Rating SIR .CLAN *-SIR-*

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Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
09.07.08 Clan Gaditanos muy wena war y muy simpaticos ^^ Detail
07.07.08 clan.s4DroN Detail
26.06.08 Lem.Cod4 Detail
13.06.08 Warriors of Honor Detail
02.06.08 Clan dEsPi Siempre un placer jugar con Sir Detail
29.05.08 CoeS Que lo poneis alreves no? :) Detail
20.05.08 Friendly Fire Hibernando Detail
15.05.08 smiles Detail
14.05.08 Clan Viciats Units Detail
24.04.08 CoOoL Clan Detail
22.04.08 MidNight Detail
14.04.08 The Birra Project Detail
14.04.08 Lem.Cod4 Gg Detail
09.04.08 Forbidden Gods Problemillas con el pb, pero muy bien GG gente Detail
31.03.08 ICECLAN Gracias por la espera Detail
27.03.08 Clan KO! Detail
27.03.08 Clan Grejo Detail
25.03.08 SS inactive Detail
21.03.08 WARCLAN e-Sports Club Detail
19.03.08 MoH Team Detail
16.03.08 Fraktals Detail
13.03.08 MidNight Detail
12.03.08 MAHOU Detail
10.03.08 CoOoL Clan Detail
07.03.08 Lem.Cod4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Hardcore Search & Destroy 5on5 League
created from rating comment match
17.06.08 eScuadron Suicida Detail
10.06.08 z3 sMOkerS sQuaD 1 muy buena war chicos ;) Detail
03.06.08 UMRA Staila Detail
27.05.08 Hermanos de Guerra MariFlowers Detail
19.05.08 Lem.Cod4 Detail
09.05.08 Soldados Rasos Dios q war Detail
06.05.08 Clan Viciats Units Detail