Rating Fais Moi Peur Cod4 Groupe 1 

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Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Winter Cup 2k10
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09.02.10 eNkeL.cod4 gg =) Detail
28.01.10 Frenchkiss Detail

Call of Duty 4 Qualifications CTF
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17.04.09 Kick The System Detail
15.04.09 GrD.COD4 GG a vous Detail
14.04.09 GiFr eSport Detail
08.04.09 eNkeL.cod4 GG !!!!!! FMP <3333333 Detail
07.04.09 eNkeL.cod4 gg à charge de revanche :p Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
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26.11.08 Team eXecut COD4 Detail
20.11.08 OMG.qs gg Detail
19.11.08 uSefull Detail
13.11.08 Mephisto Gaming gg Detail
11.11.08 1SkiLL Detail
05.11.08 SBSL.cod4.Souvenir Detail
03.11.08 Smoke and Game Detail
29.10.08 iS.up gg, fp et sympa Detail
27.10.08 Spy And Destroy changement de serveur à la derniere minute pour cause d\'un ban GV d\'un joueur FMP Detail
24.10.08 The Delta Force Detail
21.10.08 Real5 Detail
20.10.08 Le Delire Assure BF3 Detail
19.10.08 Patrouille Tactique Terrestre team bien sympathique Detail
16.10.08 Freres De Sang Detail
14.10.08 arTLess.COD4 GG à vous, Bien en place Bonne continuation Detail
13.10.08 Kaamelott Gaming Detail
10.10.08 Les Frageurs Reunis Detail
09.10.08 TTC tao te ching Detail
07.10.08 BackStabs.Clan une equipe tres simpas Detail
04.10.08 United for Victory Aucun problème! Detail
03.10.08 Le Delire Assure BF3 Detail
29.09.08 Team Sypher Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Fall's Tournament 2008 Cup #4
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22.10.08 inCube Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Fall's Tournament 2008 Cup #3
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08.10.08 se7en.United Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Fall's Tournament 2008 Cup #1
created from rating comment match
10.09.08 delicious gg très fairplay et team sympa Detail