Rating Team 2lucky2die 

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Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy Hardcore 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.08.08 ArtiK old school Very good team ! Nice to play with you Detail
14.08.08 wtf DKC nice guys Detail
10.07.08 HKD CoD4 Team Nice Gamer.. Detail
15.06.08 E-Sports cOr3 Gamers Detail
15.06.08 european-moto-club machen sich bei warbeginn erstmal essen?! Detail
05.06.08 X-Treme.Club.CoD4.3on3 Hardcore Detail
05.06.08 NitroGaming Detail
04.06.08 Not So Serious Detail
01.06.08 E-Sports cOr3 Gamers GG Detail
21.05.08 Vikings of War gg nette gegner Detail