Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Rating History Rating RaidRushClan CS 1.6int .- Team Black back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder created from rating comment match 05.09.07 Waechter der Nacht lows/flamer/wnb´s Detail 04.09.07 LANKLAN 5on5 Detail 03.09.07 SubSix + Detail 03.09.07 Skyraider EAS Detail 02.09.07 SOUTHPARK gg Detail 31.08.07 SUPERHEROS CLAN only say on war.. Detail 30.08.07 Let's smuGGle Detail 30.08.07 ESA.BALLERS Detail 27.08.07 LITTLEFOOT STRAHL OPTIX Detail 27.08.07 Vier Fäuste in Julia Detail 25.08.07 sod-hamburg and friends gg Detail 25.08.07 sod-hamburg and friends gg jungs Detail 25.08.07 Less QQ more Pew Pew gg Detail 24.08.07 club der dichten Toeter gg Detail 24.08.07 limited gg Detail 23.08.07 Team Nordisch e.V. gg Detail 23.08.07 G's MR15 sry verklickt Detail 23.08.07 almost deers Detail 22.08.07 myrabbits and friendS gg Detail 21.08.07 Olympic Lurkers - the flamers Jungspunte Detail 21.08.07 kreteni na kvadrat Detail 21.08.07 capricious and friends kein kommentar. (: Detail 20.08.07 None Shall Pass Detail 18.08.07 club der dichten Toeter Detail 18.08.07 Wir sind die lustigen Holzhackerburn Detail 18.08.07 addicted to alcohol INT Detail 18.08.07 Account deleted ait Detail