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Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.01.11 QuiCk e-Sports Club Detail
23.12.10 5LEMENT Detail
21.12.10 4Tw MultiGaming CoD4 Detail
15.12.10 4Tw MultiGaming CoD4 Detail
15.12.10 Audere Semper eSports - ESP A Detail
14.12.10 Spain Pirates Detail
12.12.10 SlayerS.Gamers Detail
01.12.10 Requiem Detail
26.11.10 Clan KO! Muy buena war, muy buena peña... Detail
10.11.10 Seven Gaming Returns! Detail
10.11.10 LmCGamers Detail
04.11.10 Team RAIDERS Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
21.09.10 Ojete Gaming Team Detail
17.09.10 LmCGamers Detail
17.09.10 xTRES Gaming Detail
16.09.10 ProeliuM e-Sports.COD4 Detail
16.09.10 QuiCk e-Sports Detail
06.09.10 BlaCkSheet .Reservado Detail
01.09.10 AFK sports Detail
25.08.10 eternity! Detail
20.08.10 Ojete Gaming Team Detail
11.08.10 4x4 eSports Club - Cod4 Detail
06.08.10 xTRES Gaming Detail
05.08.10 LmCGamers Detail
30.06.10 AFK sports Detail
29.06.10 X-Qlusive e.sports Detail
25.06.10 ProeliuM e-Sports.COD4 Detail
17.06.10 LmCGamers Detail
15.06.10 JDA GaminG Detail
10.06.10 Clan KO! Un gustazo de peña... Detail
03.06.10 JDA Rider Warriors Detail
01.06.10 CNP Detail
27.05.10 Clan KO! buena war gente Detail
25.05.10 Juan El Amolao Detail
25.05.10 CoD3cS e-Sports Detail
20.05.10 Guerreros de Honor Detail
29.03.10 Dog-Tag Detail
24.03.10 epiK Gaming COD4 Detail
18.03.10 Pek Intel LG Detail
14.03.10 ANTRAX E-SPORTS Detail
12.03.10 ApoCorpS Detail
10.03.10 Clan FeNiX Detail
05.03.10 epiK Gaming COD4 Detail
25.02.10 Pistolines4.CTCinnova.com Detail
25.02.10 Cod Wars FH Detail
19.02.10 ApoCorpS Detail
18.02.10 ProeliuM e-Sports.COD4 Detail
16.02.10 FTE Detail
15.02.10 ReQuiem Detail
11.02.10 iNsErSo Detail
10.02.10 myRevenge e.V. Detail
08.02.10 LmCGamers Detail
04.02.10 Guerreros de Honor Detail
27.01.10 1016 ptos Detail
26.01.10 Clan KO! Detail
16.12.09 Guerreros de Honor Detail
02.12.09 iNsErSo Detail
02.12.09 ApoCorpS Detail
01.12.09 QuiCk e-Sports Club Detail
29.11.09 X-Qlusive e.sports Detail
27.11.09 Klan Coe by Cod4 Detail
19.11.09 OverKillers Detail
12.11.09 Clan KO! Detail
06.11.09 Klan Coe by Cod4 Detail
04.11.09 JDA <Alpha> Detail
22.10.09 Comando GhoSt! Detail
20.10.09 FTE Detail
20.10.09 Klan Coe by Cod4 Detail
19.10.09 ApoCorpS Detail
15.10.09 Unidad de Intervencion Tactica Detail
14.10.09 Guerreros de Honor Detail
08.10.09 Cod Wars FH Detail
08.10.09 extasix Gaming CoD4 Detail
24.09.09 iNsErSo Detail
23.09.09 AJIERRO Detail
22.09.09 dCOD4equipo Detail
19.09.09 BEC Detail
18.09.09 Royal Soldiers by Xyon Detail
14.09.09 JDA Detail
09.09.09 Spain Tikitaka Detail
03.09.09 Cod Wars FH Detail
02.09.09 Dia-D Detail
31.08.09 JDA Detail
27.08.09 confused Detail
13.08.09 DiVerSiTy gran rival Detail
13.08.09 Dia-D Detail
11.08.09 Clan Viciats Units Detail
06.08.09 AFK sports Detail
12.06.09 ApoCorpS Detail
11.06.09 X-Qlusive e.sports GG Detail
01.06.09 Bros Of War 1 Detail
18.05.09 OverDreams COD4 Detail
15.05.09 Dia-D Detail
01.05.09 4cord Detail
24.04.09 ForStars eSports Club Detail
23.04.09 FTE Detail
21.04.09 Ala De Muerte Detail
15.04.09 Ala De Muerte Detail
14.04.09 The SenSation the limit! gg Detail
06.04.09 epiK Gaming Revolution ' Detail
02.04.09 Clan F.S.P GG Detail
30.03.09 4Gotten Team Detail
26.03.09 2KO M.Squad Detail
26.03.09 JDA Detail
04.03.09 dulcoENEMA Detail
11.02.09 The SenSation the limit! Detail
05.02.09 Dragon Ball Z Detail
04.02.09 Clan Gaditanos GG bien jugado! Y como siempre un placer. Detail
26.01.09 Sacrifice Squad 3nDleSS Detail
21.01.09 NsN.eSports Buena war! Detail
14.01.09 2KO M.Squad Detail
23.12.08 Asterix y Obelix Detail
17.12.08 FTE el clan FTE y el clan escuadron suicida pactan jugar sin aequitas ya que la web de la esl esta caida Detail
16.12.08 Clan Gaditanos GG bien jugado! y muy simpaticos Detail
08.12.08 Equipo Borrado Detail
27.11.08 OverDreams COD4 Detail
27.11.08 EnRage Detail
25.11.08 Unidad de Intervencion Tactica Detail
20.11.08 iNsErSo Detail
14.11.08 ApoCorpS Detail
10.11.08 Clan Renegados Detail
24.10.08 CoD3c'S F gg Detail
22.10.08 MidNight Detail
18.10.08 EnRage Detail
16.09.08 Clan Elite Shooters Detail
11.09.08 OveR Cod4 Team Detail
10.09.08 Clan dEsPi Detail
13.08.08 Soldados Rasos Detail
05.08.08 E.Qu4LitY Sports Detail
25.07.08 FTE Detail
24.07.08 eRuS Detail
17.07.08 Clan KO! Detail
17.07.08 Clan dEsPi Detail
11.07.08 Shooter-Spain mui wen partido Detail
09.07.08 SS inactive GG Detail
08.07.08 Warriors of Honor GG Detail
30.06.08 Lem.Cod4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Summer Sunday Cup I
created from rating comment match
09.08.10 ProeliuM e-Sports.COD4 Detail
08.08.10 xTRES Gaming Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.07.10 XYZZZXX Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 June Cup
created from rating comment match
07.06.10 asereje COD4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Best of ladder
created from rating comment match
23.03.10 QuiCk e-Sports Club Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 EMS Qualifiers Cod4
created from rating comment match
17.03.10 K1ck eSports Club Detail
15.03.10 asdasda132 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 Hardcore SD League 5on5 IV
created from rating comment match
12.01.10 Hermanos de Guerra Detail
22.12.09 z3 sMOkerS sQuaD 1 Siempre un placer Detail
15.12.09 The Bot'S.exe Hardcore Detail
08.12.09 z3 sQuAD 3 GG Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.11.09 checkm8 Detail
17.11.09 SoH.ch CoD4 gg Detail
16.11.09 brain f4ilures GG :) Detail
16.11.09 elysium-Gaming.cod Detail
15.11.09 Semper-Fi the server lag a little Detail
12.11.09 VooDoo Next Detail
30.10.09 instant GG Detail
25.10.09 dfgd56 Detail
22.10.09 da cancellare Detail
20.10.09 SoH.ch CoD4 Detail
18.10.09 UltraScOre.de Detail
15.10.09 VooDoo Clan Detail
06.10.09 Reset Gaming - COD4 Detail
06.10.09 tutyr Detail
28.09.09 NG4W Pro-live company gg Detail
21.09.09 diZasta Detail
17.09.09 rEds'dEviLs Detail
15.09.09 dfgd56 Detail
03.09.09 in memory of cHaos eSport CoD4 Detail
02.09.09 MY Prediction.e.V. Detail
27.08.09 C-Drive Detail
20.08.09 placeholder7 Detail
03.08.09 Team.EmotionlessRetards gg nice match Detail
20.07.09 dCOD4equipo Muy buena war Detail
20.07.09 RedArmy Detail
08.06.09 Seven Gaming e-Sports Detail
08.06.09 Read the fucking manual! Detail
01.06.09 rEds'dEviLs Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Special Cup 1
created from rating comment match
17.11.09 Clan Elite Shooters - EAS Detail

Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 Survival Hardcore Cup
created from rating comment match
09.09.09 Impreza team Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Summer League
created from rating comment match
26.06.09 emoTive e-Sports CoD4 Detail
19.06.09 CaraVieja Detail
12.06.09 Shooter-Spain Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Best of Backlot
created from rating comment match
26.05.09 Black Panthers Clan Detail

Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 League Season III
created from rating comment match
11.05.09 EXCESIVE buena war gente Detail
05.05.09 Hermanos de Guerra MariFlowers Detail
28.04.09 z3 sQuAD 2 Como siempre un placer jugar con ellos Detail
21.04.09 SS inactive Detail
14.04.09 Clan Viciats Units Detail
07.04.09 z3 sMOkerS sQuaD 1 Detail
31.03.09 Clan Marakas Detail
24.03.09 UMRA Staila Un placer jugar con los Escuadrón Suicida!! Detail
16.03.09 Hermanos de Guerra Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Speed MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.03.09 The Numb3rS Alpha Detail

Call of Duty 4 League Winter 2008 Promod Groupstage
created from rating comment match
09.03.09 Squad ''Siberian Bears'' Detail
02.03.09 Phantoms eSports taDOWN team sad team Detail
09.02.09 Team Logic3 GG Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy Hardcore 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.12.08 Hermanos de Guerra Detail

Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 League Season II
created from rating comment match
24.11.08 Soldados Rasos Detail
18.11.08 z3 sQuAD 3 Detail
10.11.08 Istari GG, como siempre un placer Detail
04.11.08 Dark Soldiers Muy bien jugado Detail
28.10.08 2KO M.Squad Detail
20.10.08 Clan Viciats Units Detail
14.10.08 UMRA POWA Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 October Red 08 Cup
created from rating comment match
31.10.08 Wizards cups Detail
30.10.08 Team-Wizards Detail
27.10.08 iNsErSo Detail

Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 League
created from rating comment match
17.06.08 SIR Detail
09.06.08 UMRA Staila Detail
03.06.08 z3 sMOkerS sQuaD 1 muy buena war chicos Detail
27.05.08 Soldados Rasos Detail
20.05.08 Clan Viciats Units Detail
13.05.08 Hermanos de Guerra MariFlowers Excelente war. Muy honrados Detail
06.05.08 Lem.Cod4 Detail