Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Rating History Rating STBK e-sports team back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Battlefield 2142 Infantry Ladder created from rating comment match 24.09.08 Soldiers Of Ressurection Detail 22.09.08 Paranoia eSports BF Series Detail 01.09.08 WaRock Detail 17.07.08 Ex - XmG.2142 Detail 03.07.08 JuSt To KiLL Detail 30.06.08 Aero-Esports Detail 18.06.08 K-LibR.BF2142 Detail 12.06.08 XmG.2142 Detail 19.05.08 Veritas-Gaming 2142 Detail 15.05.08 In memory of Rafael N. Detail 13.05.08 UFO Team Detail 12.05.08 MaxFloPlaY.bf2142 Detail 11.05.08 zero.empathy' Detail 08.05.08 E.Qu4LitY Sports good game Detail 05.05.08 K-LibR.BF2142 Detail 29.04.08 XmG.2142 GG very good team and fairplay little problems for a player of your team Sorry Detail 28.04.08 Bataillon Francophone Pause / too late Detail 23.04.08 Team S4DroN Detail 21.04.08 EliteSquadGamers BF2142 Detail 20.04.08 K-LibR.BF2142 Detail 17.04.08 MaxFloPlaY.bf2142 gg Detail 16.04.08 italyteam GG Detail 10.04.08 XmG.2142 illegal pauses... Detail 06.04.08 Creative Organization Detail 03.04.08 Clan SpartanS infantry Detail 20.03.08 E.Qu4LitY Sports good game Detail