Rating .DMK. Demolition klan .Honorary

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Vietcong TeamplayLadder
created from rating comment match
30.07.10 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
29.07.10 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
29.07.10 SORE BUTT Detail
25.07.10 Unarmed Butchers Detail
24.07.10 NorthStars SQuad Detail
24.07.10 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
23.07.10 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
24.08.09 UpRising Team Detail
17.08.09 Vandenberg Detail
16.08.09 UpRising Team Detail
13.08.09 TEAM VON CAVUMHAZE Detail
10.08.09 High Fidelity gg Detail
09.08.09 UpRising Team Detail
06.08.09 laMs Multigaming Detail
04.08.09 UpRising Team Detail
23.07.09 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
15.07.09 UpRising Team Detail
13.07.09 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
12.07.09 Hard sQuad SCV Detail
10.07.09 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
10.07.09 UpRising Team Detail
09.07.09 High Fidelity Detail
06.07.09 UpRising Team Detail
24.06.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
23.06.09 Cutie Pies Detail
22.06.09 SW4T.vC Detail
19.06.09 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
14.06.09 Free Secret Old Team Detail
14.06.09 Happy Gay Team ok gaym Detail
10.06.09 SW4T.vC Detail
09.06.09 Happy Gay Team ok gay m Detail
06.06.09 Hope for Sunrise Detail
03.06.09 Happy Gay Team ok gay Detail
03.06.09 Vandenberg Detail
31.05.09 Happy Gay Team ok gay Detail
27.05.09 Immortal Gaming Team Detail
27.05.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
26.05.09 Free Secret Old Team Detail
24.05.09 Hope for Sunrise Detail
24.05.09 nExis Team Detail
23.05.09 Dilematix.vC Detail
22.05.09 Happy Gay Team no problemo Detail
22.05.09 Hard sQuad SCV GG Detail
21.05.09 Imperactiv Detail
20.05.09 High Fidelity Detail
18.05.09 Extract.vc Detail
17.05.09 Vandenberg Detail
10.05.09 MGZ Detail
10.05.09 Free Secret Old Team Detail
10.05.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
09.05.09 Hard sQuad SCV omg hrali ste fakt mrte ;;) Detail
09.05.09 NorthStars SQuad Detail
04.05.09 Chlazeny pivo Detail
03.05.09 Hard sQuad SCV - OLD GG Detail
02.05.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
02.05.09 Hope for Sunrise Detail
28.04.09 Hard sQuad SCV - OLD Nice Match Detail
08.04.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
29.03.09 Free Secret Old Team Detail
25.03.09 Bloody Shooterss stars gg Detail
22.03.09 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
21.03.09 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
18.03.09 Hard sQuad SCV - OLD Detail
17.03.09 Imperactiv Detail
14.03.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
13.03.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
08.03.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
08.03.09 IN-Dream Clan Detail
07.03.09 Heroes from Vietnam hnusná hra, kemp ala Happy Detail
04.03.09 Spiders_Alfa Detail
02.03.09 Foxi eSport club gg Detail
01.03.09 Mimo provoz Detail
27.02.09 Headshots in the row only Detail
26.02.09 eZection gg Detail
25.02.09 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
21.02.09 Vietcong clan Mexiko Detail
04.02.09 GIRL'S SQUAD Detail
02.02.09 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
27.01.09 Headshots in the row only Detail
26.01.09 Chlazeny pivo dobra hra:) Detail
25.01.09 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
24.01.09 nExis Team Detail
20.01.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
15.01.09 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
14.01.09 Happy Gay Team Detail
13.01.09 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
08.01.09 Happy Gay Team smrdí mi prdel vole Detail
07.01.09 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
18.11.08 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
13.11.08 Soldiers For Peace gg Detail
12.11.08 CyberLine GG :D Detail
12.11.08 Spiders_Alfa Detail
11.11.08 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
09.11.08 CyberLine Detail
05.11.08 CyberLine Detail
02.11.08 CyberLine gg Detail
23.09.08 Verya E-sports Team diky za hru Detail
22.09.08 Riders Clan Detail
21.09.08 Happy Gay Team Detail
20.09.08 H y D r O Detail
18.09.08 Liquidators vc Squads Kecy . . . a nemame wh leda vy . . . Detail
17.09.08 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
15.09.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
14.09.08 Happy Gay Team Detail
11.09.08 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
10.09.08 Happy Gay Team Detail
09.09.08 CyberLine Detail
08.09.08 Verya E-sports Team Detail
07.09.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
05.09.08 Happy Gay Team Detail
03.09.08 H y D r O Detail
01.09.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
31.08.08 Happy Gay Team Detail
30.08.08 DurEEEx xD good hra ae ten vysledek :-D Detail
28.08.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
28.08.08 Jezuite Detail
28.08.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
26.08.08 GIRL'S SQUAD Detail
24.08.08 Vandenberg Detail
20.08.08 Happy Gay Team ok gayme Detail
19.08.08 Jezuite Detail
16.08.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
15.08.08 Jezuite Detail
14.08.08 pHobia Detail
11.08.08 pHobia Díky za hru. Detail
09.08.08 Spiders_Beta Detail
07.08.08 Happy Gay Team Detail
05.08.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
04.08.08 Spiders_Beta Detail
04.08.08 GrEeat. fIghTeRsSs Detail
03.08.08 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
02.08.08 Death Commando Detail
02.08.08 Happy Gay Team super gayme Detail
31.07.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
26.07.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
24.07.08 Vandenberg Detail
23.07.08 Happy Gay Team ok Detail
22.07.08 GIRL'S SQUAD Detail
20.07.08 Spiders_Beta Detail
19.07.08 Black Shadows -.- Detail
16.07.08 Spiders_Beta Detail
14.07.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
14.07.08 Jezuite Detail
12.07.08 Spiders_Beta zly server Detail
10.07.08 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
10.07.08 Jezuite Detail
08.07.08 Vandenberg Detail
06.07.08 Bloody Shooters gg Detail
05.07.08 Spiders_Beta gg Detail
03.07.08 Bloody Shooters gg Detail
01.07.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
29.06.08 Jezuite Detail
28.06.08 Bloody Shooters Detail
24.06.08 Bloody Shooters GG, trochu vynerveny ale jina dik za hru Detail
23.06.08 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
23.06.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
21.06.08 Bloody Shooters Detail
12.06.08 Vandenberg Detail
11.06.08 Bloody Shooters Detail
06.06.08 Jezuite Detail
03.06.08 Bloody Shooters Detail
02.06.08 Bloody Shooters Detail
01.06.08 Flash-Team Detail
26.05.08 Killers from Tower Detail
25.05.08 czech vietcong clan gladiator Detail
22.05.08 Happy Gay Team Detail
20.05.08 Jezuite Detail
19.05.08 Bloody Shooters Detail
17.05.08 Heroic Killers of Vietnam Detail
15.05.08 Demons from underworld ach jo Detail
12.05.08 Killers from Tower Detail
11.05.08 Spiders_Beta blby kecy, kontumace Detail
11.05.08 9.BRF - Battalioni Detail
08.05.08 Happy Gay Team smrdim Detail
07.05.08 Jezuite Detail
04.05.08 Vandenberg Detail
02.05.08 Bloody Shooters Detail
01.05.08 Setkavsi se-Ltd. Detail
30.04.08 NeurotiX Team Detail
24.04.08 HOCHIMIN Detail
23.04.08 Setkavsi se-Ltd. Detail
22.04.08 Bloody Shooterss stars Detail
21.04.08 Heroes from Vietnam Detail
18.04.08 Jezuite Detail
13.04.08 Happy Gay Team Detail
10.04.08 Soldiers For Peace lagy, jinak domluva dobrá Detail
02.04.08 Liquidators vc Squads Detail
01.04.08 Libria Detail
31.03.08 Demons from underworld Detail
27.03.08 Jezuite blbe reci pri hre, hrali v presile kdyz nam spal hrac Detail
27.03.08 GIRL'S SQUAD Detail
21.03.08 Killers from Tower Detail
17.03.08 noTor_ Detail