Detail
18.06.09 tSa Gaming e.V. Detail
11.06.09 born2kill pinguers.. Detail
10.06.09 money talks Detail
08.06.09 CYANIDE CREW Detail
08.06.09 BuLLetS' Detail
05.06.09 i7 Detail
04.01.09 newkids on teh block <3 Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Sunday Cup
created from rating comment match
21.09.09 Sisyphus Detail
13.09.09 just.X Detail
13.09.09 NA siehste Detail
13.09.09 Sisyphus Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.06.09 Obskure klan GG People see yoU!!! Detail
22.06.09 Numbers One Detail
16.06.09 4gOds. Detail
14.06.09 nM.eSports Clan Detail
10.06.09 Desert Rats Detail
09.06.09 The Swarm Intelligence reason: becouse b1rd loves exotic and he can loose! Detail
06.06.09 bad Hooligans Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Kings of Legends
created from rating comment match
24.06.09 ciZc4Z Detail
24.06.09 US5 Detail
23.06.09 BAERCHIS Revival Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.04.09 Hart am Limit - H4L Detail
02.04.09 Frag - Factory CoD2 Detail
01.04.09 bye bye Detail
31.03.09 Sisyphus Detail
20.05.08 Baumskilled...2on2 Nr. 2 Detail
18.05.08 tlw -closed- gg...netter gegner Detail
17.05.08 JUST strr muhhhhh Detail
16.05.08 Da Obdachlosen die letzten dreckscamper, beschissen, kinder Detail
06.05.08 Ranger Detail
06.05.08 JO_oSTII and aLkiii ownen Detail
30.04.08 gähnende Leere Detail
30.04.08 German war Fighters Detail
29.04.08 OwnersOnlY Detail
27.04.08 Mülsner Head Shooter voll die übermacht Detail
27.04.08 xTreme-eVoluTion.CoD2 2on2 SD Detail
27.04.08 OLE OLE Detail
27.04.08 team.redemption Detail
24.04.08 Sweet Seduction 2on2 exo du spinnst mein fanboy Detail
24.04.08 8balls Detail
21.04.08 Ranger Detail
08.04.08 Niedersachsen trifft Bayern -.- Detail
07.04.08 m und m n/c Detail
06.04.08 aSs ' gaming 2on2 Detail
06.04.08 Oma Crew Detail
04.04.08 Double crew gg nice game Detail
02.04.08 we two have dollars and girls Detail
01.04.08 inHuman Detail
30.03.08 KRABBENCREW Detail
30.03.08 Gamer Against Society Detail
29.03.08 tSa Gaming e.V. gg Detail
28.03.08 KANNIBALE IN ZIVIL Detail
28.03.08 bloedi feat. doofe kuh Detail
25.03.08 Geballte-Atzen-Power gg :) Detail
24.03.08 2Gaming gg Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder (old)
created from rating comment match
17.08.08 TerraNex e.V. - CoD2 gg Detail
11.08.08 Big Brother Devils Detail

Call of Duty 2 Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.05.08 fox.eSports gg! Detail
17.03.08 Dr Detail
17.03.08 Freestyler Detail
16.03.08 Noobs out of Control Detail
14.03.08 haha no.Ot Detail
13.03.08 impuLsEee 69 gute gegner haben viel verständnis Detail
13.03.08 BRD.Gaming - 2on2 No.1 War zwar abgemetzel, aber gut Detail
13.03.08 300 pro Celle war ein fairer War Detail
12.03.08 Dancecenter A66 thx für neutral! traurig Detail

Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.04.08 eGGz 2vs2 Detail
30.03.08 eFighters Detail

Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 2on2 AWP Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.03.08 True Religion Detail
26.03.08 HEADZOTZ Detail
26.03.08 Sadomaso Gaming 2on2 MR9 Detail
21.03.08 a.c.a.b Detail
21.03.08 weloveawp Detail
21.03.08 18.03 1-1 gg Detail
17.03.08 Ghetto Knightz Detail
17.03.08 in love Detail
17.03.08 hypercube Detail
17.03.08 wayne_ kennt ztrx_ gg Detail
16.03.08 awp huren Detail
16.03.08 awpvernichtungggg ++ Detail
16.03.08 NEWCOMER ON hywayyy gg Detail
16.03.08 m0m eben award machen Detail
16.03.08 awp_camp Detail
16.03.08 extase gg Detail
16.03.08 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Detail
15.03.08 haha on Detail
14.03.08 sry4bash...2on2 ++ Detail

Call of Duty 2 Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.03.08 eGGz 2vs2 Detail
24.03.08 2 afk a dach Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.03.08 ownZ feat. c R a n k Detail
14.03.08 S-K-R-I-P-T-E-D gg Detail

KartRider Item 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.03.08 BHK.Vagant Detail
16.03.08 D3n1m und Fatal Kart Rider nettes rennen Detail
14.03.08 BubeDameKoenigGrAs Detail
13.03.08 KO/v1A Detail
13.03.08 2 sind nicht zu bremsen gg Detail
13.03.08 RiderZ of D00M Detail
13.03.08 alcaRaider gg Detail
12.03.08 Tnet-mime-Riderz gg, nette Gegner. Detail

KartRider Item 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.03.08 KO/v1A Detail
13.03.08 RiderZ of D00M Detail
13.03.08 alcaRaider gg Detail