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Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 AWP Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.06.09 2away gg ! Detail
03.06.09 LBA Nice Skill AWP Detail
01.06.09 GEEK-FRIEND Detail
31.05.09 SubeX GaminG.awp Detail
31.05.09 Tiob-SpoK Gg. Groskill awp Detail
04.02.09 illuminaty Detail
01.02.09 DxL Bon Fair-Play =D Detail
20.01.09 Bx 33 GG bonne continuation ! Detail
19.01.09 OSEF-Team gg les mecs !!! Detail
17.01.09 Feest3d gg Detail
17.01.09 Pixou And Snake Detail
05.01.09 4480 Detail
10.12.08 Egs gg les meks notre 1ere match et une sacrée toller mdr bonne continuation Detail
10.12.08 T M K awp Detail
09.12.08 GROS FLAN Detail
03.12.08 OnlyWin GG gros lvl :D Detail
01.12.08 ASNL gg Detail
30.11.08 RattlE - Ice colD GG Detail
10.04.08 International Kings gg Detail
04.04.08 WarzaClan Detail
01.04.08 Warmup.2on2 gg Detail
31.03.08 UniQue.GaminG Detail
09.02.08 Les bOlOss bande de low Detail
09.02.08 Allez les Bleuss gg Detail
08.02.08 Evolution DSL mais nous n\'avons pas pu terminer ce match ! DSL Detail
08.02.08 SouisseKiller Nice player, futur pgm ? XD Detail
06.01.08 A x3 J gg Detail
05.01.08 ptiboytommyfan..enfin.. :p Detail
30.12.07 All Your Base Are Belong To Us Detail
30.12.07 iZN- Ft Este Detail
30.12.07 All in the family Detail
26.12.07 Awp_Gsv Detail
26.12.07 XD Gaming AWP Detail
26.12.07 discuLpa Detail
15.12.07 Myth 2vs2 AWP Detail
12.12.07 vijiz Detail
11.12.07 iReaL aTm 2on2 awp GG Detail
11.12.07 X Day Detail
10.12.07 Frag tout C'qui Bouge gros skill, gg à vous. Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Handgun Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.01.09 POKEMON Detail
03.01.09 hg.AO nice, bon players Detail
25.12.08 V.gNNv Detail
25.12.08 Imagination Super team, fairplay, gg! Detail
08.12.08 I.S.M.YaKuP Detail
03.12.08 OnlyWin GG gros lvl :) Detail
08.04.08 EbuddY Gg les gas belle war Detail
02.04.08 Wait and Bleed gg fairplay (gros joueur :o ) Detail
01.04.08 Warmup.2on2 GG Detail
30.03.08 X.PeriMental Detail
25.12.07 A x3 J gg good skill :D Detail
11.12.07 3D.Art GG Detail
10.12.07 Frag tout C'qui Bouge Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Amateur Series Old
created from rating comment match
08.04.08 pr0nz Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.02.08 GAYS gg Detail
08.02.08 Les bOlOss gg Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Rush Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.12.07 crap shit Detail
28.12.07 H und M style Detail
28.12.07 apo lueg dich mol a Detail
28.12.07 unkreativ Detail