Rating in memory of Alt3r3g0 Cl4n 

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Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.01.09 Team Impact Detail
24.12.08 Searching for multigaming Detail
21.11.08 Team Impact Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.10.08 Team Impact Detail
01.10.08 in memory of nF Detail
25.09.08 Team Impact Detail
26.03.08 Inferno eSports Detail
16.03.08 In memory of Mystics Gaming Detail
13.03.08 LgK Multigaming Detail
26.02.08 LgK Multigaming Detail
14.02.08 LgK Multigaming Detail
05.02.08 n0Fear Pes - It Detail
25.01.08 LgK Ex Aequo Detail
16.01.08 ExAequoItalia schifo Detail
04.01.08 LgK Ex Aequo Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.11.07 eXplosionC4 Detail
26.10.07 LgK Multigaming Detail
09.10.07 In memory of Quadrifoglio Detail
04.10.07 LgK Multigaming Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.11.07 LgK Multigaming Detail
23.10.07 Grow uP Gaming PES Fun Detail
18.10.07 Resident Clan of Asylum Detail
17.10.07 more Than players rage !! and not fair play and very laggy conn Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Clanwar Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
11.09.07 nomercy Gamers Detail
10.09.07 ex Warriors - gtg LgK Detail